Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What I've been doing

Hi efurryone, it's me, Chilli! Did you miss me?
The last posts were all about Siena and celebrating her Gotcha Day. Strangely, mom has two days with NO pictures of little Siena, so I thought I'd take advantage and tell you what I've been up to in those past days and weeks.
With my upcoming graduation as a Gardening Cat (on my first birthday in a few days) I have been gardening whenever the weather was permitting it.And sometimes - even if the weather seemed okay - it's mom who doesn't permit it. Not fair! I need to check on things!
These lavender bushes are looking good!
Everything must be in prime condition. Here I'm checking the Hosta leaves from the downside for pests. Hard work, but I aspire to graduate summa cum laude.
I've even been gardening for hours in the other world behind our wall. Need as much practice as pawsible! Can you see me? Mom giggled when she spotted me.On my way back home I felt a creepy feeling when wanting to pass this open window.I felt like glowing eyes were watching me, a shiver ran all the way down my spine to the tip of my tail and I froze on the spot.
Brrr, I still shiver when I think of it. How strange - there isn't really anything in that window, is there? Biggify if you dare to look.
The other day I got some quality playtime with the neighbour's visiting girls. There were three of them and they absolutely adore me. And I adore feathers! A good combination. However, the neighbour managed to lose my feathers when he teased our neighbour cat Frida with it. And you shouldn't mess with Frida.The toy was a bit broken anyways and mended over and over again, but I was really sad as I loved it very much. It made me chatter! Here are some memory pictures of me and my beloved toy.

Our neighbour gave me a peacock feather as a making-up-present! Those are pawsome too!
Mom says I'm her little peachick and that the colour of my eyes reminds her of the colour of these feathers. Moms, sometimes they say really weird stuff!I'm having fun with this feather for sure. If I promise to be good 'til the 15th of August, I might get a new old feather toy.Okay then, I'll keep a low profile for a while. But for now, two new entries to the popular series 'What is wrong in this picture?'Check in tomorrow, I have loads to tell you!
Purrs, Chilli


Freya's Staff said...

Hi Chilli! That window IS scarey! I looked too!

Cezar and Léia said...

wow my dear Chilli! so many adorable pictures and video and visit in your garden! Thanks for so beautiful and lovely post!
We miss you for sure!
purrs and love
mommy Léia and Luna

Forever Foster said...

Chilli!!!! We have missed you! It's great to see your gorgeous face again:) Your peacock feather looks like a lot of fun. Fui loves any toy that has a feather, too.

Are you excited about your upcoming birthday?:)

Anonymous said...

Hi! It's about time you got to blog!! Those big sisfurs can be hoggish about blogging can't they? We love all your pictures of you gardening and playing with your feather....but that window was super creepy!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It's great to get your news, Chilli! You've obviously been working (and playing!) Very hard. We love all the photos!

Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan (and Tommy sends a woof!)

Cory said...

Jonesie is all excited to see your gardening pictures! She thinks she may need to start a gardening club or something like that. We have missed you sweet Chilli! We were brave and biggified the picture to see the eyes looking at us! We weren't scared!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post with so much in it. It looks like you've been really enjoying yourself. We love your garden and had no idea yoo were so good at gardening! Alfie is quite in awe of yoo!

Milo xx

Maya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Monica the Garden Faerie said...

Checking the undersides of plants is very important, because that's where smart bugs hide! Your gardening cat friends, James and Fiona (Wir sprechen mit unserer Oma deutsch!)

Maya said...

of course we have missed you! sweet pictures :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that open windor really was spooky. Looks like somethign rightout of a Steven King movie! Better proceed with Caution near it! Our mom LOL'd at the picture of you behind the wall (yer head looked so teensie~MOL) We love that you're back too! And, we want to let you know, we left an award on our page you you both! Have a great day and WTG with the gardening! Looks GRRR-8!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Chilli, those are great pictures of you. maybe when it is you birthday Mom will feature you for several days.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Yes I was just a little worried about you passing that window.

The Island Cats said...

Hi ya, Chilli! You sure have been busy!! And we got the same feeling about that something was watching us...

Mishkat said...

These are wonderful photos today, Chilli! Was that Frida in the window? (Franklin spies on everyone too, but he is not very scary!) We love feathers too - we like to destroy them, but fortunately birds are always dropping them around here.

Daisy said...

Hi Chilli! I peeked in the window and saw THE EYES! ::shivers::

Reese =^..^= said...

Hi Chilli! What is that??

BeadedTail said...

Hi Chilli! Good to see you! Lots of great photos today and yeah, that window was scarey! Can't wait to hear more from you!

Marlene said...

Hi Chilli!

So good to see you again. Can't wait til August 15th (one day before our Mom's birthday, but she's celebrating it on your birthday this year :)...)

Lovely pictures of you!

9 and Chani

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

LOvely to see you and what a lovely post. I enjoted catching up...

Hugs GJ x

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

Purrs! that was a pawsome fethfer toy. Maybe your hoomans will get you a new one. Looks like you are one busy kitteah! Enjoy your garden, is very purrrty =^_^=

Tuck said...

It's so good to see you again Chilli! I have missed your sweet little face!! Umm...I mean, well, I didn't mean to say that out loud. You do have a sweet face though...

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

It's always a feast of cute and beautiful kitty pics whenever I come. That window is a bit sinister. I saw two bright beady eyes. Love that one of you behind the wall; you look sooooo tiny.

Anonymous said...

That was a great post! We think that a peacock feather is the ultimate prize!

Quill and Greyson said...

I couldn't resist a comment, Hi sweet Chilli! We've missed your pretty face, you are looking very almost lady-catish.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Wow, ya been busy wif ecitin stuff!. Gardening, glowing-eyed windows, fevvers, etc.

JC said...

I loved seeing what you'd been up to ...

Did someone get out of the screened ... or unscreened ... window ?

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We have been missing hearing about your many adventures!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

WE have missed you guys! Looks like you have been busy too, just like my mom has. Hope to catch up more with you now, as things get less hectic.

Ellen Whyte said...

Eeeek at the scary window! Time to fluff up your tail.

Terrific pics. Looking forward to seeing more.

Anonymous said...

We are tired just thinking about all you have been doing with your jobs! We did biggiefy the photo and WOWZA! Look at those peepers☺

Miss Lizzy said...

Just love the pic of Chilli's little head and ears peeking over the wall!

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