It has officially begun. Now it's going to show if Chilli is the α-cat she aspires to be. Little Miss silly Chilli went on the neighbours deck again.
While she was over there Frida, one of the neighbour cats, came out of their appartement and attacked Chilli so that she fell down in their patio. The way back to us was now cut off by Frida who had her tail puffed and was hollering. After some time Chilli worked up all her courage and headed for home encountering a very unfriendly Frida on the narrow wooden railing of their deck. She got several whaps and there was scary screaming going on but she made it home! Chilli is unharmed, she hasn't even got a scratch. It all went so fast but mom thinks she saw that Chilli whapped her too. I have never done that!

A) open war for dominance
over the garage roof?
B) coming to an arrangement?

Purrs, Siena
Siena Im so glad that Chilli is ok... Frida does look a lovely cat you really must make friends with her so you all can sit on the garage roof together!
*Hugs to Chilli* I know its not nice to be attacked like that Chilli Have some hugs and snorgles from me!
Hi Siena and Chilli. Sounds like some more fighting is in order...unless Frida decides to be friends or unless Chilli stops challenging her for her space. We hear that horrible screaming from our basement at least once a week...Gingy catches Sylvie out in the open in the basement and Sylvie yells her head off "don't you dare get near me, i'm gonna rake your face if you get near me, keep back i tell you!" Most of the time it's only yelling, but as you know, Gingy did put the claw into Sylvie's tail several times. We sure hope this doesn't happen with Ms Alpha Cat Chilli.
Well done Chilli for standing up for yourself but it would be nice not to have to do that again !!
Poor Chilli! That sounds very, very scairty! I say no more fighting, because someone could get hurted.
We think that Chilli looks quite terrifying in that second to last photo! If we were Frida and saw her coming, we would give up NOW!!!
We're very glad she is unhurt, though, and hope she will be sensible in terms of putting herself in dangerous situations.
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan (Baby Alpha!!!)
Oh no! Sorry to hear Frida attacked you, Chilli! We are hoping that you girls can come to an open arrangement for the garage roof!
Dear Siena,
Glad to know that little Chilli is fine!
As her older sister you should explain about some dangerous things around.An agreement is the best way to follow now.
Maybe Frida could be a great friend but she was jealous or something like that about the place.
Take care okay!
purrs from
Luna ( and mommy Léia )
By the way...
This post shows an authentic "Kitty fight"contest !!!!
Oh No! what is coming next with you two girls! First Siena escapes and then Chilli gets into a fight! Glad you are both all right!
We shipped it out on Thursday, April 23rd. Maybe it will get there sometime early this week? We are starting to suspect the neighbor cat now too!
Thanks for voting! We are very partial to the kitties too!
Wow Chili, you are so brave to venture out to the neighbors yard like that!!
Wow-- total excitement! One needs to set boundaries for interlopers and make sure everyone knows you are in charge; or so Tiger says. Purrs to the Fearless Chilli and Gentle Siena!
Your sister is really showing her stuff, Siena!
Oh noes! I hope that it does not go to war ... someone most likely will get hurt.. Miss Chilli... you is a sassy girl! :)
You two sure get into a lot of mischief! Maybe you should stay in the house until Frightening Frida cools down!
We think war has been declared! Chilli...we wouldn't want to tangle with you, though!
First Siena escapes and now Chilli gets into a fight... there's a lot of excitement going on at your place!
You guessed right! That is Shadow's Jake I am talking about!
Wow, I sure hope you reach an agreement! I don't like fighting because someone could get their eye poked out. Please be careful!!
That sounds scary - we're glad it was mostly yelling and no one got hurt. It looks like Chili will have to work something out with Ms. Frida.
P.S. Your clematis is beautiful!
Oh, Chilli, make love not war!
Oh poor Chilli. I would be tempted to go avenge her myself.
Chilli, What were you doing up there? It's not too bright to climb onto the patio of an unfriendly kitty. We're so glad you weren't hurt.
That's my girl!! You show that cranky old cat who is the boss around your place! I bet she will think twice about whapping you. If not, let me know and I will come and defend your honor!
Chilli, I can see you've got your "don't mess with me" face on in that next to last picture. I think Frida has no idea you have an army of friends who will come to defend your honor if she so much as puts a scratch on you. I think the best strategy is to holler loudly like you mean business to call her can get out of actually fighting that way. Be careful out there!
I'm glad to hear that Chilli is okay! I know Frida was only protecting her home, but maybe they could be friends so they could sit up there together and not fight?
That would be fun! :)
I'm glad that Chilli is okay and didn't get hurt in her scuffle with Frida. You two are making me nervous with your escapes and now fights - I hope things are more uneventful from now on!
PS, yes Cecilia wants to join the Silky & Slender club. Bennette promises to keep an eye out on Cecilia's "junk in the trunk" to make sure that she remains qualified!
I am giving you the 'One Lovely Blog Award'.
Please go to my blog to see what it is and what you need to do. Also, you can copy the award if you want. It's a pretty one.
I think you are Purrfect and that's why I picked you.
Oh you two, do be careful. There are two of you, so maybe you can pull together forces and knock Frida right off.
Oh Chilli, please be careful!
I hopes nobody gets hurts there! Be careful!!
We are glad Chilli is OK, we hope her and Frida can work out their differences.
Mommy was admiring the flowers and she wondered what the bush with the purple flowers on it was. It looks lovely. ~S,S,C & F
Chilli looks pleased with herself in one photo and almost fuzzy in the other and then sleek and slender again in the next! I'm sure they'll tussle some more before working something out.
Fank goodness Chilli is OK. We fink you should make friends and share the roof - it's safer that way!
We're so happy Chilli is all right and we think it was very brave of her to fight back. The great outdoors can be a bit scary. Once, in our Summer House, we were in our yard and a dog barked very threateningly on the other side of the fence. I ran inside as fast as I could, but Cliff wanted to fight the dog, so the Humans had to carry him inside. We hope peace will prevail in your garden.
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