Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sadly Sore Saturday

Hi furriends, I'm sorry for posting late.
The reason is that on Wednesday mom got a student full-time job she applied for a while ago and they wanted to start her the next day (!). It's pretty hard work setting up a new home improvement store with working times from 08:00 a.m. - 08:00 p.m., but mom says we need it. That night, absolutely knackered, she forgot that she had opened the upper bathroom window after showering and both Siena and me escaped through it. Our next door neighbour was working on his bike, keeping the door to their floorway and to the cellar open which makes mom very nervous, plus it was dark and we weren't wearing our collars, so mom and the other type of human set out to catch us. Siena was an easy catch but I made it over the wall into the other world. The other type of human got me after what seemed to be an eternity and handed me to mom who was waiting on our side of the wall. She was holding me in her arms and talked to me and then something that never happened happened: With a violent twist I turned in her arms and struggled free, dashing away over the wall and up into a tree. I was so determined to break free that I scratched mom very badly at three areas with the scratch in her left palm being the deepest. Needless to say that I got my nails clipped severly. The deep scratch was infected the next day and mom had to go to the human vet. She was saying bad words the whole time, but understands that I just wanted to be outside. She won't forgive me though that I didn't come down that tree for ages! ; )
She hopes the hand will be better for work on Monday.
I feel so bad that I hurt mom. I'm curling up those toesies so they'll never hurt her again. And I wonder what that means for the possibility of getting a new old feather toy for my birthday?
Hushed purrs, Chilli


Cheyenne -Millie said...

We hope your mom's hand gets better fast! What a story you have to tell!
We are glad you did not get lost!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Oh dear, Chilli! This was clearly a terrible misunderstanding and we are totally convinced that you never, ever meant to hurt your mum. We wish her good luck in her job and hope she won't get too tired!

Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan (and #1 too!)

Freya's Staff said...

Hope your moms hand gets better, and you behave yourself better in future!

Tuck said...

Oh no! You must have been very determined to stay outside! I'm sure your mom knows that you didn't mean to hurt her. I'm glad they found you when you went over the wall. Please be careful Chilli! I'm sending purrs to your mom so her hand feels better!

Misha said...

Freeeeeeedom! You must really love being outside, Chili! I hope you kissed your Mummy's hand better.

Monica the Garden Faerie said...

Maybe your human needs to install a window screen! Um, wait! What are we saying?! We'd love it if we could escape through open windows! ~James and Fiona

Cindy said...

I hope your Mom's hand gets better. Naughty kitty.

Anonymous said...

We hope your mom's hand get better, Chilli. I'm sure she knows you didn't mean it, , but you can't be spending eternities up in a tree! Happy World Cat Day To You And Siena!

Forever Foster said...

Chilli, the best way to get banned from going outside is escaping. The last time I went outside was when I escaped and led mum and dad on a merry chase in the garden. The next day I went to the boarder, and I've never been out again...

We hope your mum's hand gets better soon!

The Island Cats said...

We know you didn't mean to hurt your mom, Chilli...we hope her ouchie heals quickly!

And congrats to you mom for her new job...we hope it goes well for her! And she doesn't get too tired!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh Chilli, you have been having adventures. We hopes you will be forgiven in time to get your new old feather toy. ~S,S,C & F

Unknown said...

Chilli, we are sure your mom will forgive you - moms do that. But you might want to be a little bit good until your birthday. We bet climbing the tree was fun, fun, fun! We hope your mom's hand gets better soon.

Loki & Trevor

The Creek Cats said...

Oh no.... we are sending your mom lots and lots of healing vibes for her had!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hope her hand gets better fast but I am glad you are found! Purrs.

Quill and Greyson said...

Oh my, Chilli you really need to come when your Mom calls. Mom's should be listened to... when you're outside anyway.

Hope your Mom's hand improves cause it looks ouchy! Purrs for wellness and new feather toy.

Happiest of World Cat Days to you all!

Reese =^..^= said...

I'm glad you are safe, Chilli! That was a scary adventure.

JC said...

I'm glad that the two of you are home now. Hope Mom gets better ... you two sure do cause her trouble ... don't you !!!

Nini said...

