we take it as our duty as cats to help our mom study. We are very pleased that mom now got the result on her last exam ever and it was very good. Largely due to us and your purrs, of course! Now, this exam was two months ago and while waiting for the outcome mom was supposed to at least start thinking about her final written work. Like in which subject to do it, about what, talk to the profs, look at literature etc. Today we confronted her and found out that she has been lazing around! She was full of excuses and foul explanations for this deplorable state of affairs but we're having none of that no more. Immediate measures have to ensue:
We announce a blogcation!
We don't know how long it will take, maybe two weeks, maybe three, but as responsible student cats we have to concentrate all our energy on getting mom back on track. It's a hard job but somecat's got to do it!

After our blogcation we will introduce cool new members of the Silky and Slender Crew, show some wonderful packages we got lately from our even more wonderful furriends and hopefully some happily sprouting cat mint plants! So watch this space!
Love and purrs to all of you,
Siena & Chilli
P.S.: We will also tell you if we got one of the baby blackbirds on our terrace or not. Mom is determined to defend them. We'll see...

Enjoy your blogcation! We'll miss you!
OH NO!!! Not that dreaded "Blogcation" word! We will miss you so much it hurts to even think about it. But we know that you will do everything necessary to make sure that your Mom does what she needs to do, so you can get back to us AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!!
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
PS: Stay AWAY from those chicks, girls! Remember Tommy and the little thrush!
Oh phooey, Siena and Chilli, we will miss you! However, we understand how important it is for your mom to come up with a thesis topic...this is serious work and you will need to help her concentrate. (When Meowmy was a graduate student, at first she didn't have a cat of her own, but neighborhood cats climbed into her apartment to keep her company. One of them, a very pretty tortoiseshell, would lay right in the middle of the book.) We hope your blocation won't be too long and we are already eagerly awaiting your return.
May you have a productive blogcation. Best to you all!
Make sure you keep your Mom on schedule! Have a great blocation!
We will definitely miss you girls but obviously this is very important work! Have a good blogcation and good luck with the baby birds!
Samson and Delilah
Enjoy your time off. We understand that her paper and student work is more important. We will be here waiting for your return!
I will miss you very much, but understand your mum must do her work. My mail wil hopefuly come in the morning. I will let you know. We had a bank holiday which delayed things a little.
I put up a special awardy please have a look.
Hugs GJ xxx
We´ll miss you too you two cuties!!!
Viel Erfolg und liebe Grüße!!!!
Bis bald!
PS: Please, Please, stay away from the poor birdies!
Great post!
Good luck for your mommy! We will miss you a lot!Everything will be okay!We will be here thinking of you!
Wonderful pictures!
purrs and love from Brazil
Oh, dear! We will miss you dreadfully, but quite understand the necessity of getting your Mom on track academically! It takes tremendous focus, we know!
I may be taking a blogcation sometime this summer too -- my dissertation must be complete by the end of August -- or very nearly there. Good luck & get going!! We'll be thinking about you!
P.S. Tiger wants Chilli to know she can come hang out with him in his club house or tree house anytime!
Thanks for the tip/recommendation on Schesir! #1 didn't know about it but she just looked it up on the Zooplus site (do you ever buy from them? - great selection and great prices!) and will order some next time along with the Gimpet Shiny Cat and Almo Nature she already gets us from there. From London, she brougt us Applaws, Hi-Life, Sheba, Gorumet Solitaire and a couple of tried and tested premium cans from Waitrose and Tesco (supermarket chains). For Tommy, she gets James Wellbeloved dry food and Caesar and Baker's wet food.
Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Make sure your mom works hard! You'll all be missed!
We'll miss you but be sure to enjoy your blogcation! Make sure your mom gets everything done that she needs to!
We will miss you but it is more impawtunt to keep your mum working. We'll see you when you get back from your blogcation.
I will definitely miss you while you take a blogcation, but I understand. My mom went through the same thing when she was writing her dissertation and she didn't do anything for several months and then did everything within one month. Go figure!
I hear you - I am in the middle of writing a huge literature review, and of course, I'd rather leave blog comments than do technical writing! So I completely understand, and I'm wishing your mom much inspiration.
And please stay away from the baby blackbirds! (Would it help if I said the parents will attack you?)
We will miss you for awhile Chilli and Siena but we understand you human mommy needs a break to do other things. :) You guys look like you're on vacation already! Lol!
We hope that your Mom does well with her studies! You two look like you're a lot of help:)
Pee Ess: Please don't hurt those baby birdies!
We will certainly miss you girls on your blogcation! You are right, your mom needs you! We will see you when you get back.
Concatulations to your mom for her very good score!
We hope your blogcation won't be too long cuz we will miss you! But we know that you need to take care of your mom and make sure she gets her work done. We'll see you when you get back!
Get back soon.
PS: Our humans are getting serious leaving us (!) for your neighborhood...
We are so proud of you and your dedication, Siena. Chilli's too. It takes at least one 4-legged to keep the 2-legged on the right track. It takes all 9 of us here to keep Jan in line and she still wanders off. So keep a vigilant eye(s) on your human so you can return before too long.
