The cool cats from
Sumac Stories brought up the question wether you like to sprawl when napping or rather prefer a cramped fit.

Siena prefers the cramped fit.

Chilli is a slight sprawler.
However, recently we quite liked what we call
parallel style too.
Or the
combined style shown here where Chilli sprawls and Siena snugs.

We hope you all get some good sleeping done this weekend!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Those are some very stylish ways of sleeping. We often prefer the parallel style but the snuggle is not to be overlooked
What a great display of sleeping options and styles! We haven't really given too much thought to it because we're busy sleeping, but maybe mom can pay more attention!
Those are really wonderful photos! We all do the sprawl, but we also sleep in cramped positions, and do the parallel sleeping. No snuggling here, though (unfortunately for Franklin!) And of course, Tasha likes to sleep under several layers of blankets...
Those poses look so comfortable, we'll have to try some of them ourselves... right now, in fact... zzzzzzzz........
I prefer the cramped style unless I am rolling. I really do wish I had a cat to snuggle with.
You girls are so creative. Each photo is enchanting!
Your Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan
That was great, Gals!! That shows your diverse personalities or catalities!
Love the parallel tail position! I doubt that would be going on here. Someday maybe.
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Purrs Goldie
You have inspired me to try out some new sleeping styles! Now, if you'll excuse me... *honk-shu*
Such a great present in this box! You're so very lucky having such beauties at home!!
I am mostly a curl-up-in-a-ball type sleeper. Harley likes to sprawl. But neither of us has mastered the parallel sleep yet.
Good photos of sleeping styles. I choose a style depending on weather (chilly (chilli-haha)=more of the curled up in smaller space. Warmer weather=more sprawl. Also, it depends on how safe I feel at any particular moment. Sprawl=feeling safe and secure.
P.S. All our close-ups today are considerably photoshopped (the cats aren't sure how they feel about that, but Mom enjoys it...)
That tail has a life of it's own!! Glorious! xxoo Patty & Bhu
Sleep is good whatever the style and these two are very stylish!
This is a very cute post. My mom and I enjoyed all your pictures. I like to sleep all kinds of ways too.
We like your styles! We use th curl style but always alone. ALthough Mom did catch us in a parallel last night.
You two should try out for the Sleep Olympics!
Hahahahahahaha - this is wonderful!!!! I guess Tintin would be a sprawler and I would be a cramper. Luna is an opportunist, hahahahahaha!
Thank you so much for your condolences concerning our sweet sister-in-law Soraya, we very much appreciated it!
Mrs. OZ
(Karl is still in Limburg...)
We sometimes indulge in some parallel sleeping. We are both more sprawly sleepers, although Fui sometimes curls up very neatly.
In every one of those photos, you look so comfortable!:)
Wow!! Those are some great sleeping positions Siena and Chilli!
Your FL furiends,miedgent
Very cute pictures girls!
Ahahahaha! That was such a funny and interesting blog entry! Hmmm... I must go investigate what my sleeping and Bronzy's sleeping style are.
~Slash two look adorable all snuggled together!!
Olympic-quality sleep styles, I must say! :)
I'm with Mr Black when I am warm or very secure I like a sprawl.
Aw, what very cute photos. James and I like all three moves, at varying times and moods. ~Fiona
¡Qué envidia sana me da ver estas fotos! Me gustaría tanto que Ana y Zar durmieran juntos así...
¡Qué envidia sana me da ver estas fotos! Me gustaría tanto que Ana y Zar durmieran juntos así...
You two are just adorable in these pics. Isn't good to have siblings to snuggle up to? I wish I could do it with my LSIF!
You guys are certainly versi-STYLE
You guys are the coolest. We love all the pics!
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