My fang! My precious extra special double fang! It must be here somewhere...We're back to normal fang-wise: The remaining extra fang has disappeared without a trace... Everyone - except Chilli - did a sigh of relief.
YOU will always be a "Double Fanger" to me sweetie!... I thought that was just THE coolest and will always remember you with it.. OH WAIT! I haz it!! It is lost because it still is there.. it just did the wonder woman invisible place trick.. yeah that's it!! :)) hehe
Chilli, you silly little kitten, be care you don't get stuck!
Mom found two of the cat cubes at Target at lunch today. They were lime green and cost $10.50USD. She could buy them for you and ship them to you but she doesn't know how you would be able to pay her back.
I am a Norwegian Forest Cat born April 2008. I live in an apartment in the city with my mom and my little sisfur Chilli, who came to live with us in November 2008. Feel free to follow our adventures as we grow up. Hearty purrs, Siena
It was fun while it lasted, Chilli. That is an adorable picture of you:)
Oh Poor Chilli! We feel for you!
Hugs and Purrs (and woofs from Tommy),
Tom, Tama-Chan and #1
Chilli, We are sorry you lost your fang. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Chilli, we hope you find it so you can put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy to give you a treat! We bet your mommy gave you a treat anyways.
I'm so sorry Chilli...I feel bad about you losing your fang but I couldn't help laughing at the picture!
I'll come over and help you find it Chilli!
Then you can make it into a totem and hang it around your neck to remind everyone of your "chosen" status.
Purrs Goldie
I'm sorry about the fang, but that's a really funny photo! You're adorable, Chilli!
We think the tooth fairy will know that you lost it and that you tried hard to find it...look under your pillow and we bet you find lots of goodies.
Oh dear. I hope you find it. I can sympathize having only three teeth left..
Well, Chilli, I'll bet your permanent fang is a lot bigger and stronger anyway!
YOU will always be a "Double Fanger" to me sweetie!... I thought that was just THE coolest and will always remember you with it.. OH WAIT! I haz it!!
It is lost because it still is there.. it just did the wonder woman invisible place trick.. yeah that's it!! :)) hehe
Chilli, you silly little kitten, be care you don't get stuck!
Mom found two of the cat cubes at Target at lunch today. They were lime green and cost $10.50USD. She could buy them for you and ship them to you but she doesn't know how you would be able to pay her back.
Oh, poor you can't be a vampire kitty no more....
Oh, Chilli! I am so sorry! you were so cute with double fands. Oh, wait, you are so cute any way!
So sorry for your loss, Chilli, but that picture of you is adorable!
Oh dear, where did it go? I hope you got a special treat from the tooth fairy!
It was really cool while it lasted...
James mag auch sehr gern so zwischen der Wand und dem bett Sachen "suchen"--aber wohl nicht sein Fang! :)
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