You know what?

two years and two months blogoversary!
Time has flown by since that 10th of October 2008 when Siena started this bloggie.
This year hasn't been so good bloggingwise due to mom being a bit of a worry to us. We forgive her for being such bad help because we love her. And she loves us! At the end of the day that's the most impawtant thing.
But we want you to know that we're lurking around and enjoying your adventures, even though we're scarcely commenting these days.

Many kittykisses to all our furriends,
Siena Snowfox & Chillimus Prettypuss
So good to see you. I haven't been able to visit as much lately either, so I understand.
Have a great weekend!
Congrats on your Blogaversary !!!
I too have been commenting only once in a while.
You two look so cute together ... Mew At You Later,
JC & The Purr Gang
Siena that last pic - Mind if I gove you a tummy rub? Im sure we'd both enjoy it!!!
Congratulations on the Blogoversary! Yep, we always read our friends blogs even if we don't have time to comment. I hope you have a terrific weekend!
Congratulations on your 26th month blogoversary!
The mom doesn't always have time to comment, either, and usually doesn't on weekends except for the "big" stuff. Blogging should be fun, done without obligation. So enjoy it when you have the time and don't "worry" about it when you don't. :-)
Happy Blogoversary!!! So we have been SIFs for 2 years. SS is itiching to rub that tummy.
Congrats on your anniversary! Our mom has been out of touch too, but we still read and love everyone.
Happy "2 Years and 2 Months" Blogiversary! Its hard ta beleef its been that long already!
Happy 2-2! We would love to join you for some fun and games!
The Chans
Happy blogoversary for two years two months !
I really enjoy your photos of you two.
We are glad to see you. WE will be right over to party!
Happy Blogoversary!!! Here's to many more years of blogging and furiendship!!
Happy Blogaversary. We wondered why you don't visit anymore. Everything OK?
PeeEssWoo: Furry nice floof ;-)
ConCats on 2 years and 2 months! That's a fun number to celebrate, since there are TWO of you!
As for the lurking...we thought we felt a sleek and a floof looking over our shoulders!
Happiest of Blogoversaries Ladies! We have loved being here for every post. We adore you all!
Happy Blogaversary!!
Two years and two months is a very, very long time!!
I hope mine makes it that long!
Have a wonderful holiday!
Congrats on your blogaversary! LOVE that tummy floofage!!
As a lover of the fur babies I thoroughly enjoyed these feline images and prose!=^.^=
Congratulation on your 2 years 2 month blogaversary !!
Hope you have a lovely weekend .
Always purrs and paws.
With much love,
hollythecat family.
Congrats you guys, and big cuddles to you both!!
Hi guys, we're glad yoo're alright. This can be a busy time of year for efurrybuddy, so tell yoor mom not to worry.
Concats on over two years of blogging!
Congrats furiends!!!! Nice to see your cute selves!! 2010 has not been the best year in our blogging history too. Things happen.
Actually it was our three year blogaversary yesterday but the PM just let it go. Maybe we'll celebrate midyear.
We'd love to come watch some BRD-TV with you!!
Purrs, your friends from the woods
Bonjour sweet friends!
Concatulations , I'm a big fan of your blog and I love you so much!
Your pictures are always beautiful, a gift to your friends and fans! :)
Here is so cold these days, better stay inside home and take long naps!
purrs and love
Luna - WE LOVE LUNA and my mommy Léia is sending lots of hugs!
Kitty kisses to you too friends. We've missed you, but know how it gets with oomans.
We missed your Blogaversary, hope it was a happy one.
We understand about your Mom not feeling like posting. Our Mom had some health stuff and we didn't post for months!
Hope your Mom is feeling better today..
Happy Weekend!
~ Anna Sue
Hi, beautiful girls, congratulations on your 2 year, 2 month Blogoversary!...We are on our way over to help you guys celebrate with belly rubs and mousie hunts and some bird watching too!!...We look forward to spending such fun times with our gorgeous friends...kisses, sweeties...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Happy Blogaversay to you - comments sometimes seem to take a lot of time and if you can't visit
everyday it doesn't matter - once in a while is good.
Happy 2nd plus 2 months Blogoversary. We love it and purr just knowing you are lurking out there.
Mom has been struggling to keep up our visiting and commenting and we admit we have been reading all our furriends adventures but can't always comment because of mom's work schedule getting crazy and the holidays and...and...all big fat excuses as far as us kitties are concerned, but we have to take what we get!
Purrs to you my beautiful furriends!
Happy Blogaversary! All of you look great!
We hope it's been a happy 2 years and 2 months for you. We have enjoyed your posts and hope for more.
That's a cool blogoversary to celebrate! A bit different from the usual one. So nice to see you sweet girls. We hope things are better for your Mom now and she isn't so much of a worry for you, as you surely love her to bits! We don't always get to comment, though we do read our urriends' blogs every day. Purrs.
Y parece que fue ayer... nosotras llevamos desde el 2006! Casi 5 años ya!!!
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