Chilli is practising her 'Vampire Cat with Double Fangs' moves for
Halloween. Alas, the "extra" fang on the left upper side already fell out yesterday. Now, she anxiously wants to keep the other one. Mom tried to explain that it takes a while until Halloween, but she won't listen. Kitten!
Pretty Chilli, we understand you being excited over having unusual teeth. It was very cool!:)
Maybe you could glue them back in for Halloween?
We can't help it, Chilli, but, however hard we try, we keep thinking CUTE rather than ferocious...
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Hey Chilli,
Maybe you could send your extra teefes to Lux. He lost so many.....
Chilli could try leaving the tooth that fell out under her pillow - the Tooth Fairy might swap it for something really nice!
Whicky Wuudler
You'll be in good shape for Halloween!
What a great move! I think that's a yoga position too...
We just found your blog through Daisy's and we'll be back! Great photos!
We thinks you are very cute Chilli.
Don't worry if you lose your fangs before Halloween U can buy some fangs at the store. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Whicky's right, try for the Tooth Fairy!
And Yes I was in the mood for trouble... You know me so well LSIF.
The tooth fairy really does exist! I think you can turn in that extra fang for cash...and then you can buy a cool cat toy!
LOL, I call that stance "Halloween Cat"--again because I'm so imaginative! Warum schreibe ich eigentlich auf englisch?!
Gutest Wochenende!
Sorry you losted your extra fang! We thought it was cool!
Don't worry it will get here and you will the most spectacular vampire kitty ever!
I am very sorry Chilli, but I do not think the last extra fang will stay in until Halloween. But maybe you can get some of those real scary fake vampire teeths to wear!
Oh ho ho, I just read Peggy's comment about sending your teefes to me - not a bad idea! ;-)
We agree with Whicky about leaving it under the pillow for the teef fairy!
Hi Chilli. We know you're disappointed to lose your vampire fangs, but really, it's a normal part of growing up...gotta lose those baby fangs so the grown up fangs can come in nice and healthy. I agree you should leave your shed fang for the Toof Fairy! (Sylvie lost one of her grownup fangs the other day...we're wondering if it's sunk in Louie's cheek somewhere! hee hee)
This is so cute! (or should I say "scary" :)!) Chilli, you're adorable.
Chilli, vielleicht bringt die Zahnfee ein Halloween Kostum !!!
Ich werde in der nächsten Woche nach einem Kastrationstermin fragen. Luna ist mit 8 Monaten schon rollig gewesen. Olli ist Ende Juni geboren.
Da kann es bald losgehen und dann wirds nervig.
Happy Weekend!
Chilli...we hope you can keep your fang for a while...but we don't think that's gonna happen...sorry...
¡Sólo te faltan las alas de murciélago Chilli! ¡Muhahahahá!
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