today is a special day for us because we helped mom to harvest our nip seeds.
The seed we harvested are from the original plants Chilli raised as her masterpiece for her Gardening Cat Examination last year. She did such a good job on the plants and they came back nicely this year.
Harvesting the seed is a delicate job and we watched mom closely while she did it.
Chilli takes special pride in these plants so she watched even closer.
We got a nice little pile of seeds! Then mom went outside for a second to throw away the debris and when she came back in an 'accident' had happened:
Chillimus was ON the table rolling around IN the nip seeds! That little sisfur!
Siena Snowfox

Siena Snowfox
Does Chili always stare that intently? or is that due to the catnip? lol
Hahahaha! Chilli, you are a hilarious little lady cat.
Ha! Chili just couldn't resist testing those seeds herself! Are they potent enough, Chili?
Oh my...seeds everywhere but in the ground?! What will happen in next years garden? Will Chilli be forgiven by Siena? Was a roll in the seeds worth it??
Stay tuned for the next episode of "As the Garden Turns"...
xoxo Cory
MOL!!!!!! We totally understand, Chilli.....when it comes to nip, a kitty can only be patient for so long!!!!!!! We think you were grand to be patient as long as you were!!!!! xxxxxxx
Hahahahaha! Well, c'mon! It's nip--how could your mom just leave the seeds there and not expect anyone to roll in them? :-D
wow you understand so much about gardening, great work there helping your mommy, congratulations!
We love Luna
Did you save enough to plant more? We think it would be fun to have our own fresh nip!
We are impressed! Although we hope you were able to save a few nip seeds from Chilli after all that work!
P.S. We know you saw this, but we're very proud that our mom finally got it together so we could do Thursday in the Garden with all the other gardening cats.
Chilli is always getting into things isn't she ... what a cutie !!!
Chilli - we thought those seeds had been left there for you to roll in and enjoy the moment!!
MOL!!! Silly Chilli!
Well, what'd your mom expect? They are NIP seeds! How could Chilli resist? MOL!
Oh that is so funny - the seeds must smell really good and nippy! We hope that you were able to save most of them so you can plant more for next year! And we hope that no nip plants start to grow on Chilli (though that would make her extremely popular!)
We are very impressed with your harvesting of nip seeds.
Uh oh! I love the picture with the garden in the background. Very pretty.
That was pretty cool, but rolling in the Nip? Whoever heard of such a thing!!!
Oh Chilli, you just wanted to make sure there was an even distribution of seeds, right???
Good job!
9 and Chani
Our word verification is: fiddli...
So, Chilli was just "fiddli"ng with the seeds, right?
Chilli, the nip seed roller!!hehe...You are a silly, gorgeous sweetie!!...Have a fun day, beautiful girls...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Mom never should have turned around! That is what nip is for.
Oh no, Chilli! Are those nip seeds gonna sprout on you?? Haha!!
Looks like enough seeds were remaining to be able to get some plants next year. I hadn't thought of collecting the seeds fro my plant - I will have to check into the possibility.
Oh dear Chilli
I guess the nip seeds were to tempting not to try out!
We hope your Mom was able to salvage a few for next year!
MOL. Chilli, you are so funny (and cute)!
Oh, Chillimus, what a little stinker you are!
Chilli loves those seeds so much she just wants to be close to them! LOL!
I'll bet Mama had fun cleaning up after her.
We know we shudn't have ~ but we larfed and larfed at wot Chilli had "accidently" done! MOL!
Tee Hee Heeeeeee! What a naughty Chilli!
Ha ha ha! That WAS naughty. Now Chilli will grow catnip in her fur!
Oh Chilli!! That look on your face is PRICELESS!! We love how you are so excited about the nip!! Man! With all those seeds you guys are going to have a FOREST of nip!! Can we come camp out in it when you do??? We could sit around a fire eating nip and singing all sorts of cat songs while the wind gently blows through your nip forest that is over our heads and protecting us from the dangers of the night...we will sleep like babies as the odor of the nip puts us into a sweet and gentle yet profound sleep..then, in the morning, we will wake up to the songs of birds singing way up high (ha! no pun intended!!) in your nip trees in your nip forest. Wow...sounds kinda like I've been nippin' too much on the nip!! Shhh! Don't tell mom!! Purrs, Lautrec
uh oh! Did she eat any seeds? Where will they sprout out of? Horrors!
LOL, that's no accident! That's an on purpose! :)
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