Monday, November 16, 2009

The world needs more boxes

A big thank you to all my furriends for the nice words for my Gotcha Day. I really hope you enjoyed hearing my story again. We had a great weekend as it wasn't only my Gotcha Day on Saturday, but the other type of human's birthday on Sunday too. I really enjoyed the packages he got from his family. Nothing beats a good box. I think he enjoyed them too.
Have a good start into the week!
Purrs, Chilli


Anonymous said...

Awww ~ we are glad yoo had a nice birthday and the boxes are great fun! Happy Birthday to yoor human too!

Milo and Alfie xx

Marlene said...

Happy Birthday to the other type human! Glad you enjoyed your weekend, Chilli!

Siena, if you want that sketch, just let our mom know where to send it! Here email is:

marlene_hirose at yahoo dot com

9 and Chani

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is so nice that they sent you boxes to play in for your Gotcha Day. Happy Birthday to the other type of human.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Wow, Sunday was a popular day for bean birthdays.....your human, our sisterbean, and the Zhuman at Zooaltry.

Happy belated birthday to your bean.


JC said...

You are very talented. Looks like you are sitting sideways in the box. I had to enlarge it for a bigger look.

Happy Birthday to both of you ...

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Happy late Gotchya Day. Sorry I am late visiting but I didn't get any computer time this weekend. Hope you are having fun in your box. Looks like a great place to hide in.

The Creek Cats said...

Boxes are the greatest invention!

Happy Purrtday to the other type human!!

Annie Bear said...

Great pics, Miss Chilli, of you in the boxes! So cute! Happy Birthday to the other type of human!

Yes, I loved your Gotcha Day post, pics and videos. Also, loved learning what a great teacher Siena has been to you has a big sis!


p.s. Britta, yes I understand about not wanting to change your blog. If you ever change your mind, just let me know. It's look great as is though!

Anonymous said...

Happy Gotchya day!!! Sorry we missed it. Mom was furry busy this weekend (hence the reason we didn't get a post too!) We are having a purrday pawty for Skeeter's 13th tomorrow. We hope you can make it!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Yes, Chilli! Boxes are best!!! We're so glad you had a good celebration weekend!

Cindy said...

Nothing like a good box! My kids think so too.

The Island Cats said...

We love boxes too! We bet the other type human loved watching you play in his boxes! We hope he had a fun birthday!

Anonymous said...

We agree boxes are the best. We are always telling photoguy to get some new shoes, his feet are so big, those boxes are just the perfect size for us.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a great box that you got. Happy birthday to the human too.

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Mom leaves a box on the table just for our kitty brothers and sister. They love it and take turns sleeping in it.

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

Noll's Nip said...


CCL Wendy said...

Sometimes boxes are better than the things that come in them! You sure look like you're having a great time there, Chilli!

Becky's Barnyard said...

You are right; nothing like a good box to have fun. And loved your life story. You are a pretty thing.

Ellen Whyte said...

Happy Gotcha Day! And Happy Birthday to the human, too. That looks like a great box. Your present?

Cory said...

Happy Birthday to your nice of him to share his boxes with you!

BeadedTail said...

We're glad you had a great Gotcha Day! Happy Birthday to the other type of human too!

quiltcat said...

Hi Chilli. You look very cute in your boxes! We love boxes, too. In fact, we insist they be part of the decor at all times. We hope the other type of human had a very happy birthday, too.

Tuck said...

I'm glad you had a nice Gotcha Day!! And you got some boxes...lucky lady!

Quill and Greyson said...

Did he try to play in the boxes too?

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

There are VERY few things as wonderful as a box!!

Cezar and Léia said...

I totally agree with you dear friends, I love boxes!
It's so funny to play inside and outside! :)
By the way, my beans were travelling again last weekend, and they changed train destination at your city (train station).Mommy said your city is really cool and she loved all lights at night.
She visited Berlin, it's far away isn't it?She liked Berlin a lot!
And today I'm really happy because she is here at home by my side!
So...time for a great catnap!?
purrs and love
your friend

Bruce said...

I don't care too much for boxes, but Munch does! Happy Birthday!

Monica the Garden Faerie said...

Hey, your other type of human shares a birthday with our only type of human! And we didn't even get tuna--we ask you! ~James and Fiona

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Hope your human had a great birthday! Looks like you all were the lucky ones with a box like that!!!!!

Did your mom finally get her fleece?

Dma said...

i hope your human enjoyed what was in the box as much as you enjoyed the box itself.

Anonymous said...

Boxes happen to be ther furry bestest places to play in the whole, wide world☺

Angel Simba said...

Really, they should just mail you empty boxes - no need to have presents in them!

Luna und Luzie said...

Happy belated birthday !
Sorry we missed your gotcha day.
Love the post about that!
Boxes are great we love that too!
Oh, ;o) ich vergesse immer, dass ich hier auch Deutsch schreiben kann.

Ich weiß auch nicht, warum der Olli immer seine Freunde mitbringt...kommt Olli nach Hause ..schwupp ist immer irgendeiner dabei! Der ist dann auch ganz lieb zu denen und putzt sie und gibt Headbutts. Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass die Zicken ihn immer anfauchen und er merkt, dass sie ihn ablehnen.
purrs und liebe Grüße
Stefanie und die Mietzies

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Happy Birthday to your human too! Good to have new boxes to play with.

Your guess is too far north. The Chinese were there for 1000 years, that's why it looks Chinese but no.

I slink away whenever SS comes near me with the flashy box, so there has been no photos of me lately.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That was a wonderful birthday! Oh yes!! My mom saves all boxes... till they falls apart!

La pandilla said...

Siiiiii las cajas son lo maximo , son tan divertidas nos encantan :D prrrr tnto tanto como a ti :D que feliz e te ve .

Miss Lizzy said...

Chilli, did you get the other type of human a birthday present? I'm glad that everyone had a good weekend! We did too! Hope you are having a good week!

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