During the last days Siena sometimes was staring through the glassdoor into the night on our little terrace, clearly seeing something. Mom glanced but didn't see anything and thought that maybe there were birds outside or even just the wind moving the plants.
Yesterday it happened again and this time, Siena's tail was a little bit puffed. So mom had a good look and almost jumped. There was a cat sitting on our terrace staring into our appartement. A new cat. Never seen before!
Can you see him/her giving our mom the laser eyes? Oh, the cheek of it!
We went out to investigate further and the introoder had the nerve to growl and jowl at Siena! In our own garden!!!Yesterday it happened again and this time, Siena's tail was a little bit puffed. So mom had a good look and almost jumped. There was a cat sitting on our terrace staring into our appartement. A new cat. Never seen before!

Interesting kitty with pretty white paws! i wonder if she wants you to come out to play with her...or if she wants something to eat. I do hope she will have better manners and not growl at you in your own garden!
Can you see whether he is an entire Tomcat? That would determine not just his aggressiveness but also his, ahem, levels of interest....
Your Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan
What a cheeky visitor! Sometimes Fui and my friend Cricket have growling matches. Fui is a bit of a sooky baby.
I bet he knows there are two fine felines inside and wants to be friends. Close, close,close friends.
Purrs Goldie
Oh I hope that kitty has a home!
We remember the first time Spunky came to our front door, he scared the life out of our Mommy. He would just sit and stare. Mom said she could feel eyes on her and when she looked he was there. Luckily, Spunky has a good home. We hope your introoder kitty does too!
Maybe they're lost and scaird? Or just out meeting the neighbors. I hope he/she has a good home to go to. But those lazer eyes are kinda scary. Could he be an alien cat from outer space????
The trouble with cheeky visitors/introoders at my house is that they sometimes become my new family members! We all are purring he has a good home and was just out for a stroll.
I think he/she might have been scared of your big fluffy tail, Siena. I hope he/she has a good home and learns manners!
Oh my introoder kitties are everywhere!
You are nice to share your garden! I think it was very Wrong for the intruder to growl. He needs to learn some lessons about visiting.
The lady says that the kitty looks like Elvis Pussley did when he showed up at her door and would just stare through the glass (although he didn't growl). I think he growls because someone has been mean to him and now he warns people in advance to stay away.
As a cat myself, I can tell you that cats spread the word when there is a nice person who likes cats, so if a cat is in a bad situation, he might go check out a nice person's house to see if there is an vacancy (even for a "feed me once in awhile as an outdoor cat").
Growling... not ok! But that cat looks pretty nice. Hope you make him a friend like the one I've got in the summer house.
Vaya miren nada mas que pillo jijijij , seguro saben que en esa casa los gatitos son muy bien tratados y quire que le adopten :D
Siena, you got good eyes! We hope that introoder learns his manners and is furiendly next time!
Huh!!! Imagine,coming into your yard and growling at you!!!!!!
That is not any way to start a friendship !!!!!
Purrs Mickey
I hope that becomes a new kitty friend - maybe he'll get used to Siena.
We have a cat named Charlie that comes around here to say hi - he looks in our door too (he belongs to the lady two houses down), but he's very friendly. He likes to hang out with me when I work in the garden, and Franklin and he seem to like each other.
Oh the nerve of that intruder to growl at Sienna! Maybe if he or she comes around more they'll end up being friends!
Oooooh, I have introoders in my garden too but they just mieow and never growl. I am the one that growl and hiss. Sometimes I give chase but often we are seperated by the French windows.
If you need a paw, just holler and I, your BSIF, will be there to help!!!!
One would think that if a kitty intrudes into your yard, he would be a little friendlier about it!
Our introoder cat is called 'how rude', cause he has been seen sneaking in and eating my biscuits. You will have to give yours a name.
About cheeky?
She/he shouldn't have growled! I hope she isn't a stray cat that is hungry! I know what is like to be hungry!
Oh a visitor, how exiting!!!Is he/she a straycat ? Siena has to defend her garden and Chilli schould help her.
Olli würde gleich auf ihn/sie zurennen und Prügel kassieren. Den kann ich noch nicht rauslassen. Vor kurzem war hier auch ein Kater, der sich mit Luna ganz gut versteht. Olli ist gleich auf ihn zu gestürmt. Der hat mir zu wenig Angst.
Ich warte lieber noch ein wenig.
Other Kitties are not allowed inside our garden too!
my abah [dad] have put on fences around our house!
We have a stupid introoder cat, too, and the other day it jumped on Fiona. My mom separated them in time and Fiona didn't look hurt and no skin was broken. She was shaken enough to let mom pet her a lot that day and she NEVER does that. It's wrong to be attacked in OUR OWN garden!!!! James
You be very careful out there Siena!
¿Será un intruso o quizá un amigo que quiere unirse a vuestra familia? ¡Muahahahá!
He is a bold little fella!!
Oh sisfurs you are good medicine for us tonight. Love you so.
How nice to have company calling. Maybe you'll make a new friend.
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