have resumed...
Mom here: Thanks every cat and every human for the purrs yesterday. It was kind of strange to write the last exam ever... good and bad at the same time. It went okay I think - hard to say though ,because it was completely in Spanish and I don't know now how many mistakes I made (language counts too, not only content). Now ,I "only" have to write my diploma... gulp.
Completely in Spanish! WOW! We're glad the pressure's off, though. Time to have a great weekend!
Tom, Tama-Chan and #1
Spanish! That sounds hard. We're glad if this will mean more time for blogging and pictures!
You girls have a clever mum!
Now we must run, before Crazy Cat sees us! MOL!:) Have a happy weekend.
Hablo espaῆol muy mal.
Sometimes when we get rowdy, our mom offers to make our dad "gato con queso" whatever that is.
We are sure you did a wonderful job!
Abby & Stygia
Your Mom must be very smart!
We're sure you did well since you studied so hard! How wonderful to know several languages though! Mom has always wanted to learn to speak Italian. And perhaps Spanish, because so many speak it here.
One day Mom will travel to Italy - at least that is her dream, a month in Tuscany!
Sounds awesome to have that done and out of the way! We are sure you did great! Ok, now we gotta go...those laser eyes have found us...
I never thought about it being the last exam ever...that is kind of final, isn't it?! Well you could always go on to post-doctoral study! (Meowmy runs and hides)
So nice to see the return of Crazy Cat with her lazer beams and the dancing cubes!
Congratulations to your hoomin for finishing her exams, which we're still trying to figure out. And good luck to her writing the thesis (if we understand correctly). Fiona and I know exactly as much English and German as our mom, but I also know as much French (which is not a lot). For some reason, Fiona doesn't speak French. Neither of us speaks Spanish. ~James
I am sure it feels good to have completed helast exam ever! Best of luck on the deploma.
CUBE WARS!!! Whoohoo!
We hope your mom did muy bien on her exam!
Jola! Hooray for Crazy Cat being back! And we are happy your Mom's exam is over. Do you kitties speak Spanish too? Over here we hear lots of Spanish being spoken along with other languages. Don't hear English much it seems.
Spanish? Now we could do it in French but not Spanish I don't think...
That sounds like a very hard exam! I'm glad it went okay and no more exams!
Siena and Chilli, this is a perfect time for TEEEEEENT WARRRRRRRS!
I'm so glad your Mom's exam went well.....big important exams are so nerve-wracking! I'm sure you helped your Mom stay focused! Is a diploma the same as a thesis? Anyway, BIG CHEERS for your Mom!!!!!!
(you can come visit us any time -- we'd love to see you in Pea Ridge! I'll be sure to post lots of pictures next week & I'll make sure to get one of Chilli, too!)
Our Mama says she feels your Mama's pain. She took three semesters of Spanish when she was in college! Those tests were horrible.
I does not see any crazy cats.. only eccentric... hahahah
Momma kitty we does not envy you :))
Hola chicas! No habíamos leído que mamá tenía su ultimo examen de español el miércoles. Si no les habríamos enviado muchas buenas vibraciones (por supuesto, en español, jeje).
Esperamos que el examen sea de sobresaliente! Estamos seguros de que así será. Ahora les toca descansar y recuperarse este fin de semana.
You should get together with my miemwie cos she is learning chinese. Mind you, she couldn't sit an exam cos she is only on book 1 (for 6 year olds, shhh don't tell her I said that )
Crazy cat!!!
Concats to your mom for getting through that furry tough exam! She's a smart one!
Wow - I can't believe you took an exam in Spanish - I am very impressed! I am sure you did well.
Also, many congratulations on your last exam EVER - to me, that was a really good feeling.
Big purrs to you and the kitties!
Los gatos locos?
prrrrr pero si yo los veo de lo mas normalitos :D
Nice close-up of your beautiful facial markings.
Whoever is in the cube, owns the cube. Judge Mr. Black has spoken.
Cube wars are a great way to celebrate your mom finishing her exams!
And to your mom, congrats on finishing your last exam ever! Buena suarte! (I think!)
Paws Crossed. Glad you're all back in business!!
Hi Siena and Chilli! It is great to meet yous both. Yous stopped by my new blog yesterday and today! Thank you very much. I posted your blog link under my cats who blog. I hope yous come to visit me again.
P.S. Spanish cool, momma says she was good at reading and writing French but couldn't speaks it at all
Psst LSIF, you will be a featured guest on my Wordless Wednesday post. Don't tell anyone.
I hAve an award for u!
Because pray and purrS for our late Boody, and us~
Grab it in my blog!
Cube wars sound fun! We bet your mom did really well on that exam!
We hope your mom did well on her exam! And in Spanish!! That cube toy looks fun!
Crazy cat indeed ... Mom's brain must be crazy too, spanish!?! Yikes. We know Pollo. That's all.
Good luck with the diploma ... And let the rowdy commence!!!
Psst. Give your Mom the Awardy too! And some nose licks.
Cube wars are the best! Happy Sunday to you!
We love playing cube wars. Cubes are fun!!
Can't wait to see you in your flirty collar, Siena! I am not surprised that Harley has another admirer!
I hope everything went well with your exam.
In Spanish?????? Woah, your mom must be very smart and must have done really well. Cube wars, yeah!
Thanks for visiting my big world blog last week.
My mom has been super busy so sorry I have not been around much.
Happy Monday to you!
We are very impressed and we have our paws crossed that you did well. ~S,S,C & F
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