You voted for Misha, didn't you? We're serious, every vote is needed here. Please efurrycat, pop over to the contest site and vote. Use your human's email adresses too. Voting closes the 30th of September.
Vote Misha!
We're kind of busy this weekend so we'll see you next week.
Purrs, Chilli
Enjoy your week. We think you'd make a great cat model!
Milo and Alfie xx
Hi Chilli...I just tried to vote, but the website is down. Good luck to Misha!
your pal,
Yes Chilli, you would be tough competition indeed! How nice of you to stump for votes for Misha! We'll go and vote for him, again.
We think Misha's VERY lucky that you're not his competition! We voted for him and hope he wins.
Chilli, you woulda give Misha a run for the title! We voted as much as we could...we're gonna go pester mom's friends now and get them to vote...
You would be a fine model cat indeed =^_^= purrs to you!
That picture shows your qualities as a top model. Not so much in the fashion bizz (those models sometimes are fancy clothes hangers) but art. You have a je ne sais quoi mona lisa look about you.
You're a gorgeous model, Chilli!
We have voted for Misha on every email we have!
Yes, Chilli, you would make a great model!! I hope you have a great weekend!
Oh you young lady cats are just the loveliest of cats.
You are growing into the most beautiful young lady, Chilli. Of course we voted for Misha!:)
agreed. that would have been a winning photo.
Chilli, you are a beautiful cat model! Lovely lovely model shot :D
Enjoy your week!
You are doing the over the shoulder look ... you purrfect cat model you
I think you would definitely give Misha a run for his money. It is nice of you to step aside and be his cheerleader instead.
I am certain he is very relieved! You are gorgeous!
This life of being a model must be so exhausting! I think I'll go for a nap now...
purrs and love
You would also be a great cat model!
Let's vote for Misha :)
You make a great model.. Enjoy your time.. Hugs GJ xx
You make a great model.. Enjoy your time.. Hugs GJ xx
Maybe if they had a top girl model and a top boy model you wouldn't have to compete! We voted Misha!
What a great photo! You look quite lovely, Chilli!
Chilli, you are a beauty!
I already voted for Misha. I hope he will win!
Thanks for casting your vote!
The September issue of Happy as Larry with heaps of giveaways and confirmation of your vote has been emailed to you.
Hecho !!!! ya tienes nuestro voto :D y a GANARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Thanks for the meow-out Chilli! Yes, I'm very relieved you're not competing against me. You get more modelicious every time I see you!
Look out Germany's Next Top Cat Model!
We are sure that Misha is very relieved he doesn't have to compete against you Chilli. ~S,S,C & F
We think that you is a furry PURRty kitty and that you might have given Misha a run fur his money! Yes, we voted LOTS!
Please come to our blog today to support a furry imPAWtant cause fur us companion animals.
We cannot believe you were not a finalist! But we voted for Misha.
I've been voting for Misha too! You make a purrfect model Chilli!
Yep, one supermodel coming up !!!!!
Go, Misha, go!
Oh, herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Catwalk Caturday! Ihr Beiden macht wirklich eine tolle Figur auf Eurem Garden-Catwalk.
Ohne Euch hätte ich Mishas Seite, wohl nie oder erst viel viel später im www entdeckt.
LG Silke
You would make an excellent model, Chilli!!! We voted quite a few times for Misha! We're hoping he wins!!!
That's a beautiful artistic photo! You could make a good model!
You look so beautiful! We're back from our holidays and happy to see you again.
I think you both look gorgeous! And I have been voting for Misha with every email address I can lay my paws on.
Huffle Mawson
You betcha I voted, early, often and every day for the past I don't know how many days. For all of our various emails!
You are so very pretty!
omg she looks so pretty
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