Sunday, July 12, 2009


Dear furriends,

it's been a while since we started our blogcation to get our mom back into studying. And boy, it's been a hard time so far! We interrupt our intense mom-monitoring for an update on how things are going.
At first, things went really bad as all of us got sick. Mom noticed that Siena was scratching her ears quite a lot so she went to the vet with her. It turned out she had a light ear infection and ear drops would solve the problem. Two days later, we had been enjoying some hours outside, Siena's right eye was teary and her third membrane had moved forward over one third of the eye. She looked horrible, like a pirate. The vet found a deep scratch in it! Fortunately, the retina wasn't hurt. That meant three times ointment and two time eye drops per day for Siena. Over almost a month and weekly vet visits her eye has healed handsomely and you can't see anything nomore. But that's not all: Mom had just visited the vet with Siena to check on her eye and had to leave on the next day's morning for a university course away. Things were arranged with the other type of human to look after us and mom was confident about Siena's progress and the other type of human giving her all this medication. So she gets up in the morning to find me having some strange sort of coughing attack, intermixed with sneezes and rolling around on the floor. She honestly thought I was going to die right away. The attack lasted several minutes. The other type of human came over right away as our mom, dissolved in tears, had to leave to get to that course. He had to take me to the vet because I started to get lethargic and I wouldn't eat. There I got stabbed with a nasty needle an they prescribed pills for me. It seems that I got a really bad cold. After our mom's return she took me with her for Siena's appointment and everything was fine. And now comes the big joke: Excactly that same night we came back from the vet Siena started sneezing! She got over it with the help of an homoeopathic treatment, but it was hard seeing her like this. She ate and played all the time though and there wasn't any yucky stuff coming out of her nosie.
Fortunately we're both well again and back to having a good time. Ehem, that's when we're not totally exhausted from helping mom study, of course.
So exhausted.

Check out our DIY Busy Box. Great fun!
Towards the end of the video you can see Siena sneeze.
A pin-up shot of Siena.Mom!!! Stop that! I'm a respectable Ladycat!Chilli - The secret ingredient. Guess how much Miss Silky & Slender weighs...
Having fun with the new sisal rug. Apparently mom plans another DIY project.
Mom always laughs and laughs when Siena zooms off in the other world behind our garden wall. She caught her flying!

Things are improving slowy but surely with mom but she's a harder case than we thought. We have to remain on blogcation until we really see land again. We miss all of you terribly, but we're not completely away anyway as we visit regularly. ; )
Purrs and love your way,
Siena & Chilli


Misha said...

See what happens when you take break from blogging? Hope you're all feeling better!

So glad to see some pics of you lovely girls and you come back soon!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad to hear you are both feeling better now. We laughed at the video, it was fun.
Oh, and nice butt Siena:)

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We have missed you lots. Those are nice photos of you two. I especially like the photo of Siena flying! That is great!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are so sorry you have all been sick! WE are glad you checked in! We have missed you very much. Keep Mom going so you can come back sooner!

Zoe and Indy said...

We're glad you're all better now. That is a very cool flying picture.

quiltcat said...

Hi guys! We've really missed you! And we're really sorry to hear that you've both been sick. Let's hope that's all for now. We do hope that your mom's dissertation work is going well because we know that we won't get to see much of her, or you two, until she's made some progress. The video was hilarious...what a surprise to see a Chili-paw come out of one of the holes in the box!

The Florida Furkids said...

Thanks for all of the updates - you've had a rough time but we're glad you're all doing better now!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We were so happy to see that you had a post! We're glad you are both feeling 100% healthy again. Please stay that way!

The photos are all great but our absolute favourite is the pin-up of Siena. WOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!

Here's hoping to see you back blogging full-time soon. We miss you!

Woofs and purrs,
Tommy and The Girls

las794 said...

It's good to hear from you again--sorry you've all been sick at once! The busy box video was really funny. :)

Sweet Purrfections said...

