Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wordless Weeks


Forever Foster said...

Look at little baby you nomming on the box! Siena, I think you better be careful with all these cute photos. If you continue, there will be too much cuteness on the internet, and it might make it collapse!!!!

Zoe and Indy said...

So cute!

Your comment on our sleeping position post made us laugh very hard!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww, cute beyond compare!

Milo and Alfie xx

Sweet Purrfections said...

You are just way to cute for your own floof!

Bruce said...

Sweet, sweeter & sweetest!!

The Island Cats said...

Siena...we're loving these baby pictures of you so much!

Nomi said...

I like nomming on things too, apart from fud of course ! You are furry cute. My miewmie wants tp pick you up and hug you.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely adorable! What a cute little baby you were!

Maya said...

que gatita preciosa :)

Monica the Garden Faerie said...

Playing can really tire a kitten out! ~James and Fiona (we still like to sleep as adults!)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Lots and lots of cute! We used to nom our toy box then one day mum was sorting through it and found all our baby teefs inside it. Before they fell out she used to say we looked like baby sharks with two rows of teefs.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

What a great toy idea that box was!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh you look like you are relaxing!

Daisy said...

That cardboard toy you made is just like the ones you can buy for many, many green papers!

Anonymous said...

Oh goooosh! The pictures are getting cuter and cuter!!!

Reese =^..^= said...

What a fun look back! Lots of sweet memories for you.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

How cute are they.. I just love that last one..

Alas my seeds have done nothing. Mum looked after them and I checked them every day. Mum cant understand why they did't come up, so no nip for me.. Sob sob..

Hugs GJ xx

BeadedTail said...

We're loving all your cute baby photos Siena! You were especially cute grooming that floofy kitten tail!

Cory said...

Siena, you are so precious. The thought of too much cute crashing the internet made us laugh!

Jasmim said...

Looks like you're having fun too much! And the last picture is so cute =)

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

You are just so cute in those baby pictures, Siena! Love how your Mom made a fun toy out of that box! Great idea!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You look very happy and comfy there!

Anonymous said...

That's certainly a whole lot of cuteness! Love the photo of the long tail. Your early grooming has certainly paid off in a gorgeous plume!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Aw!! That is a cute tail photo! Lovely tail!

quiltcat said...

Oh, more adorable baby Siena pictures! the picture of you in the lap of the other kind of human is so cute...looks like you didn't have any trouble at all catching your long lovely tail!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Always enjoy looking at your cutie photos, LSIF!!!

Whimpurr said...

Too precious! I really love you cleaning your widdle tail in the last one! *purrs*

Quill and Greyson said...

LSIF you are such a cutie kitten, glad your Mom is rolling out all the good stuff!!

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