Tama-Chan was so sweet to tell me about the challenge Cosmo is running. It's all about floofy toes - Cosmo calls them "toehawks". While I have no ilusion in winning this contest, I have seen furry impressive toesies already, I do hope to get a honourary mention for the cutest pawprint around.
Here's mom aiming for the full set. Notice the shadow the floof on my toes casts on my face. The flash makes it hard to see the snowshoes clearly, though. My paws are too snowy-white...
And here's what I hope will do the trick: My chessboard paw print. This picture was taken in October 08 and my paw wasn't at it's floofiest back then because I was only 6 months old.
Purrs, Siena

Close-up of hind paw.

Purrs, Siena
That is amazing! Really - what a wonderful paw.
Also, we go back and forth about whether you are a calico or not (sometimes it's hard to tell from photos), and that settles it for us - you are! We call those "tortie toes" but of course, calicos have them too.
Wowie! The chessboard on your pawpad is awesome! You have beautiful fur slippers.
ps: Thanks for asking about Harley. He got another real bad bout of his eosinophilic granuloma complex, and got a terrible blister on his lower lip that was all eroded (almost overnight!). He also got a linear granuloma on the back of his leg. So anyway, he had to go get another Depo Medrol shot yesterday. We are sad.
Siena, what an amazing checkerboard pad! Very cool and cute!
That chessboard pad is amazing!
I think we might need to start up a contest for cutest paw pad!
Those paws rawk severely!!! Wow! Wow! Wow!!
Love the pad pattern!
Purrs, Goldie
That's major floof going on there! I love the chessboard paw, I've never seen one like that!
Hi Seina!
That is an amazing pattern on your foot pads!
The imposters! Efurryone hide! The biiiitey!
That is a sweet chess board paw! And you has wonderfull toehalks!
Hola chicas!
Mi humana no viajó a México ¡ojalá!, esos regalos se los enviaron nuestros amigos Morris y Margarita que sí viven en Cuernavaca en el estado de Morelos. ¿Verdad que son bellos?
Yo también tengo manchas en mis almohadillas y pecas en la nariz que me dan más personalidad ¡Muahahahá!
You have beautiful toehawks, Siena. The chessboard pad is pawsome!!!
I think there's some cash to be made from that chessboard toe-pad! Some chess club or organization, perhaps?
That is the most awesome toe-pad I have ever seen. Checkmate!
Cute toesies!!!
WOW what a cool pad! You have very pretty toesies.
You have such cutesy pawsies. Love the chequer board pattern.
Siena,you have such lovely paws!!!!
The checkerboard is amazing!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Hi Siena. You have lovely toe floof, and wow, your checkerboard paw pad is amazing! I (Louie) have some pink toes and some black toes, but not that really cool pattern that you have!
Oh the checkerboard is over the top LSIF. I will be playing too.
Oh so cute! SO cute!:)
We think you should WIN, Siena!!!!
Your Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Siena, that chessboard paw is awesome! it's also cool your fur has grown fluffier as you grew up. Fiona has multi-colored pads (pink and black), but not in a distinct pattern. I have pale orange pads and two cute polka dots (just ignore the dirt; I was outside!). ~James
Congratulations, you're a finalist in the toehawk contest!
You can vote on my bloggie...
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