Dearest furriends,
we have excellent news: mom handed in her thesis! She did it today two weeks ago - we are all overjoyed since that day.
It was quite a struggle to get her to this point, believe us. We never mastered the strength to tell you that mom and the other type of human broke up shortly before Christmas. It was too sad for all of us. After ten years with him as her partner mom felt devastated. She was firmly convinced she couldn't write her work. Chillimus and I had to work FULL TIME to help her. It was our ultimate challenge as student cats.

I sat on her papers. And always had a loving...

... and watchful eye on her.

Chillimus loved on her. A lot.

And mom soaked that love right up!

Chilli also made sure mom didn't forget anything when she left to work at university.

All three of us worked so hard - it was very exhausting.
But the hard work paid off and now mom is free to get on with her life. We are both very relieved and PROUD that mom suceeded despite the difficult circumstances. We never doubted you a moment mom!
We hope we can get her back to blogging regularly once her strength is restored.
See you soon!
Siena & Chilli
Congratulations to your Mom on completing her Thesis! We know you tow helped her through the struggle!
WE are sorry that the other human left. You two need to give your Mom a lot of comfort!
What an accomplishment! We are quivering 13 tails straight up with excitement for your Mom. We bet she is so relieved to have that over with. Does she have to defend, or is it done for good?
We are so sorry you Mom's relationship ended. It's always a sad thing, and we're glad she had you two to love and be loved by.
Kissies! And we hope to see you gals again soon.
A big congratulations to your mom on a job well doine under not the best of circumstances. She can be very proud of herself for reaching this point, and I'm sure it was partly her determinaiton, and yur help that got her there. So happy you are back cuz we missed you.
Dann gratuliere ich euch allen dreien, dass ihr dieses schwere Stück Arbeit gemeinsam bewältigt habt - und das unter solch schwierigen Umständen! Ihr könnt wirklich sehr stolz sein!
Ich freue mich sehr, wenn nun wieder öfter von euch zu lesen ist...
LG Christina
Congrats to your mom on her thesis.. I am sorry she had to experience that sadness.. I know exactly what she is going through...((HUGS))
Concatulations to your Mum!
That is just the very BEST news about Mom's thesis! And you both clearly worked very hard to see that she accomplished it.
Mom and I are sorry to hear the news about the relationship with the other human ending. Now that the thesis is finished, perhaps a new human relationship will be out there to supplement the very important one she has with you two, waiting for her to find it.
I am so sorryy tha your mum broke up with her partner but I am so glaad that she had both of you to love and help her through. Your mum has pickedherself up and completed her work and that is great. Its onward and upward now and with you two behind her she cant fail.. Lovely to see see you all.. Hugs GJ x
Well, hooray, hooray, hooray to Mom for finishing that paper thingy. I'm sorry to hear about the break-up, but I know you were there for her. Hey, did you know that we've been missing you and I got a new sister while you were away?
Congratulations to your mom! That is such wonderful news. We join you in being proud of her!
We are very sorry to hear about your mom and the other type human. We know how heartbreaking that can be. So glad that you and Chilli were there for her!
Looking forward to seeing you blog again :)
We're delighted to see a post from you and sending our most exuberant concatulations to your mom. That's an amazing achievement and we hope she's very, very proud of herself. Also proud for being an emotional survivor...our mom says, been there, done that. We're glad she has you for comfort and for joy.
(((Hugs))) and kitty kisses to all!
Hooray for your mom, that is something to be very proud of!
MeWowZa! Your mommy is both brainy and brave. Our Teri know how hard it is to dig in and just keep going when one loses a love...but we bet you loved her extra to keep her 'eyes on the prize'...Congrats to her!!
YAHOOOOOO to your mummy, but I know she couldn't have done it without you guys!
Concatulations to your Mommy!! That is one heck of an accomplishment! She should be soooo proud and the two of you should be proud too for all of your help! Mommy is one strong lady and she will be just fine!!
BIG concats to your mom on such a huge accomplishment in spite of very difficult circumstances. We are joining the Katnip Lounge in a 10 tail salute (Grete is joining in too)!
We know that you are going to be there for your mom to purr her through this...and we are here too.
xoxo Cory and family
Congratulations to your Mom for completing her thesis!!
We know you two played a big part in helping her through the rough parts with the other human and we know you two are the best helpers! Big purrs and smooches from us to you and your Mom!
