I don't mean to frighten anyone, ...
... but it's time to freak out! Seriously! We have a ghost! Siena and mom are completely unaware of the fact that there's an evil ghost living in mom's loft bed. And it's not a friendly ghost like this one. It's very evil!
I have extremely sharp senses and I clearly sensed a presence up there this morning. This happened once already and that time I ran and hid behind the washing machine in the kitchen.
Mom says I'm a little silly Chilli and that I'm afraid of the reflection two crystals in the window produce. WHAT????

She just thinks I'm terribly cute.
Honestly, I need some help here. Any advice on ghost hunting is most welcome.Purrs, Chilli
I think we need to call Ghost Busters...they can help I'm sure!
Doing something about this ghost depends upon the kind of ghost it is. Is it a residual haunt (same thing over and over again) or an intelligent haunt (the ghost interacts with you)? Then again, you could just close the curtains and see what happens!
~Lisa Co9T
PS. I think we have been watching too much Ghost Hunters!
We don't know what advice to give - we don't have any ghosts that are evil at our house. We think maybe just give them some space and they will leave - hopefully!
Uh oh! You might need an expert on the paranormal. We don't know where you could find one, probably not the phone book.
Or, as Lisa at Cat of Nine Tales suggested, your mom could try closing the curtains!
Cat tails do not lie! I'll teleport over there to save you Chillimus!
Eeek! A ghostie?
Get some catnip! Yes!! Catnip. It is the answer to efurrything ;)
Oh wow! Chilli really seems something up there, doesn't she! Wonder if it's a friendly ghost?
Oh Dear! Poor little Chilli. The best we can say is that there are things that are beyond our understanding, and as long as the ghost doesn't actually hurt anyone...
Purrs from your Friends,
The Chans (now too many to list...)
We have seen ghosts, too but don't know what to do to get rid of them!
Ashton is our listener. He can be found looking at a wall. He seems to sense things. He's napping now. It tires him out being a kitty cat psychic.
Poor baby, you look frightened. Don't listen to mommy, I'm sure you know there is something there.
If you sense it, we believe you, Chilli=kitties are very intuitive, but you might want to sleep with one eye open for a while!!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Humans are very lucky to have us kitties to protect them from ghosties!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Oh my gosh, Chilli, I'm with your mom... you are so cute when you are puffed up!!!
I do the same thing when 9 and Chani get puffed up. I giggle because they are so cute!!! Then, I have to cuddle them to reassure them that everything is ok.
I'm sure your ghost means you no harm, but best to be on guard :)
Chilli, I think the best thing to do is get rid of that thing hanging in the window. Once you paw that down you can see whether you still feel the presence. Plus, you know, it serves your mom right for not believing you keen senses! ~Fiona
Chillimus, you do look very freaked out - what a puffy tail you have! And those big eyes. I hope the ghost goes away.......somehow or other.
No need to freak out, Chilli. Just call it Casper and all will be fine.
SS's old family home used to be haunted but the pets there were fine. They got used to the presence, I suppose.
I hate it when there are ghosts in the house and they are mean. Sometimes that happens at our house too.
You're seriously freaking out! Look at that tail! I have encountered a few ghosties in my time, so the puffed tail and growling will definitely help (they scare easily). The key is to remember that they're more afraid of you than you are of them...really! Hope that helps, Chilli!
Oh my. Who you gonna call?
We don't know how to help...but we're scared too!
I think that is a job fur a khanine!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Chilli, you look petrified in these pictures! It sounds like your mom doesn't believe you, but I do. I see your furs like that and I know somthing isn't right. It was nice of your mom to try and soothe you though.
Keep safe, little one!
Aww you look so scared! I don't think the ghost will hurt you - maybe it's a friend of Casper, the friendly ghost?
That is a big tail poof Chilli. Beans can never see the things that we do.
I thought only dogs could see ghost :S
* Take care *
Welll - you definatelly are cute for sure and..... I do believe you really have a ghost cuz you definately saw something. Better keep watching to see if you can catch him/her.
Hmm, that sounds pretty scary...maybe you should get some garlic...wait that's for something else. Silver...umm, maybe not that either. No matter...that ghost doesn't know who he is dealing with. Give him a good whap and I bet he goes away!
o_O ¡Qué miedo!
¡Vosotras tenéis fantasmas y nosotros un intruso! Corren malos tiempos para nosotros los gatos...
There's definitely something there! Your tail says it all.
Who ya gonna call?!
Call G-R-E-T-E!
Not that she can help you...but she is afraid of the same reflections! Haha! Chilli, you and Grete can hide together!
Maybe it's a friendly ghost, or one that doesn't mean you any harm?
Chili, iffen ya see a spirit, it is THERE! Cuz we're cats and we KNOW!
Chilli, we believe you that there's a ghost that only you can sense! That tail says it all!
Poor little Chilli! Look at you all puffed up!
That is kind of spooky. They say us cats are very aware of such presences.
Next time get your mom to take a photo up there and maybe something will show up!!
I have to go snuggle under some blankets now!!
Purrs Banshee
Ut oh...better call Ghostbusters!
I'm scared too!
your pal,
Miss Chilli, I have no brave words. My one attempt at 'ghost' catching ended up in me jumping face first into the wall off a chair. I later found out it was a reflection from mum's knife when she buttered her toast. So yeah. You don't want advice from me!:)
excellent senses. i'm sure the ghost knows you have his/her number.
Wowie, you puff up real good, Chilli! I am certain it must be a real ghost!
Hello girls!
ohh Chilli you are so adorable!
I don't think it's matter of some Ghost, it's a matter of wind or something like that!
Maybe you are seeing some "angel", it's possible, isn't it?
purrs and love
Luna - We love LUNA
Oh Chilli, you are silly!
I am not sure if we believe in ghosts or not.
Oh... that's not good is it...
We don't know anything about ghosts, but maybe you could just ask it to go away? Or ask Siena if she can help... :-)
Sorry no ghost hunting experience.
Well, Sammy barks very loudly at the ghosts at our house, so he recommends yowling and hissing at the offending spirits!
oh nooooz!!!! i know we humans are very silly sometimes and need a piano to fall on us until we know what's going on. you poor cats having to put up with us!
How do you do it?!
If I said this once, sorry...Don't forget to check the winners pages on my blog and you can get your awards there too.
its the extra senses kits have that lead to this.... we have sensed ghosts here too! (But Mrs H said they were only pigeons on the roof - as if!). Darcy and Bing xx
Could there be a mouse in the ceiling? Or nesting birdies in the attic? That happened in our old house and we would look up and know something was up there...it wasn't ghosts after all.
LOL ~ very cute indeed!
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