We will miss you guys but we knows your momma work stuffs is very impawtant and it is bestest not for her to be distracted.
You look after her girls!! We will be thinkings about you all :)
We'll keep your blogging spot warm for you until you get back.
your friend,
We will miss you, but you are right your Mom's paper must come first. Hope she gets it done soon. ~S,S, C & F
We will miss you like crazy but paws have to be put down. You two are just the cats to do it.
Study hard Mom or I may have to come over and add my paws.
I miss you both already! Please stop by and visit, ladies!
We will miss you too but understand that important work must be done. We know you can straighten your mom out and get her back to the books!
jane & Alice
Oh! The B word! We will miss you so much, but we are proud of you for being such good kitties doing full time support work for mom! This is a very important time...I will just have to learn to be patient. I'm not so good at that.
We will just say see you soon!
Ah no, exams stink! I don't miss doing exams at all, but good luck to your Mum who will no doubt be absolutely fine, especially since she has such good helpers! I hope you come back soon!
Que buenos ayudantes son seguro su mami esta felicicicicicima de tenerlos ahi controlando todo ainsss que harian sin nosotros eh? ijiji .
Los bbs nos encantaronnnnnnn , son una ternurita , defiendanlos eh? :D besitos y abracitos
Oh dear! I haven't been around much myself. That is a lot of studying your mom is doing! Hope a lot gets done on the blogcation!
Awww the baby blackbirds are so cute!! Just adorable.
Um yeah....we get it, and we are in the same spot. The LL is taking a super marathon summer class as her first law school class....she gets home, eats, reads, and goes to bed really late. So we totally understand!!!
Have a good blogcation, I will miss you. Hope you get back very soon (and your mom gets real good grades.)
I had mail, thank you, thank you, thank you.
I will show you my delight on my post.
Hugs GJ xx
Oh no!!! Well, you girls have to be the boss and make sure mom does her best. It is hard but these beans need a lot of guidance and support! We hope you have a very productive break and can't wait to see you when you get back!!
Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee
Good luck with helping your Mom!!!
Mommy's exams are not over. They are coming up in fact! We hope that Mommy is as clefer as your Mom and will do just as well in the exams. Purrliss hurry back furrom your blogcation!
~Slash & Bronzy
I will miss u!!!
Estos humanos siempre tan ocupados!!! Yo os comprendo perfectamente...
Mucha suerte en tu examen final!!!
We will miss you lots but it is necessary to have a blogcation to get mom on track. SS sympathizes as she has been there before. Make sure you come by my blog next Friday though.
I also position myself on the precise paper/article that SS is working on too. We kitties know instinctively what is important.
Good werk guys. You help her very well!
Can't wait to hear what you've been up to. Albert and Elvis will miss you tons.
P.S. They say thank you very much for the award and are on their lazy mommy to get to the reposting.
Love always, Cori, Albert and Elvis
We think you are very noble having a blof vacation to help your Mom. Wishe her good luck and come back soon!
Milo and Alfie xx
Enjoy your blogcation! Best of luck to your mom on her work! I'll miss you both...but especially you Chilli!
hello =)My name is Jasmine, of Macadamya blog. You're very pretty ^^
Jas & Gi
Blogcation ...Ha!!!
You both are such good helpers ... We do the same.
Go Mom & yippee about your school ... EdCatation is important.
Have a lovely break with lots of napping and relaxing.
Hola, soy brasileña y tengo un blog felino. Me encanto tu blog. Tu gata és guapa. Visita mi blog. Hasta luego.
Wow! How nice of you also speak Portuguese, I am happy with it =)
We also know speak a little Spanish like you ... and english, we try!
Jas & Gi
Tienes razón. La vecina pensaba que estavamos escondiendo su gatito. No lo sé cómo se dice calico o Tortoiseshell en portugués. muchas gracias por la visita y saludos desde brasil para ti y para Chilli!
Hope your mom's studies are going well, but I am sure you are helping her a lot!
What cute birdies. I hope they can grow up to be big birdies.
I understand the blogcation by the way, as my mom is sort of doing that to me too.
Miss you!
We just found you and are now followers. We think you are the purrtiest cats and we like your blog a lot! We will see you back after your blogcation...Teri said she needs to take one too, but somehow 20 minutes turns into 2 hours and she doesn't get her to-do list any shorter that way!
Enjoy the blogcation Siena & Chilli. I do hope secretly you won't get those blackbirds :-)
We hope that the blogcation goes well... my mom took a 5 day blogcation last week... but can't seem to stay away much longer than that. Hope your mom does well on her school!
See you soon we hope.. Keep her working!
Good luck with your scool stuff, and looking forward to seing you blogging again! Hugs and purrs!
Are you guys enjoying your bogcation? See you when you get back!
Your mom's blogcation coincided with our mom's blogcation. Cool! Also, and I can see why you're being secretive, but it's very important to keep the human anti-literacy campaign going. I learned this technique from Penny, the older cat I lived with (I still miss her). ~James
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