We had much fun in the garden today. It was very warm and sunny and there were lots of insects to hunt. Chilli was very nervous and scared though as our neighbour behind the wall was building a wooden deck, which involved quite loud noise. She kept running in and out again. And those ears! When the janitor decided it was time for the first mow of the lawn she flipped. She was inside, flat-catting around like mad and searching for a place to hide. Hihihihi, that little one has really bad nerves.

I'm very proud of her though as she discovered the wall and managed to get up there. There are many other worlds behind those walls, you know, and each is different. Mom wasn't too happy with it, but there's nothing she can do about it. It was the same with me - it's just too interesting!

Chilli didn't get off the wall to the other side as she's still too scared and it really was a bit noisy today.

Nevertheless I managed to relax in the shade on the cool pavement - and to bring in some of those green maple blooms in my floof, hehehehehe.
Purrs, Siena
Siena, it IS lovely to bring the outdoors in, isn't it?! ~ Fiona
Chilli, you look so brave on the wall and the house is a lovely color, too. I, too, get scared of loud noises (I hate the vacuum cleaner for example) and I think it's good to be cautious. ~James
That wall looks like it would be fun to be on top of! And those green maple blooms sound cool!
Hello Siena!
What a wonderful Saturday!
Your garden is really cool and we loved your pictures.That wall is really big!
Glad to see you and your sister having fun!
Mommy never allows me get outside ...She says that because there are mean dogs a lot around here! Gee!
Hugs from
Luna and mommy
baHi Siena and Chilli. Looks like a lovely day outside there! How brave of Chilli to climb the wall despite loud noises! It was chilly and rainy here today. Meowmy went for a drive in the country and brought back some new plants for the garden...and the interesting scents of two kitties she met!
Dear AMIGAS Chilli and Siena!
I asked mommy to came back just to say that I LOVE you dear friends!
Many thanks for support me and your Portuguese is GREAT ! Cool indeed!!!
My pop lived in Germany and he can speak German.I will ask him to teach me some words in your language as well!
Just between us...mommy thinks German is so hard to learn!She is trying French!!! Can you believe that!
I think different!I will try!
little Luna
I do not like loud noises, either! I usually run and hide under the bed.
That wall sure does look fun to explore. How do you climb up there? You must have to SCALE the wall! That's very impressive!
Your garden looks fun! I know Kirby would be up on that wall , too!
It sounds like your day was full of lots of things to explore:) We especially liked seeing the nice wall.
That's an amazing wall! Chilli looks great on it. And I like the persimmon color the house is painted.
The cats say to tell Chilli that they don't like the lawnmower man either. The first time he comes every year is the worst - after that it's less nerve-wracking.
What a lovely garden you have there! I'd love to go exploring with you both!
Chilli was just being sensibly cautious, for a cat never knows what might be lurking. Siena, you looked so calm and floofy out there on the stones. Happy Easter to you and yours...
Chilli, you are such a great climber! That is a huge wall. We hate loud noises too, dad mowed today and Jonesie spent the day inside in her comfy bed! She didn't even garden at all!!
You two look great in the garden!!
It looks like a lovely day to be wandering in your garden!
No seas curiosa y bajate de ahiiiiiiii prrr nada de pasar al otro lado del muro por favorrrrrrrrrrrr , hay muchos peligros fuera :(
That looks like a lovely Saturday! We envy you your sun as we didn't really get any here.
Happy Sunday!
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Enjoy your Sunday in the garden!!
A very happy Easter to you!
The Cat Realm
Siena, guess what? I finally have a flower in my garden! Yay! That means that the icky winter is finally gone. Mom's going to go out this week and start cleaning things up. The weather here is starting to get warm enough for lying out on the deck.
All outsidez is scary! Me stays inside alla time. Bhu
I love being outside. Sounds like a perfect Easter weekend of exploring.
You are brave to go outside!
Did you get the maple blooms out of your floof? Hope they did not get stuck in your teethes.
Happy Easter!
I am continually amazed at how high the two of you can climb and jump.
Happy Easter!
Cheyenne Millie here again. I have given you an award I don’t know if you have received this award before. If you haven’t received it yet and you want this award you can pick it up on my blog. Thanks.
The wall is awesome!
So do the kitties!
Ooh, we had the same noisey mower machines by the neighbors fer 3 days! Drove us crazy an unner the bed.
Chilli reminds us of Maggie May. She is very nervous too! We call "flat-catting" lowrider kitty! hehehe
So Siena, don't you have a purrthday tomorrow?
~Maggie May~
That's a bit scary, but we can't wait to hear about all the other worlds.
What a treat to link to your delightful blog! As a cat fan myself, I'm really enjoying this! I'll be back (and do stop by The Marmelade Gypsy, where an orange cat will greet you!)
Poor Chilli. It will be better if you are accostumed to the noises around the house.
Wir waren kürzlich in einem Wohngebiet mitten in Bremens Innenstadt. Dort wanderte seelenruhig eine Norwegische Waldkatze auf der Strasse herum. Ich denke, Siena wird sich nicht all zu weit vom Haus entfernen. Luna bleibt auch in der Nähe. Keep cool :0)
Luna, Luzie and Olli
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