Monday, October 12, 2009

Meaty Monday

Remember our Wednesday post?It was actual raw meat we were having. Our vet once told mom that she gets meat for her kitties at a, well, huge slaughterhouse in our city. Turns out it is really close to where we live, so mom finally went there. She's sure the butcher was secretly rolling his eyes at her ordering only 500 gramm of Skirt Meat, as they sell meat for animals in huge quantities there. Mom wasn't at all sure if we would like it and just wanted to give it a try. What can we say, it was delicious! Honestly, we gobbled all in and asked for more when we were finished. We loved it the second and the third time too. Even Siena who walks away from our dish after a few bites of normal food finished hers. We ate differently and kept more distance to each other, pulling the pieces out of the dish, that's why we're getting it served in two dishes now instead of sharing one. Mom portioned the meat and froze it. In the morning she takes it out of the freezer and lets it taw in the fridge. Before serving she pours warm water over the bag to warm it a bit. It's a huge success with us. Mom says seeing how we have to work on it, chomping and chomping, it sure must be good for our teeth. And it's so much fun! We will be getting raw food a few times the week, because if we were to have it everyday mom would have to supplement all kind of things. Barfing is an art it seems. But guess what's best: This fresh "human comestible" quality meat cost mom a fraction of our regular noms! We're feeling very carnivory!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli

P.S.: University started today again, that's why we might not be around as much.


Elin said...

the meat looks tasty!
I wish I could have that too!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, it sounds good. Mom said it could be minced too ~ to make it easier to eat. We've never tried it.

Milo and Alfie xx

Zoe and Indy said...

That looks good. Raw is good for you. We're still not doing raw over here, but are going to try it, at least a bit to start.
Wow university sure starts a lot later there than it does here. It's already midterm time here.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hi Girls! It certainly looks like you were enjoying that meaty meal! Tama-Chan loves raw chicken breast and Sei-Chan loves pork. We have never tried beef, though!

The Creek Cats said...

We've never had raw meat before. Sure does look very tasty!

The Island Cats said...

Wow! Lucky you...we've never had raw meat before!! nom nom nom!

Anonymous said...

Looks PURRty goods. No big dia-poos? You can't eat just that, can you? Don't you needs ta have taurine?

Forever Foster said...

Yummy!!! Our mum tried to make our raw food at first, but she found it way too hard with all the supplements and ratios of organs and bones etc. We now eat pre-made raw patties, where somebody else did all the hard work! All mum has to do is thaw it out. We are glad to hear that you like your raw. Mum says that our teeth are looking much healthier since our diet changed.

Bruce said...

Sounds good to me!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We never get any REAL meat here so I doubt raw will ever pass our lips. Only things we catch ourselves, I guess.

Looks divine though!

Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee

Anonymous said...

Raw meat from the slaughterhouse: that's the breakfast of big cats like lions and tigers and now you too. Wroar.

Anonymous said...

Wow. You girls are so way cool! Momma looked at some raw meat medallions yesterday in the pet store and we'll eventually get them but first she got us a no-grain food that has lots of good stuffs in it.

Dma said...

i gave my boyz raw meat once and theo was the only one who would touch it. afte everything i've read, i think i should keep trying though...

Whimpurr said...

Wondering how it does the tummy?

Cory said...

::twitch:: that looks SO good!

Can I come over for dinner? I promise to try and have good manners.

Cindy said...

I should try this on my felines. nice picture.

Bruce said...

Important message from the Joel Warady Group in regards to "Cat Lover's Daily Companion". They saw on my blog from your comment that you haven't received your copy & want to email you. I don't have your direct email, so I will give you their email so you can contact them. Write to: Hanna Soltys at
She wants to clear this matter up with you.
Bruce the cat:)

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You know, the Woman keeps trying to get us to eat raw meat but we refuse...

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We need to talk to our bean as we've never had raw, but it looks YUMMMMMMMY!!!!!


Anonymous said...

YUM~O!!! What time is dinner??? We'll be there!!!

Miss Lizzy said...

Mystery solved! I can tell that it is very popular! What classes are you taking? I know you do Spanish and I think it is an advanced degree -- do you teach as well?

Marlene said...

mmmmMMMMMmmmmm... we'd like to try raw meat too. Since we really only eat chicken kitty food, maybe we can convince our mom to let us try some raw chicken.

9 and Chani

Nini said...

My four kitties are fed raw meat too (and canned food when the humans are lazy). It works wonders on their teeth, their coats, and their pudginess ;)
There's a yahoo list called rawcat that is full of awesome info, in case you would be interested.

Kudos for giving the girls some yummy meat!

Zoe and Indy said...

Hi again, we're able to get raw food from the pet health store near us. It is totally complete, with all supplements included, and safe. Not sure of the brand name we're going to try yet. I was pretty sure our cats wouldn't go for it, but you guys liked it so much, I think it's worth a try.

Daisy said...

I am so excited that you are eating raw meats! And it's great that you will eat just chunks of meat like that -it's so good for the teeth. Our pre-made medallions are more like hamburger meat. Harley will eat the venison, beef, chicken and rabbit but I refuse to eat venison or beef. Sometimes Harley will gnaw on a raw chicken wing tip, and he loves chicken gizzards.

My Mommeh would like to make her own, but she's too intimidated about making sure it's complete. You can buy dry mixtures that you can just add to your own ground meat to make it complete though.

Sakura said...

oh! you eat meat! wow! I cann't do that. it is great for you

BeadedTail said...

We've never had raw meats before but it looks yummy! We'll have to get our mommy to get us some!

Good luck this term at school!

Becky's Barnyard said...

Looks yummy. I can see they are very busy.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We bet that was good.

meemsnyc said...

We have heard that raw meat and chicken is good for kitties. That is such a great treat you all are having!

Monica the Garden Faerie said...

Fiona is a weird cat. She likes to lick the sauce from wet food, but she really, really prefers dry. (??) Our mom/human just got us some oat and wheat seeds (meant as animal feed) that she will grow as cat grass for us! They also sell in bulk there (it's a feed mill) so they gave it to us for free since we only got a pound of each (which is extra plenty for us through the winter, and then some!).

GLOGIRLY said...

Wow...I'm going to have to have a sit-down with Glogirly. All I ever get is my dry and chunky gingivitis food. I actually really like it but I think I may be missing a whole new world out there. hmmmmmmm

(Glogirly's cat)

Mishkat said...

Wow - we might have to try that too! Our mom isn't sure if we would eat it, but we'd like the chance!

Tuck said...

I sure do love a girl that isn't afraid to eat meat!

Ellen Whyte said...

Yummy! Scoop used to love his raw meat but Au is a fish person so we have to cook that for him (sashimi is too expensive!) Target loves his chicken liver (boiled) and eats raw beef as a treat. It's great stuff to give a cat, and we like steak tartare too!

Anonymous said...

Too bad that our Mom never allows beef or pork in our house:(

Quill and Greyson said...

LOVE the new header. That all looks yummy!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Bootiful girl cats and meat.

I need to sit down.


Noll's Nip said...

Oh, carnivory sounds so intriguing. I wonder if we could find skirt meat here in Ohio.

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