Monday, March 30, 2009

Sisterly duties

What started out as a marvellous day yesterday took a wicked turn in the evening. It was lovely sunny and Chilli and me got to go outside again. We were so happy 'cos it had rained and rained the last days. Mommy even let Chilli explore on her own, dragging her red harness behind her - but looking what she was doing all the time. Everything was purrfect: I was on staring down duty with the neighbours again and Chilli was exploring and almost caught her first fly.
But then it came to a fight between Frida and me, I lost my collar with my ID-tag (again!) somewhere and we had to go inside. Mom didn't see if there was a fight as I was on their side of the wall, but there was screaming, things falling over with loud noise and I came flying back over the wall. Except for a racy heart, I was unharmed though.
When mom came inside too after quite a long while of gardening she smelled something strange. She saw then that poor Chilli had the squirts and didn't make it to the litter box. As Chilli saw mom she ran to the box and had 'it' again. Then she yowled and threw up her whole breakfast behind the couch. It was gross - huge as a big dog's pooh. She had the squirts a few times yesterday and this morning too. I have sent mom off to buy a chicken leg which is now boiling away. Chilli seems livelier than yesterday when she burrowed under the duvet and slept a very long time.
Mom is making sure she's drinking enough. She's wondering what could have caused such a bad reaction in Chilli - if it was too exciting to be outside or if she nibbled on a plant that did her harm...? We are looking forward to the cooked chicken and the chicken broth and are hoping that Chilli will be fine by today's evening. She surely doesn't want to go to the vet any time soon! I am on sisterly caring duties of course.
Oh, I wanted to thank efurryone who voted for me in the Kitty Fight Club! Thank you!
Purrs, Siena


Tuck said...

Poor Chilli! I hope you are feeling better soon. Being sick is no fun. And Siena you are such a good sister! You deserve some extra treats for taking such good care of your sis!

Monica the Garden Faerie said...

Siena, I also have a cat who wants to fight with me, in my own garden, and I don't like it. I *do* like to lose my collar and ID tag (I know who I am!), but the Hoomin kept getting a new one, so I just gave in. James and I hope Chilli is feeling better soon. ~Fiona

Cory said...

Chilli! It sounds like you ate something icky that maybe you shouldn't have eaten...uh oh! We are purring that you feel better really soon because if you don't you probably won't avoid that trip to the v-e-t.

Siena, you losing your collar and tag reminds us of our Lewis...neighborhood fight cat who always lost his collars and tags in battles. Mom couldn't keep up so he almost never wore the tag that said "Lewis"...he was usually wearing another cats tag since it was the phone number and address that was most important.

Forever Foster said...

Oh Chilli, you poor little thing. It does sound like you had a taste of something that you shouldn't have been tasting.We hope you are feeling better already. It's no fun when you're poorly.

Siena, I lose my collar tags all the time. It's a sport to me!:)

quiltcat said...

Poor Chilli! It sounds like she ate something that disagreed with her. Also, hate to say this, but she may be severely constipated (the liquid stuff makes its way around the blockage). I hope that if she's not feeling better today your mom can take her to the v.e.t. As for losing your collar, Siena...we bet it's over on your neighbor's deck! Hope you can keep things down to just staring and growling, no fighting.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Oh Poor, POOR little Chilli! We feel so very sorry for her. The story reminds us of when Tom, aged only about 6 months licked a toad or poisonous caterpillar and foamed at the mouth and couldn't eat for 24 hours. #1 took a very similar photo of him looking sorry for himself under a blankie. We suspect that Chilli ate something rotten and her body "just said NO."

Get better soon, little Chilli!

Woofs, Purrs and Hugs,
Tom, Tama-Chan and #1

PS: You're clearly being a lovely, caring sister. Siena!

Country Cats said...

Poor Chilli. :-( We hope you are feeling better. Enjoy that yummy chicken!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Siena, You are a good sister to take care of Chilli! We hope she is better today. It's no fun being sick.

The Creek Cats said...

Oh no!! Having the squirts is no fun at all! We are having that problem around our house with a couple of us kitties. Mom can't figure out what could be wrong. Boiled chicken and rice is really great and so is canned pumpkin, although none of us will touch it. We sure hope you feel better very soon dear. Looks like Siena will be taking great care of you while you recover. Siena, we sure hope you are able to find your collar and ID tag!

Thanks so much for the tribute to Cal in your sidebar. It means so much to us!

TabbyNormal said...

Awwww, Chilli.... that a BUMMER. No pun intended! We hope you are feeling a lot better today. Keep us updated!

Abby & Stygia

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh, poor Chilli! We hope the chick-hen makes your tummy and squirts all betters! And Siena, be careful of that cat neighbor! We don't wants anything to happens to you!

