When felting wool you have to work the fleece very vigorously from different angles and directions. Mom prepared a little video to show you the
felting process. Try to ignore her Darth Vader breathing at the end of the video.

With a little patience, luck or skill the result will look just like this:
A purrfect Norwegian Forest Cat.You can mail mom any time if you have questions on the single steps. Good luck!
I don't know who I'm more jealous of. You for getting such a lovely full body massage or your Mummy for getting to fondle that lovely soft floof!
You looked like you really enjoyed the felting process, Siena!
life is good :)
Thats amazing! So do you just carry on doing that and then stroke the fur back down and it looks smooth? I have a fluffy black and white I'd like to do that to!
Mom does this with Romeo, but not Jeannie. She says she'd like to keep her fingers.
That is one happy kitty! I love the side of my mouth and my cheecks getting a stroke, and I saw you get that too!
Aha, das sollten wir auch mal probieren. Siena scheint es zu mögen!
Norweger haben anscheinend ein feineres Fell als amerikanische Waldkatzen. Lunas sieht in der Tat schon ein wenig aus wie Filz ( nicht verfilzt)irgendwie fester wegen der dichten Unterwolle.
Vielleicht gelingt mir ja auch mal so ein Video zum Vergleich.
Liebe Grüße
Stefanie und die Mietzies
That looks like it feels wonderful, Siena. We would be purring our socks off:)
Oh gosh, you are the purrfect NFO!
That beautiful coat of yours sure must keep you warm in winter!
You're so beautiful Siena!
your pal,
Siena, you look like you're in heaven there!
Siena, you must have been tired! You never even moved!
Oh, she is perfect!
That was so precious. I love how Siena doesn't even really wake up but so obviously loved being petted and loved.
We just loved that video. So much love between Siena and her mom. :)
Thanks for the video. I am going to make the mom watch it several times a day for a training video to use on me.
Have a nice rest.
I just have one BIG question....can your mom come work on felting on ME???
Full body massages and fur fondling are the best!
Wow, Siena, that video really shows off your wonderful floof! And excellent job in training your mom! ~James and Fiona
Siena, I must say I am furry jealous of your beautiful floof. Mom wants to give you lots of rubs and scritches.
Meowmy is especially exasperated that she can't watch YouTube videos at work because she loves crafts and wants to see your felting. (hee hee...silly Meowmy...*we* know it's Siena getting felt all over but we'll let her watch it herself when she gets home tonight)
Wow, we kinda got a bit sleepy after watching that rubdown! We may need to hire your mommy to come and "felt" us!
We gotta show dis to our momma☺
Funny! That looks like a lot of fun though.....I would love it but I don't know about jane.....
Actually, Siena, I am not at all sure that anything could look as perfect as you!
Your Mom does a wonderful job! You made our Mom spit her coffee out laughing about the 'Darth Vader' breathing comment
I am not sure I would ever look like that... I just do not have enough fur...
Loved the video....and we love when our Mombean felts us also!!!!!
That is a wonderful video. And you are purfect
This is so good ^^
You're a lucky cat !
Felting -- is that just another word for feeling you up! LOL! Your coat looks very purrty there, Sienna.
Que vidaaaaaaa :D precioso video :D
It looks like your mom has the process down exactly right!
Oh my...what a gorgeous video capturing the most lovely fluff massage...I do it with my boys and how they love it.. long haired felines love the back & forth motion don't they; but with my short haired girl - never! Helen, D&B
Siena, you look like you have a furry good life! We like seeing you going through the felting process!
And you always looks perfect, you lucky cat.
Ah yes! That's how it's done. My momma Ellie tries to get "felted" every night during blog time in my mom's lap...I'm left dictating...hmmm.
Mmmmmmmmm - deeelicious! You are SO relaxed in the video - I would start to panic with that much tummy touching. What a very soft coat you have.
You are a lucky kitty! And you both s-p-0-0-n = cosy!
That looks purrfect fun! We're gonna get mom to watch the video straight away.
Milo and Alfie xx
Your mom has her technique purrfected!!!!!!
wow I want to purr together!
It's so lovely!
purrs and love
Wow that is a great felting technique! I have always been interested in the process but this is the best video I have found!
Thanks so much for the instructional video! It looks like a lot of fun for everyone involved.
Was your Mom purring?
That's the way it's done!! Ur mom has eggsellent technique! xxoo Bhu
Excellent felting technique! You must have been deeply asleep, Siena, because we don't even hear you purring or see you flexing your feet. Fuzzy would tolerate this for about 30 seconds (he doesn't like his tummy touched too much) and Gingy would probably eat Meowmy's arm (although she did have a tummy rub for a few seconds the other day which she enjoyed until she felt overstimulated).
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