Congratulations to your mom and two wonderful furry helpers on completing her Thesis! We are so sorry to hear about the breakup but know the three of you are one happy and strong family. It's great to have you back!
Great to have you back, LSIF! Big Concats to your mom. Well done!!!! We have never doubted that she would make it despite adversity. Bet she is so relieved that it is over and done. SS remembers and treasures that moment when she put the thesis on the counter of the faculty office. The coffee that she had that afternoon was the best ever.
We are so sorry to hear about the breakup although we kind of sensed that it was coming. SS empathizes with your mom because the same happened to her during her time of study.
Time to start a chapter in life. All our best wishes go with you!!!
We were just thinking about you so much this week. Concats to all three of you! You are strong and amazing ladies.
We're sorry to hear about your Mom's heartache, but kitty purrs are the best medicine. She will find someone who loves her and thinks she is the very best... which she is!
Siena and Chilli are both great student cats and conforters. You were able to really help your Mom out. Being a student cat is difficult as I know so concatulations on a job well done.
I'm sure woo two have been purry helpful in the healing process!
Congratulations to your mom!! That is awesome!! And we know you two were such a big help to her!!
We hope to see you soon! We've missed you!
Concats to your mummy! Do we now have to call her Doc? And do you two get titles too?
We are glad there was some good news to go with the bad news. Congratulations to your human mom for her big accomplishment.
Congratulations to your Mom , and I do proud of you...To get to be a boss of Smart Mom..heh..heh
ConcATUlations to your sweet mommy, she is very special!
Love to you all
Well done, girls (YES! ALL 3 OF YOU!!!). We never doubted that you would make it!
So glad to have you back. We really missed you!
The Chans
Congratulations!!! Completing your thesis is a wonderful accomplishment and of course could not be done without help from Siena and Chilli :-)
So sorry that you were sad about your relationship ending, 10 years is a long time together and it will be an adjustment being single again. Thankfully you had something important and productive to focus your attentions on!
Congratulations on completing your thesis! I'm very sorry about the other human leaving, but it sounds like you guys did a fantastic job in loving her. :)
Welcome back!
Congratulations to your Mom!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch !
Och, da weiß man gar nicht was man dazu sagen soll. Dass du das geschafft hast unter diesen schwierigen Umständen ist eine echte Leistung. Ja ihr könnt stolz auf euch sein.
Wir freuen uns zu lesen, dass ihr euer Leben trotz Trennung so gut im Griff habt.
Alles Liebe wünschen euch
Stefanie und die Mietzekatzen
Congratulations on completing your thesis. It is a tremendous accomplishment. All the best.
Congratulations on the thesis! What's it on? (Pisi & Squeak)
congrats to all of you on finishing the thesis! i can't imagine writing one of those. :/
i'm really sorry to hear about your dad leaving.... it's good that she's had you guys to help her get through this really really hard time. :( i hope your mom is alright.
Congratulations to your mom on finishing her thesis! That is awesome and and quite an accomplishment. :)
We are very sorry to hear about her relationship ending. She is so lucky to have you two to take good care of her.
Hugs to you all.
We are so sorry the Mom an her guy split up. But we are proud of yer Mom for getting through all the werk in spite of the sad stuff. Give her headbutts an nose kissies fer us!
Schön, dass Ihr trotz der Umstände nun wieder da seid :-)
Congratulations to yoor Mom! We are sure you two helped a lot!
yeah fur da mommie, dat iz furry hard werk..
Me has dejado sorprendida y algo triste... Siento mucho que ya no estés con Tim... y me alegro mucho de que al fin hayas terminado tu tesis, que sé que te habías propuesto terminarla durante este año, ¡y lo has logrado!
¿Cuándo vuelves a Tenerife? Jeje... ¡¡necesitas unas vacaciones!! Y ahora podremos hablar todo el español que tú quieras, ¡jajajaja!
¡¡Muchos besos!!
congratulate your mom on her submission (thesis) and admission (end of relationship).. we are thinking of her and you and feel sure that your loving has made the world of difference. Love Darcy and Bingley (and Helen)
Wow - you two kitty kats sure know how to take care of your Mom :) You two are sweethearts!
Please continue to take care of her. Congrats on her thesis too!
well done.
very sorry to hear about the break up. Life is a journey and you never know what more adventures are awaiting for you.
Chin up darl! Look forward to seeing more of you three gorgeous ladies!
x me n Sushi
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