„Mooom, mooom, get out the treats and the kittymilk!They’re just landing!!!!"

They are finally here:
Miss Kitty &
Fin flew the whole night, crossing the Atlantic to get to my place in Köln. This is what they saw when they got into the city. It’s a shame you can only see one of the belltowers, 'cos they were just passing by the cathedral of Cologne which ist the city’s emblem...

Of course I have been on the outlook for them the whole time. When I saw the Magic Carpet swooshing in I got furry excited and ran to my mom. I was so happy to see them in all their floofy glory! We immediately formed one big floofball, washing and grooming each other to get that all important "family smell".

I showed them the „Fischies“ first thing after. Mom was making a worried face when all of my SIFs refreshed their paws in the cool water. I really don’t know what she has – everyone knows that traveling long distances makes your legs and feet tired!

With our paws and spirit refreshed we engaged in some treeclimbing. Poor Fin couldn’t join us as mom was instructing her on what I am allowed to do and what not. Mom! That’s embarrassing! I am seven months old! Leave Fin alone! I fear she even "persuaded" her to let her rub her floofy belly...
After a nice dinner and a good nights sleep we will be ready for the real thing: The trip to the land of our ancestors - Norway!
Stay tuned for more... (and check ot my SIFs!)
Hey LSIF, so good to see you! Sniff, sniff, lick, lick and headbutties! You have a lovely garden and mom. Was she worried that we would really eat her fischies? No way, not when we knew she was preparing a wonderful meal for us.
Are you ready to make the journey to the Norwegian forest? We will look after you and keep you safe.
Have fun in Norway you Norwegian Forest cats!
This is just so exciting! Your pals arriving on a magic carpet and all of you going off to Norway! We loved the photos of you all in your garden, and can't wait for the next installment!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan
The magic carpet looks like fun! Sometimes, we wish we had one. We could even go visit our Aunties!
Looks like you all had a wonderful time!!
Love seeing you up in that tree! I would have liked to have joined you!!
purrs Banshee
ps~ The PM has a wee photo of me and my last son, she'll try to get it on the blog somehow.
Look at you all having so much fun! I'm glad your SIFs landed safely and you had a good time. I here you got to pilot the magic carpet Siena too!
I look forward to seeing the Nordic adventures!
Whicky Wuudler
Sounds like you girls are having a great time. One big floofball - lol!
~The Creek Cats~
Moms can be so embarrassing.
We're glad your friends have safely arrived so you can all travel tomorrow.
We enjoyed the spiral in training video of you coming down a tree in the last post.
This is just such an interesting trip!
This is such a great trip! The maid especially liked that picture of Köln, hahahahahahaha!
Did I ever tell you how Mrs. OZ got her name? Because she really does not have any upper canines! That's why she looks a bit funny sometimes...
Have fun in Norway - can't wait for it!
Wow! You all are having so much fun! 'Specially since you get to climg trees and see fischies!
LSIF your Mom rubs a floofy belly like no other!!
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