today we are thankful that we suceeded in helping our mom heal. And it was easy - we just had to sit and purr on her.

You see, mom went into surgery on Monday because she had an inguinal hernia. From what we understood that is a rupture in the soft parts of her belly.
We loved and purred on her a lot. That always does the trick. There's pawsibly nothing that kitty love can't cure.
And although she still hobbles and shuffles around she says she's feeling a lot better thanks to our care.
Actually, we could get used to having her home all day sitting still in a comfy arm chair and to that comfy sick bed of her's on our floor. Our work isn't done here!
Siena & Chilli, kitty nurses
Nothing is better than a sweet, purring kitty laying across a tummy!. Get well!.
Your mom is very lucky to have such attentive healers such as yourselves, Siena and Chilli. We hope she heals quickly but not so quickly that you don't get to enjoy her stay at home time :D
9 and Chani
It is so good to see you Siena & Chilli, it seems as if it has been ages since we have gotten by for a visit. We are sending healing purrs to your Mom, we are so sorry she has been sick but we are glad she has had the opportunity to spend more time with you.
We're glad your mum is on the mend!!! Yes kitty lovin' is the best medicine :-)
Oh, purrs to your mom for her recovery! We're sure your nursing and purring has done wonders for her.
Our mom has a friend in Montreal who recently had her THIRD hernia surgery! Yikes!
Owie - so sorry to hear about your mom's surgery. Dat's no fun for her at all. I'm sure tho that she'll heal extra quick with you and Sienna purring for her and taking care of her. I'm sending purrs too: purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr
We're so glad your mom is doing better...and we know it's all because of you two!
Nursing your human is furry impawtant work. Sounds like you're doing a wonderful job of it.
Thank Cod your Mom has the two of you there to heal her right up! Mom send her hugs to all of you and I send healing and loving purrs!
We are glad your Mom is doing better. We know you girls will take good care of her!
I'm so glad your mom is doing better. Mom Paula says Sweet Praline helped her heal through all of her surgeries the past 4 years.
Oh, I'm so glad you two girls are taking such good care of your mom! I hope she continues to heal and feel better!
Oh my! We are sure your mum's tum was very tender and we hope you purrs helped her rest...us, we woulda been poking her with our prodding paws and preventing her from sleepin'...you were good kitties!
we hope your Mom gets well soon!
We're glad your mum has such brilliant (and beautiful!) nurses to care for her. We're sending big smoochy purrs, and hope she feel well healed very soon.
Good job. Glad your mom is feeling better.
Your mom is so lucky to have 2 of the sweetest and most beautiful nurses on the planet to take care of her.
Sending healing purrs to your mom!
xoxo Cory
Purrs, purrs, purrs to your mom. She is fortunate to have 2 such lovely kitties to look after her. we have missed you but didn't know that your mom was unwell.
Oh Dear !!! I send lots of lots of purrs to your mom !!!
I hope she have the best healing !
Sorry, I didn't visit you for so long. I just notice I stop do blogging on Friday- Sunday ( Long time ago ) and You do blogging on Thursday ( which is my Friday ), That's why I didn't see you for so long. Miss you two though .
Please Take Care
The power of purrrrrrs, nothing works better than that. This is the bestest of the best care your mommie can have.
I hope your Mom continues to get better. Purrs and fur always help.
Vaya!! Espero que te recuperes pronto, desde luego con esas enfermeras que tienes, seguro que lo harás rápido.
Te enviamos un abrazo fuerte!
Carmen y familia.
Poor Mom!!!!
You two can work wonders so I bet she will feel much better real soon!
Banshee, Goldie and Shade
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