Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mom has a little lamb

Dear furriends,
on Mother's Day our mom fulfilled a big dream for me. She went on a little day trip with her mom visiting a garden stuff exposition and brought home a sheep skin. It's incredibly comfy and soft. I'm in heaven! These days when I walk past her at nose level, she always smells a faint smell of sheep. It makes her chuckle and she calls me her little lamb now.The other evening we curled up together on the sheep skin and watched a video. I think I could happily grow old doing this, hehehehehe.
If you're looking for me, you'll know where to find me!
At first I was hesitant if I should allow the Snowfox on it. I mean Siena already has her luxurious furs to keep her toasty, right? But then I realised that it's a win-win situation for me, because Siena is incredibly comfy and soft too!
Chillimus Prettypuss

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