Mom will be on the road today so we will engage in some
excessive napping. Hopefully we can squeeze in
some snuggling in that tight schedule too! We had some wonderful days in the garden ultimately and will leave you with some impressions.

Chilli won the "runner-up" award for her entry in
Baby Patches Spring photo contest. It was fun to see all the beautiful entries! Thank you, Baby Patches!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
We hope that your mum's road journey will be safe and your naps full of sweet dreams!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Excessive napping sounds like an extreme sport I could get into. Are you ready for Kitty Fight Club match tomorrow, Chilli?
Hope your mom gets back safe from being on the road! Such pretty garden photos!
Chilli, you have the sweetest little smile. We hope your mum's trip is good:)
That sounds like a great way to spend the weekend!! I am very excited looking at your gorgeous out of doors pics!!!
Congrats on your Runner up award and your pay it forward gift totally rawks!!!!!!
Purrs Goldie
Whew, we were worried from the title that maybe you both had to go in a car--BAD!!! Glad it's just your mom. We like being in the garden, too. We notice Chilli wears a harness but Siena doesn't (or is it hidden in her fur?!). This used to be the case with Penny (now crossed over the rainbow bridge), who didn't need a harness, and James, who did. Now that we have a nice secluded garden not near a major street we both go out with harnesses. ~James and Fiona
Concats on a runner up award Chilli! Who can resist that cute little wild face? And Siena, we see you won your fight! Way to go girls!!!
Excessive napping is the best. Wishing your mom a safe trip!
The garden photos are great - is that a Japanese maple that Siena is investigating?
We nap whenever possible, its the best! Congrats on the award.
Hope you get plenty of rest while your mom is gone and I hope she makes it back safe and sound soon!
You both look cute cuddled up napping together.
Concats to Chilli for being the runner up in Baby Patches contest.
That's what we do, too, when no humans are home. We nap our hearts out. They'd never know except our food bowls are still remarkably full until they get home, and then we snack in happiness.
Abby & Stygia
Siena concats on winning the first round of the kitty fight club! What a battle that was and now we are going to go up against eachother! But I couldn't has asked for a more beautiful kitty to go against so good luck.
You guys has such a purrty garden and those are great pics of you enjoyings it.
Chilli concats on your Special Award!
I hope your mom gets back safe! Enjoy napping the day away!!
It looks like a great day for a road trip and a nap in the sun!
COngratulations for the runner up! ANd I love yor new header, it is very gorgeous!
Safe travels to your mom!
Congratulations on your awards and we totally love your garden photoz!Mommy is just adding you to our blog so we will not miss visiting!=^Y^=Toy
Those are some really beautiful pictures of you two! I hope your mom brings you a present from her road trip...
Napping is always good:) Concatulations to Chilli on her special award!
Congratulations on the contest! We love the garden photos. Hope Mom has a safe trip!
You 2 enjoy some extreme napping...I came from Kitty Fight club so I could vote in Chilli's battle! We finally got some sun today. Yay!
Oh, SQUEEEEEEE!!!! You look so adorabble snugglin and snoozin togethur. And we hope yur Momma has a wunnerful trip!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Good luck to Chilli in the Kitty Fight Club. We voted for her, of course :)
You two look wonderful in your garden! Enjoy your nap and we hope your mom has a safe trip!
Ah, isn´t it great to be outside in the garden???
Not bad to have a napping day after some great garden adventures.
Congrats to your new award, Chilli!!
Luna, Luzie and Olli
Ah... while da momee iz away, da kittiez will play!!! When you wakes uppee frum da nappee you can goez & shredz da toilet paperz!!!
I hopes you haz a wunderful Sunday. Tank you so much fur purrin' fur Auntie Stinkie. She iz reecovefurrin' & slowly gettin' back to her selfee, altho' dis mornin' she didz not takes her pillZ.
cONGRATS on yer awardee!!!
Dr Tweety
There's no such thing as "excessive" napping! ;-)
Hope your mom's having a great trip. Congrats on the runner-up award!
Hi Chilli,
You can send me your new pic to sandra at gorgeous dot co dot nz.
You two are the sweetest!!
Your garden photos are wonderful as well as your snuggling photos. Looks like you're enjoying the sun and the company :-)
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