Today's video contains something for the moms and something for the cats. The moms will certainly think my mid-chattering yawn is funny and cute - and you cats will surely want to know what I'm chattering at!
It's a regular sight these days to see Chilli and me glued to the window, chattering away with our tails flicking.

This couple of Columba palumbus has been around for about four years now. Soon they will start to collect all sorts of plant debris for their nest. Sadly they never succeed in having little baby Doves because the Magpies kill them. Just as they did with our Blackbird babies last May!
And now to something completely different: Mom's slacking behaviour in not posting your awardies. Over the last months we have received some awards that mom didn't help us post. We're so very sorry! You all know how hard it is to get good help these days...
That's why we want to give the Love Award to all of you!

And now to something completely different: Mom's slacking behaviour in not posting your awardies. Over the last months we have received some awards that mom didn't help us post. We're so very sorry! You all know how hard it is to get good help these days...
That's why we want to give the Love Award to all of you!

Siena Snowfox
The dove is beautiful!
Your posts are always so educational for my kitties! They never heard of a "fatberd" before. Is it the same as a dove, purrhaps?
Siena's chatter-yawn was so cute, yes, yes!
By the way, Siena and Chilli are are on the LOLSpot today.
We love seeing your chattering away! And that big dove would make us chatter too!!
Congrats on your award! We love you too!
Mom says that kitty chatter is her second favorite sound. The first favorite is purring.
Your litte yawn was enought to make my mom so SQUEEEEE!
We like to chitter to the birds too.
Adorable video!
Ohhhh a dove outside, it's so beautiful!I'm curious about it as well, we could have lots of conversation about those birds in your garden.I have an ideal.I think I will visit you in my dreams right now!Cool!
I need some nap...because...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Luna :0
Yep, I knew exactly what you were talking about! Have a great bird-tv weekend!
u sure did have a lot to say.
Mine does the same!.. lol...
We chatter at the birds too. Your doves look very healthy!
Hmmm, for some odd reason I have never thought about talking to the birds...Tiny does, sometimes, but I don't even if I LOVE to talk, I just have never thought about talking to birds...maybe that explains why they never look at me! What were you telling them? Can you tell them to come to the window? or better, how to open the window? or at least do you tell them that you don't want to hurt them, but that you just need to clean something off their feathers? (hahahaha!) We have lots of small big ones like you have..those small birdies move REALLY fast. Mom told us that birds are to watch only and that they are NOT to be touched. She is soooooo boring.
dat iz so cute siena
M and I both guessed right away that you were chattering at a birdie. I like doing that too. They never answer tho! It's a very pretty dove - much prettier then our morning doves around here.,
Great video, Siena! And what fun to have something really worthwhile to chatter at!
Congrats on the awards!
Your Friends at
The Poupounette
Yes I know what you mean about not posting awards. The Woman is so bad!
Yum fevvers!
Of course we loved your chattering! And congratulations on your awards. :-)
Thanks fur posting something fur the woofies too!
KhonKhats on the awards!
Mom says she khalls them WhoWhoBirds!
Yes, we loved the chattering video! I might do the same if I had a fatberd!
Congrats on your awards!
That was a very cute video! Pretty bird.
It'd be getting excited too if I saw a bird that big out of my window!
We loved hearing your chatter at the birdies Siena! Your yawn was purrty cute too! Concats on your awards!
What a great little video. We loved the chatter-yawn. Birdwatching can be tiresome work.
There is absolutely no doubt that we are SIFs. Just look at that header - it could have been me!
I chatter too, when the birdies are in my garden and I can't go and give chase.
Live Fevvers!
Haha! Such a cute little video!
That was a fun video of you LSIF! That little fella looked tasty.
What a pretty birdie! We love all kinds of birds! We likes to hear you chatter!
We would chatter our tails off if we saw such a beautiful juicy bird. You are so cute, Siena.
That's sweet music to my ears Siena! You chatter beautifully! Congratulations on your awards!
your pal,
We loved your video!
BIRDS! They are so exciting!! :-)
we just have to join you in chattering... fat birds bring it on with us too (Mrs H laughs - she doesn't get it!)...thanks for sharing. Love Darcy and Bing xx
Siena, you have such a cute little chattering sound!
Fiona likes smaller birds, and I like mice! Still, we love the ack-yawn. James acks, Fiona shakes her bum.
How funny! xxoo Patty
That is so sad about the baby Doves. Cute chatterings and thanks for the love award. It does make me feel warm an cozy.
Ooh, Siena, we understand completely why you were behaving that way! Doves are good food. We never get to eat them either...
Such a cute video and we love those fatbirds too!
We love to talk to the birdies too! It is too bad that their babies get attacked though.
And congrats on the award - we understand about getting behind. It happens to us all the time!
your video is an artwork
thank you
have a nice week
Such lovely chatter. We do that too, at our fatberds!!
We had 23 Mourning Doves on our pergola and I almost passed out.
Purrs Goldie
Oh that dove look yummy - sorry, beautiful! No wonder you're trying to talk it into coming over...
We loved your chattering. Did you convince that fatbird to come closer to the window?
Concats on your well-deserved awards!
What a chatterbox you are! And we don't have fatberds in our yard. We have some doves but they aren't really fat. Anyways, we can't see them cuz mewmie STILL hasn't fixed up the basement viewing area!
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