Oh wow! You've really had it rough. I'm glad to hear that both of you are feeling better now. Tell your mom to study hard and we'll be here when she gets back.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Wow, we knows eye troubles mean lotsa vet visits. We are glad you are doing better with your eyes and colds too.

We loved all the photos, especially the plumey tailed one and the last leaping bunny one!

And your DIY Busybox movie made mewmie snort where your mom did, HaHaMeow. And a live cat inside is much more fun than a ball!

The Creek Cats said...

Oh how we've miss you both! So sad to hear you've been sick, but so glad to hear you are both on the mend! Love the video and the pic of Siena flying through the garden! Too cute!!
Sending you both and your mom relaxing vibes!

Jasmim said...

OMG! Many things happened, but I'm glad that despite the difficulties, everything is fine now =)
We love the video, very funny!
Oh! And Siena is really so furry =O
I hope that nothing happens with you. And I hope now you go back to blogging!
Miss you ^^

Jas & Gi

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

I am so sorry to hear about your sickness but glad that you are all better. Miss you both so much. Siena's tail is just gorgeous, as is the rest of her. The Flying Fox is funny. I do it too but SS's camera is just not good enought to catch it. Purrs to your mom on her studies.

Anonymous said...

I am very glad you girls are feeling better.. what a rough trot. It seems to be going around, must be something in the air.
Thanks for checking in, and keep your momma on her toes :)

Quill and Greyson said...

Thank Cod you are all okay now! I've missed you so much, it's so nice to see you both. Hope your Mom is studying hard.

Love the flying cat shot, and does the busy box come with a cat?

BeadedTail said...

Thanks for the updates! We've missed you a lot! We're sorry to hear about everything that has been happening to you but hopefully you will be well from here on out. We love seeing the pictures of you two and can't wait until your blogcation is over! Take care!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

OH, it was so good to hear from you. Chilli we are sorry you and Siena have been sick. Being sick is no fun. Scylla & Charybdis went to the vet for their annual checkup Friday and Scylla weighs 13pounds.

Glad everyone is on the mend. We will purr that your Mom's studying goes well. ~S,S,C & F

Cory said...

See, that's what Blog withdrawal looks like...achooo!!! Seriously, we are relieved you 2 are doing much better and maybe it's best we find out after the fact because we would have been worried sick right along with you. Your busy box is awesome. We have one but it only holds toys, it can't hide another pussy cat! The flying pic of Sienna is the best ever! Purrs to you!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Glad to see you are okay now and at least we know you are okay. So we'll see you when you get back from blogcation.

Mishkat said...

Hi Siena and Chilli!
We've missed you a lot. We're very sorry to hear that you were both ill - and very glad that you are both feeling better again! Our mom wishes your mom all the best in her work and we are sure you two are a huge help to her.

We love all the photos but our favorite is Siena flying!

Miss Lizzy said...

I checked out your update before bed. LOVE the Chilli in the dish! And Siena's pin-up pic made me laugh! Thanks for the encouraging words! Hope your work is going well, too.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am so glad you all are feeling better. Stay that way!

The Island Cats said...

Thanks for the update. And we are happy to hear that you all are feeling better now!

Forever Foster said...

Oh girls! What a troublesome time you've had! We are happy to hear you are on the mend now, and hope you stay out of trouble from now on. You are good girls to help your mum study, but we have missed you!

Anonymous said...

We hope you all feel much better soon. We enjoyed your pics today and will look out for you posting again!

The video is fun. Dad made us a "busy box" too!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh sweeties, so sorry you have been ill. What a time you have had. ove the pictures and video's and look forward to seeing you on your next visit.

Hugs GJ xxx

Parker said...

I am glad you both are OK. We miss you and hope you stay happy and health!

Everycat said...

Aaah there you both are! Crikey, you have been having a rough time, eyes are scary when they get hurt and sneezes - what a nusiance! I'm glad you are all well again now. Love the video!

Whicky Wuudler

LZ said...

