for dropping by and concatulating me on my fourth birthday. Mom says it's unbelievable - to her I'm the eternal kitten.
I have only one wish for my birthday: Could you all send some purrs for mom?
You see, the last two years have been kind of hard on her. And when she thought things were looking up she got fired from the job she only recently found. Since then she has sent out around fifty applications and isn't even getting interviews. Seriously. She finished her career one year ago! I don't really understand what's going on but I understand that she desperately needs to find a job to be able to move on with her life. So, if you could send some purrs I'd appreciate that very much. Make them strong purrs.
At least she thought about my birthday and got me the best present ever: A real life mousie! Can you see it? I hope to be able to report some good news soon!
Many purrs,
Chillimus Birthdaypuss