Ouchie! Hope your Mom's hand feels better now, and heals quickly.
Being outside is fun and exciting and all, but the best way to never get out again is to keep escaping and not listening to your human when she's calling you... You naughty kitten, you're lucky you're so cute no one could ever not forgive you ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh dear ~ but it WAS an accident. We know yoo love your Mom so she will forgive yoo (in time). The fevver present might be a no-no though!!! (only joking!)

Hope your Mom's hand is better soon.

Happy World Cat Day 2009!

Milo and Alfie xx

Mishkat said...

We're sending many purrs and healing wishes to your mom! Our mom has had that happen to her when trying to catch cats that got outside (not us!) - she still has some scars.

Also, we are wishing your mom the very best in her new job!

Love and purrs from Franklin, Tasha, Dobby, and Katie

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh no sorry that your mum got hurt, but I bet she was just so glad that you were safe to be angry for long..

Poor mums hand I will purr it gets better soon..

Hugs GJ xx

Daisy said...

Oh dear, your mom's hand looks very hurty! Chilli, I know you did not mean to do it. I think the only bad thing you did was to run up the tree and not come down right away. Moms get very worried!

Happy World Cat Day to you.

Marlene said...

We hope your mom gets better too! I'm sure you didn't mean it at all and your mom knows it well.

Good luck to her in her new job. Sounds pretty exciting that things are going so well for her (despite the hand scratch).

9 and Chani (Marlene too)

Poppy Q said...

Oh noes, we know you wouldn't mean to hurt your mum on purpose. I hope her hurty heals up quickly.

Cory said...

Good thing you are adorable Chilli. That will help you get away with a lot...but just don't push it anymore, ok?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We hope your mum's hand is soon better. You better give her lots of loving to make up for your Great Escape.

Just Ducky said...

Happy World Cat Day. Hope your mum's had is all better soonest.

BeadedTail said...

We know you didn't mean to hurt your mom and we hope she gets better real soon. You must have really wanted to be outside though and hopefully you got your fill of it since you might be grounded now and have to stay inside.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Chilli, we know you did not mean to hurt Mom. We feel she will still get you a new old feather toy. She understands that you just wanted to be outside a little longer.

Anonymous said...

Ohmygoodness, it can be really and really bad when kitties scratch the 'beans. Our momma gotted a bitey and a scratch from a pregnant kitty when she was rescuing it and our momma had to go to the hospital because her hand swelled to twice it's size! We were really worried about our momma, yes, we were. The bitey was really bad cuz our momma wouldn't let the kitty go cuz it was gonna have babies and she didn't want the babies borned in the wild. Momma got the mother cat all safe and sound and then went to the hospital and then she told a white lie and said that the cat got away because she didn't want anything to happen to the momma kitty.

It all worked out OK. Momma still has her hand, the babies gotted borned and everyone got new homes, even the momma kitty. But, boy, kitty bitey's and scratches can really hurt the 'beans, yes, they can!

Cory said...

Pee mom goes to the hand specialist on Monday. They suspect a torn ligament right now. Mom got between Grete and her ball and Grete at a full tilt run knocked mom over.

Katie said...

Oh no, I hope your Mum's hand is feeling better soon! We've all had a moment where we've been scratched by accident and it's not a nice feeling, but we know you didn't mean it! Make sure you give your Mum heaps of love and headbumps, okay?

Ellen Whyte said...

I can understand you wanting to go out but scratching? Well that's never a great idea.

Anonymous said...

Uh oh. Accident scratches are never any good. We're sending your mom some healing purrs too!

Cory said...

Thank you for the kind words about our Morgan. Yes she saw mom through, multiple crazy moves, marriage, home buying, first big name it she was there for it all. She is missed every minute of every day.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Oh noooss, we hope your mom's hand is better. Purrs!!!!!

Chili, you must behave in the future.

Yes, the bathroom window is notorious. I escaped a few times through there too.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh no, what and adventure! And your mom's hand is hurt! Please be careful.
So, your mom is busy too? I think we are all having the same problems!
Missing you still...

Rusty said...

I hope you mom's hand gets better and heals real fast. Sometimes we forget ourselves and want to just run free, don't we?

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