Ultimately some of our furriends commented how grown-up I already look. My estimated birthday is mid-August - so, this 15th February I'll be a whole five months! That is pretty grown-up indeed, I think. Impawtant notice: Calculation by our good furriends, The Poupounette, have shown that I'll be six months this February! Woooohoo! Thank you Tama-Chan and Tom, I know I can count on you! ; )
Mom aswell says that I look surprisingly grown-up in some pictures. Then she gets this dreamy look on her face and talks baby-language with me. Here I look grown-up. Maybe a bit pretty, too.
Or this one - I'd say I even look pensative. Pensative! Me! Hahahahaha...
Or here, where I' m saying to mom that no, it's not flashy box time.
On the other hand I do kitten stuff like getting so tired after all the action that my face just falls down and I'm fast asleep. I sleep very, very, deeply.
Then, I'm very "unreasonable". My mom hopes, that's a kitten-trait and will wear off come age and wisdom. Hahahaha! In this video I'm going mad at my cat-collar. I've been wearing it for a while already but still flip a few times a day.
You think I'm going to jump from down the door on the writing desk? Yep, you're right! Crazy jump from high up in 3...
I bathe in the freshly filled litterbox. I lay down in it and roll over and over for a while. Hahahahaha!
And then there are these pictures where I look utterly kitten-esque and tiny. Note the huge mom hand?
But there is another sign I'm growing up fast: My new permanent fang is well established! Isn't it fearsome? And others keep falling out.
Do you know where mom fond this one? It was clinging to Siena's neckfurs!!! Hahaha! Honestly!
Another furriend said that one day mom will miss these crazy kitten times and she is so right! So, while I'm living it large, mom is going to enjoy my antics...
Purrs, Chilli

Plus, I'm winning most of the wrestling duells with Siena. Har. Har. Har. I'm fearsome and grown-up!

Another furriend said that one day mom will miss these crazy kitten times and she is so right! So, while I'm living it large, mom is going to enjoy my antics...
Purrs, Chilli
Chilli, I bet your Mom has so much fun watching you be a kitten! You are so adorable!
Maybe a bit pretty? We say definately very pretty!:) That was a really fun post with all the video and pictures of you, Chilli. You and Siena always look like you are such happy kitties. It's lovely to see:)
Such a sweet kitten girl. When I was a baby kitten my mom said she couldn't take enough pictures of me, that's how much she wanted to capture that very special time. Watching you is such a joy.
We thinks you look more then a bit pretty. You are a knockout Chilli and you are indeed growing up fast. Mommy misses when when we were kittens although Scylla & Charybdis still act like kittens with their annoying kitty behavior and they are almost 2. Socks was the purrfect kitten as well as the purrfect mancat. He has always been very well behaved. We thinks Mommy may have just forgotten, after all it was a long time ago when Socks was a kitten. ~S,S & C
Oh, Chilli, we have so much fun watching your videos and looking at your pictures. You are growing into one absolutely beautiful girl, just like Siena. Don't ever change!
hugs and purrs
Wonderful pictures, Chilli! Meowmy can't wait to get home from work so she can watch your videos. You really are like a teenager, poised between childcat and womancat. And stunningly beautiful. There's even a bit of frootbattage in one of your pics! The pictures of you flying off the door are amazing...if any of us tried it, we'd probably break the desk (hee hee). The sweetest pic is you snuggling with your big sisfur. Lovely girls :).
We think you're wonderful, Chilli, and we just love your antics! Has your mom ever measured your tail. It looks terribly looooooooooong to us!
Your Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Chilli you make us laugh and laugh. We have so much fun seeing you act crazy in you pictures and videos. We also seeing you and Siena have so much fun together!!
Chilli, you look so lovely in all your moods! It's nice to see you with a size reference, where you do look more kitten-ish! I was an adult when I found my human, and James was six months when he came, so my human (James calls her mom, but she is not my mom!) didn't even know kitten teeth fall out--which of course makes sense!
~ Fiona
These are the best photos and I love the videos! I like both the "grown-up" you and the "kitten" you :).
P.S. We are still waiting for Franklin to act grown up but I think it's going to take a long long time. He's three years old and still acts like a kitten all the time.
Oh you are looking like a lovely young girl kitty!
You are a pretty litty. KirbyS Birthday is in June. He was 6 months old when we got him, but we have'nt noticed him losong teeth. He is taller than Angel, but not as heavy. Not that she is fat, he is skin and bones!
Chilli, you are such a character! I cannot believe you jumped from way on top of that door! You and Siena are both very beautiful.
ps: It's funny that you left your bebbeh tooth in Siena's furs!
Chilli you look so grown up like you said in your pictures by yourself, and pretty :p
I can;t believe you are still so small when we see you next to your Mommas hand and foot.
You is very precious :))
I liked your wresting video and how at the end the look on your face.. momma says I get that look after wrestling with my sisfur hehe
Oh you make me want a kitten. I always seem to adopt grown kitties. I think the last time I had a kitten,I was in 10th grade!
That is a great Chilli show!!! Beautiful pictures and funny videos!!
We enjoyed it so much!
Ich hab nie einen Zahn von Olli gefunden. Irgendwann hatte er mal gar keine Zähne mehr im Mäulchen, aber sie sind spurlos verschwunden.
Unser Kitten Olli geht morgen zu seiner großen OP. Ab jetzt darf er nix mehr fressen, das wird schwer, wo er doch so verfressen ist...
Chilli, you may be growing up, but you are stil a kitten! We can't believe you were on top of the door! We've never tried that!
(Mom: And don't get any ideas, boys!)
Wally & Ernie
That wrestling video is so cute! And that fang is so cool!!
Chilli, you're so cute! I wish I had a little sisfur like you to play with....maybe someday....
Chilli,you are so cute,lovely and silly :) THe best thing about being 5 months old,is that you can act grown up and kittenish all at the same time :) heehee
Purrs Mickey
Oh Chilli, that was fun! You are correct, in some pictures, you look all grown up and in others, you are such a little kitty. I think you are a handful, but your mom loves you.
Chilli, your cat's pajamas are beautiful. Did you get them off-the-rack or did you design them yourself? Plus, your little pink toe-pads are adorable.
Oh you're growing into a real beauty Chilli. Maybe LSIF taught you too well to fight though?
A lady never leaves her fangs behind.
By the way, little Chilli... If your estimated birthday is mid-August, then you are almost SIX months old, not 5 months! I was born on August 2 and I am now 6 months old!
Maybe I'm too young to count? I got mom to change that. Thank you!
Lots of very cool pictures!
We saw over at Mishka's place that you chases your tail. You should really join the Tail Chasers Club. Cliff can help you with a name.
The humans think it's cool you live in Köln. It's their next place in Germany to visit - and we have to be alone again...
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