On Thursday we told you about how Siena rescued Chilli from the introoder cat and the tree. Well, the story continues! The following days to the eventful night were calm without any introoder cat sighting. Then, one day, the neighbourhood was plastered with these:

On the 2nd of August my grey tabby Dado disappeared. He's one and a half years old and chipped. Please help me with the search, he most probably got locked into a cellar in the neighbourhood.Mom felt guilty. She thought that Siena had frightend Dado so much that he got lost. She kept an open eye for him, but he didn't show up. A few days later mom was talking to the neighbour right behind our wall. He's a nice man who allows mom to climb over the wall into the other world to go and look for us whenever she wants. Anyway, as they were talking he suddendly asked her about the third cat. She went "Which third cat?" and he pointed towards some rose bushes. Sure enough there were the three of us engaged in a proper stare-down. Mom rushed off to call the number in the ad. The young woman on the other end told her that Dado had since returned home, is a happy neutered male and just seems to "wander quite far away". She asked mom to look after him a bit and pet him from time to time. Mom went back to have a chat with Dado. But it seems he's not too friendly outside. He puffs his tail and hollers terribly, it's pretty obvious that he doesn't want to be pet! He gets into the other world which is adjacent to our patio over a high wall. Mom is afraid that one day we will follow him and she knows that there's a patio behind that wall with an open garage entrance!
We since had a few encounters with Dado. He's very cheeky and persistent and challenges Siena for her, I mean our, territory. And he pees on our terrace!

Chilli even practised her tree-climbing so she'll never end up stuck again.
Siena doesn't really need training but she did it anyway.
Notice the special back-up tail!

Notice the special back-up tail!

Uh oh, why is Siena in stealth mode? Do you see the introoder somewhere?
Chilli prefers to stay up on the wall.
Yep, there's a tabby lurking in our territory!
Siena and the introoder in a match of stare-down.

Extensive (!) coverage of this meeting tomorrow. Be prepared for some explicit cat language.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Hey kitties. Thanks for visiting and helping with my commentathon this weekend!
I hope you can reclaim your garden from that intruder!
Huffle Mawson
Hmmm. I'm not sure I trust that introoder!
Dado is either very brave or very silly to try and take on a pair of tough ladycats such as yourselves!
That cat needs to stay off your turf!
Introoders are No Good! We are Not Allowed to go Outside anymore because of stray cats and neighbor dogs. This seems No Fair to us and so we holler every day but Mom still haz not let us go Outside all summer!
Wow girls, what an adventure! I agree with Reese though, that Introoder cat looks a bit shifty....
We LOVED the tree climbing shots! Can't wait to see what happens next.
jane & Alice
Yoo are both tuff so the introoder had better behave! Peeing on your terrace is NORTY and he should stop that!
Dado is being very rude, we hopes you ladies can teach him some manners. ~S,S,C & F
Hmmmm...we think that introoder Dado should stay in his own yard and leave your garden alone!
Siena has great tree moves! James once got stuck in a neighbor's tree and didn't start crying until day 3--in December--and I had no idea where he was until then! It was a harrowing time and he doesn't climb higher than 6 feet now (and jump off). This isn't the best angle of the floof, but you can see it: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2517/3889037765_7dbd1f6d82.jpg.
Hello, you are very beautiful! Thanks for visiting my blog and I just wanted to say hello from your new friends Brian, Sascha, Gracie & Zoe.
Siena is such a good guard kitty.
I love the pictures of you two in the tree! You two are good guard kitties of your garden. Dado’s mommy should keep better track of him. Looking forward to hearing what happens next!
Wow. Great photos in the tree. Can't wait to hear the rest of the story.
Maybe he is in love? We have an intruder too, and everybody thinks he is our dad.
This is so interesting...tomorrow there will be explicit cat language! Will my mom let me read it? She says yes, but she says we must read it together. Jonesie says she is really good at chasing off introoders, so if you need her to teleport over, she's willing to do back up duty.
Wow! You are doing a fine job of keeping your yard safe.
I think that Mr Tabby-Pants has a little crush on one of my girls. Who doesn't?
Can't wait to see the next installment.
Oh dear, it seems that Dado needs to learn some manners! Going potty on YOUR patio is a little bit rude of him.
#1 here, saying hello from England! How disgusting that the intruder cat pees on your terrace! He needs to learn better manners!
Our intruder (daddy) is very persistent (or in love). One time he stayed an entire evening and night meowing behind the door. Every time he was chased away, he came back. And in the morning he was still there, still meowing. Now he only comes by for shorter visits. See: http://catsintrees.wordpress.com/2009/08/29/daddy-pays-a-visit/
I don't think life is ever dull at your house! Hope you're having a nice weekend in spite of all that cat craziness!
your pal,
I would chase that introoder away! You going to beat Dado up?
Dado is very rude to pee on your patio. We can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.
Dado is probably drawn to your beauty but he's not being very nice during his visits. Can't wait to hear the rest of the story!
Dado isn't acting like a neutered male, what with his roaming and peeing on your patio...could he be a different tabby??
We don't think Dado looks like good company. And peeing on your terrace... that's just plain rude!
You have to watch him.
We loved the pictures of you and your garden. What a nice place :-) And you two have excellent climbing skills.
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