Mishkat said...

Poor Chilli! I hope she's feeling better. Maybe your mom is right, and she ate a bit of something outside?

And that fight sounds pretty scary - did you win :)?

Rusty said...

I hope that Chilli feels better soon.

I've given you an award. You can find out the details on my blog.

Anonymous said...

We hope you feel better real soon, Chilli:) You're so lucky to have your sister looking after you.

Miss Lizzy said...

Poor dear Chilli -- I do hope you are feeling better! Sounds like a very exciting cat fight, Sienna. Tiger got in a cat fight one time and had a notch taken out of his ear, so watch out! You don't want to spoil your lovely looks!

Elin said...

What ever it is guys..have a happy day!


The Monkeys said...

Poor Chilli! I hope she's okay!

Daisy said...

Oh dear, I am very sorry that your wonderful day was spoilt! I sure hope Chilli is all better soon.

Cliff and Olivia said...

Dear Chilli and Siena. First of all we hope Chilli will be getting better very soon. And Siena you're a wonderful sister. Chicken broth helped Cliff a lot when he was ill in December. We'll be thinking of you both.

Marlene said...

Awww! Chilli, I hope you feel better.

Sending good, healing thoughts your way.

9 and Chani

Anita said...

Qué susto amigas! Pudo ser una planta tóxica o con algún insecticida. Si no mejora hoy llévala al veterinario pudo haber comido algo venenoso.

Chilli mejórate pronto! Te envío mis poderes curativos...


Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

We hope that Chilli is feelin' better ... Barf an' litter box issues aren't much fun. Mr. Fuzzypants has a hairball an' Mom stepped in what he'd recently barfed up. Eeewww ... Cold and wet. Yuck.

meemsnyc said...

Awwww, Poor Chilli. We are so sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. Please feel better soon.

The Island Cats said...

Oh we hope Chilli is feeling better! Could be she nibbled on something she shouldn't have! Good for you taking care of her!

Sorry you got into a scuffle with Frida...we bet you won!

Misha said...

Stinky squirts! Eeeeww! I hope she feels better soon, for both your sakes!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I sure hope you are ok, Chilli! Squirts and yakkin' is not fun. I hope you did not eat something bad outside.

Anonymous said...

Siena you are a good big sis to take care of Chilli. I hope she feels better really soon. I'm sure the chicken will help her tummy. Licking her head might help too.....


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We hope you are soon feeling better Chilli. You are a very good nurse to look after your sister Siena.

Mickey's Musings said...

Siena,we hope you got a few good wacks in before you came back over the wall ;) heehee
We will send Chilli some healing purrs so she feels better soon!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Poor little Chilli!!!!!! So sorry to hear of you are under the weather! You snuggle down with your big sis and get better real quick!!

Love the shots of you gals out in the garden!

Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Poor Chilli~
I am purring and praying for you hope you will be ok!

Quill and Greyson said...

A fight, barfing and the squirts! Oh my goodness! So sorry your day turned sour.

Chilli are you feeling okay now sweetie? Hope you are better.

LSIF I hope you showed that Frida who was boss!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Poor Chilli. I hope everything is better in the morning!

BeadedTail said...

Oh Chilli, I hope you feel better soon. Siena, it's very nice of you to watch after her and I hope you don't get into any more fights outside.

Ellen Whyte said...

Poor Chilli! But you are OK and taking good care of her so hopefully your next post will be more cheerful. Take care. Meow!

Mr. Black said...

Siena--you probably should stay out of that other cat's yard!

I sure hope Chilli feels better soon. I bet she ate something bad in the garden. Many types of lilly plants can be toxic to kitties. I don't know if you have any lilly type plants. Maybe a spider bit you? I hope you don't have to go to the vet.

Luna und Luzie said...

Poor Chilli!!!!
We hope you feel better now.
Luzie lost her collar too. One day she hang on a fence for a whole day with her collar, so she never get one again...better for her. Luna has a chip and Olli has his ear nummber. So we don´t need a collar.
purrrs and Gute Besserung
Luna, Luzie and Olli

Niko and Cloud said...

Mom thinks you probably nibbled on a plant you shouldn't have.
We hope you feel better soon so you don't have to go to the V-E-T!

Cliff and Olivia said...

We're so sorry Chilli is unwell, so we've given you an award. Hope it'll cheer you up a bit and that you'll get well soon.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ooh, we hope Chilli is feelin better. Maybe she ate some crickets! Those are allus bad fer us...

Cheyenne -Millie said...

I hope that Chilli is feeling better! Now I shall worry all night! Let us know! Sending purrs and prayers!

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