We miss you guys but we TOTALLY understand. Those mom's and eats them up. Meowmy's first law school final is next Monday so we're on intensive need only Internet time.


PuCat said...

remember a blog a day keeps the vet away...SOOOO glad you both are UP & running, jumping & snoozing again!!!


Daisy said...

Oh dear! If it's not one thing, it's another! I am glad you are both on the mend now, and it was great to catch up with you again.

TAILS of TANKENE said...

How nice to see a Norwegian Forest Cat flying. I want to introduce myself. I am Tankene Ice Mist. I am a NFC and the undisputed Prince of my home. I am very smart and only one year old.I hope you will visit my Mom's blog at: and see more pictures of me and my family.

Anonymous said...

Wow, are all of you super~cute!!! We saw you on Jasmim's blog and couldn't resist stopping by! Sorry to hear you were feeling under the weather, but glad to know you're now ok! Stop by anytime! We LOVE new friends!

The Kool~Kittie~Krew

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! We miss you, furriends!

Michelle said... sorry you all got the sickies! I just LOVED that DIY box video. You guys looked like you were having fun. It really made me smile!!

Lots of hugs and purrrs

Michelle :)

Anonymous said...

Hi girls!! (jane waves paw frantically) We missed you!

So sorry that you've been sick but glad things are getting better. We loved all the photos and look forward to the end of your blogcation!

jane & Alice

Anonymous said...

We're glad to hear from you and your human... and very happy to know you are both well again. That must have been scary. Good luck to your human mom with her work...

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Wonderful photos! Glad everyone is feeling better--and we get to see you blogging more! And the pin-up is my favorite!!!


Noll's Nip said...

Hi...we missed you! Glad you're all feeling better. Best to your mom!

Nomi said...

So much has happened, I'm not surprised you need to nap all the time. Glad everyone is over their ikkies.

Baby Patches said...

Thanks for da update and I is so sorry you guys gots sick dat no funs at all! Wishing your momma good lucks wif all her hard work. Takes care.


Cliff and Olivia said...

Phew. So many calamities. Poor all of you. We've sent the humans home today so they could do some business while we're vacationing. We hope you start blogging again when we're back in town. Take care!

Cliff & Olivia

Bruce said...

Glad you're feeling better! Love the flying shot! I've missed Siena's big fluffy tail! Glad you're back.
your friend,

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You have had some hard times being sick. I am glad you are getting back to normal now. HOpe you are feeling better. Uh, that pin-up shot is, uh, well, tell your mom not to post that kind of picture again, even though it was very nice and showed off your floof very nicely!

Maya said...

we are happy to hear that everyone is feeling well! we also had a lot of health problems. sniezka had a severe liver problem and ended up in the hospital for one day. after 3 weeks of taking all kinds of anibiotics she is beack to normal now!
wishing you all , all the best :)

Reese =^..^= said...

Hi, nice to meet you. I sure got caught up very nicely. Glad you are all feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Hi furriends! We're just letting you know that we're thinking about you today:)

umi_e said...

hi there... have a bright and cheerful sunday :)

Bengal Duo ~ Zulu and Deene said...

We are sorry to hear you were sicks. Mah ear is also goopey inside... I has drops too. My hooman says I got it from the dog! Dog germs!!!Hope you are much better now; sending purrrrs your way!

Anonymous said...

Goodness sakes, all of you sure have had a lot on your plate. So happy that things are looking up. Forrest really liked the "pin-up shot". He drooled.

Tuck said...

Oh, I have missed you ladies very much! I'm so sorry to hear that you were all sick, but hope that everything is better now. Hopefully, your mom's studying continues to go well and you will all be back soon! And I would never try to guess how much you weigh Chilli. A mancat never asks a ladycat her weight...

The Creek Cats said...

We are so sorry to hear you are unable to visit us on our blog! Wonder what we can do to fix that? We will try to work on it so you can come back and visit!

Cindy said...

Absolutely gorgeous photos. Love the cats. Cindy

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