She's back! Mom is back!
Some of you had already found her and she too confessed when she returned: She visited our great furriends over at The Poupounette - all the way in France. At first we were a bit mad at her that she didn't take us along, but then she sat down with us and told us all about them. It almost felt as if we had been there with them. She told us...
... about Tama-Chan, the most beautiful and caring mommy in the world,
Some of you had already found her and she too confessed when she returned: She visited our great furriends over at The Poupounette - all the way in France. At first we were a bit mad at her that she didn't take us along, but then she sat down with us and told us all about them. It almost felt as if we had been there with them. She told us...

We have to thank their #1 for taking such good care of our mom. She had a lovely time!
An added bonus is that she took so many pictures of them that she's too exhausted to haunt us with the flashy box, hehehehe. We can peacefully dream about how nice it would have been to meet our furriends too. If we only were the travelling kind!
Big purrs,
Siena & Chilli
The kittens really are wonderful. Still seeing the two of you together like that must have made your Mom very happy to be home.
I was sooooo expekhting she'd sneak one bakhk with her fur woo!
It was so nice to see her visit with Tommy and The KHATS!
Your Mummy was so lucky! I would do anything to visit the Poupounette gang, but I live so far away!
How lucky your mom was to have visited them! So cute! Tama-chan is truly beautiful and little Yuu-chan, wow! what a cuddler :) The kittens, Sei-chan and Tommy... sigh... our Mom is envious... We'll try to keep her occupied so she doesn't start planning trips to faraway places.
Glad your mom is home to be with you again!
9 and Chani
we can see that she had a great visit. We know you are glad to have her home!
What a wonderful trip! Terrific photos! And that last pic of the two of you snuggled up is the sweetest thing I've ever seen. :-)
Glad you are all well!
How exciting she got to meet our French Friends! And now you can smell them on her!
Those are beautiful pics!!! I bet you sure are happy now too!
You two look so cute together.
Did your Mom get you a little brother ?
We're kinda amazed she didn't come home with a little frootbat for you guys...
How cool that your mom got to visit everybuddy over at the Poupounette!! But we know you're glad she is home now with you!
Oh my those kitties are adorable just as Chilli and Siena are. :) What a wonderful trip!
Oh that is so neat that your mom got to visit the Poupounette crew! Those kitties are absolutely precious!!
Your mom is so lucky to meet all the kitties and Tommy too! I am very impressed that she didn't sneak one of the kittens home to live with all of you - that had to be tough!
We are glad you have her home now - we love that snuggly picture of you!!
Oh thats so neat!!!!!!!! Meeting you kitty friends
What wonderful friends your mom has there in France and what fun for her to visit them! The kitties are so cute so even is the doggie. I know you were glad to have her back.
How absolutely wonderful! Your mom is so blessed to have been able to visit with them!
Thanks so much for sharing the pictures with us - we can tell your Mom had a wonderful visit. Now you must be very happy to have her back.
So glad your mom made it home safe and sound! Looks like she had a nice time visiting all those new furry friends.
I bet she's glad to be home though with her own babies! :)
We're glad your mom is home again! She visited with lots and lots of cuties in France but of course she came home to the most adorable cuties ever!
How wonderful that you could visit blogging friends and then share that visit with us!
~Lisa Co9T
Those pictures of the Pouponette gang are wonderful. You Mom is so lucky to get to visit them. But I'll bet she's glad to come home to you.
So great to see you kits again!! Missed you girls!
We were starting to wonder if one of the kittens would end up with you! We kind of felt like we were on the trip with your mom. I bet you are so glad to have her home again. Enjoy sniffing through her stuff!
Looks like your mom had a wonderful visit!
What lovely kitties you mom saw! But we are glad that she is home! I thinks that I would be extremely jealous and not give my mom the time of day!
Your mum was the perfect visitor, playing and playing and playing with us, and then cuddling! But we were sorry you girls couldn't come along too!
Woofs and Purrs,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and the TTs, Sei-Chan and Yuu-Chan
Nice pics! ;)
So many beautiful photos of our beautiful friends!:) Your mum takes lovely pictures.
What great photos, looks like your Mommy had a good time visiting Tama Chan and her family. But that last photo is the best we think! SO adorable.
You gals must be glad to have your Mom back home! What an exciting trip for her!! That crew over there in France looks like the BEST to spend some time with. That Yuu-Chan looks like a little lady killer!!
Purrs Goldie,Shade and Banshee
It is so cool that your mom got to visit with the Poupounette! Did you get to sniff her real good when she got back?
glad your mom had a nice trip and glad for you that she's back home.
What beautiful pictures! That's really cool that your mom was able to visit with the Poupounette. We're so glad she made it back home safely, and we're sure you're giving her lots of attention (and vice versa)! :)
So nice for you to have your Mom back. Looks like she had a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing the pictures :-)
LOL, they do kind of look like fruitbats, but I love bats, too! P.S. Someone has cute ear floof!
YAY!!!!!!!!!! We are so happy your mom is back home with you. xxxxxxxx
OMG that last photo is the most darling!!!!
They are all so beautiful.
We are glad your mum is back and she didn't disturb your nap with the flashy box.
How fun that your Mom got to go meet #1 and her crew in France, but know you are glad to have her home! Loved all the pics....
Hello dear friends!
These pictures are so lovely!It was a great surprise, so nice to hear this cool news!
My beans also returned from Czech Republic, I'm also happy here with my family.
The kittens are cute, and that picture with your mommy is really beautiful!
Hope her can visit us also someday!
Purrs and love
Luna - We love Luna
How fun that your mom got to visit the PouPounette gang, but you must be happy to have her home now.
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