Even I, the chief Gardening Cat, get into little problems while gardening.
Spot the unruly leaf clinging to my tail furs?
So, it might take a little more until Chilli can start her official
Gardening Cat apprenticeship.
"I want to become a real good Gardening Cat!"
Spot the unruly leaf clinging to my tail furs?
So, it might take a little more until Chilli can start her official
Gardening Cat apprenticeship.

We did NOT laugh at that. It was serious stuff! Very, very serious.
Abby & hehehe Stygia
Chilli, you look so beautiful looking out the window. It looks like a great garden for you to gaze on:)
Chilli, you and Banshee will have to take training together! She will be new in the garden next Spring too!! I don't know if she'll have a green thumb...um...I mean, green paw!
Purrs Goldie
Our mom was laughing at your video. She said you are unbelievably cute!
We can't get over how amazingly floofy your tail is!
Jonesie can help share tips with Chili too. She has the same issue with leaves in her tail floof. She has many plans for her garden and she's getting impatient waiting.
Your have the floofiest tail ever, Siena! We can see why the leaf would be drawn to it and not want to let go.
Naturally, you have much to teach Chilli before a promotion can be considered!
Siena...we think you may need a refresher course...heeheehee!
I bet Chilli will be a great gardening cat.
I know you will teach her well!
Ohh that leaf looks so annoying!! I hope that your finally got rid of the pesky thing! :)
I think you have invented a fun new toy. Your tail furs are amazing! I showed Harley and his eyes got real big!
Hehehe, that is so cute with that leaf hanging from your tail.
Siena, you are so cute--and so lucky that was just a leaf clinging to your lovely tail furs...kitties around here sometimes end up with much less lovely things hanging from their tail furs or their fluffy breeches! Then there's lots of circling around like you're doing as well as scootching along on the floor trying to scrape the offender off!
Darn those pesky leaves trying to hold on to your tail!!! I blame it on the dry air and static electricity!! ;)
Chilli looks very interested. I think she will make a goos student :)
Purrs Mickey
We admit it - we giggled a little bit at the video. :)
I have to contend with sticky leaves too. Perhaps our tails just attract pisky leaves! Your tail is wonderfully bushy, LSIF!
Love your floofy tail.
That is an awesome view out the window, Chilli you will be out there soon.
hehe, what an adorabble video! So cute! You've got such a floofy tail, it's no wondur you gotted a leaf stuck in yur furs!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I tried not to laugh, but you looked so cute trying to get to that leaf.
And I thought my tail was floofy! You have a beautiful, floofy tail!
Sienna, we never saw a cat with such a floofy tail as yours! Did Chilli jump up to help get that leaf off?
I admit I laughed. I hate it when things stick to the floof!
I hope you got that off of your tail!
Nos hemos reído mucho con tu vídeo :-)
Feliz año nuevo! Estamos recién llegados a Tenerife.
...those pesky little leaves cling just out of reach! But nothing can distract from a tail such as THAT! Glorious! Darcy, Bing & Helen
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