I'm feeling very weak today. Will I make it through the day? I have a booboo!

Can you see the stream of blood running down from the giant scratch on my nosie? Siena did it!

It hurts so much. Mom cleaned it and put some Rescue Cream on it. That only made it a bit better.

What's worst, mom said it's my own fault for annoying Siena and that it was just a matter of time for this to happen.

We had quite the wrestle. Hehehehe.

All was forgiven shortly afterwards. I can always find comfort in Siena's floof.
oh sweet Chilli, I think it could be an accident.Siena loves you, don't be afraid okay.
humm but I know it's really hurt, poor Chilli,
Take care sweetie!
Happy Weekend
Chilli, that was enough adventure for one day! We hope you get through this without any scars -- physical or mental.
Oh Chilli! Did you visit the Emergency Room? That is a major wound! We pretty girls know, you can never over react! Will you need stitches?!?!
Look after yourself, pretty girl.
Love Suey, a girl who never over-reacts.
That reminds me of the time the lizard bit me! I truly learned from that...hope you learn from this too Chilli. Siena just wants a little respect.
your pal,
Hi Chilli... hope that you will get well soon :)
* not to annoy siena again :p
Bless your little nose, Chilli! We think it will be good as new in a few days! We just love the pic of you taking comfort in Siena's floof!
Yes of course, only a very slight exaggeration... We're glad to see that Siena's floof is doing a good job as a band-aid. As for the scarring, we just have this feeling there won't be any.
Your Friends,
Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan and Yuu-Chan (and Tommy too!)
We think you'll live, Chilli, especially with that wonderful floof as convalescence! There's an American expression that came to our minds (and we normally don't think the same!) "Don't dish it out if you can't take it." ;-) (Sorry!) We hope you feel better soon. ~James and Fiona
Poor, poor Chilli! I think maybe you are exaggerating your injuries a little bit, though. It looks like it should heal up fine. We'll stop my tomorrow for your Gotcha Day and check in on your nose, too!
By the way, your link from the CB page took us directly to your Wordless Wednesday post.
I'm pretty sure you'll survive that one Chillimus Prettypuss, but hmmm...wait a second...Ginger is pawing to get at the keyboard...
Ginger here! I can't believe what you had to put up with Chilli...from your very own sister! The nerve! Did you get to see the finest doctors? Did they do a complete evalualtion? Are they sure you aren't suffering from Post Dramatic Stress Syndrome?
::Cory whaps Ginger::
Sigh. Chilli, you'll be ok. We'll be back for your gotcha day celebration!
Poor Chili!! I know all about beat uo noses. May scar but it'll only add to your beauty. The PM came home a few days ago to Goldie with a similar nose. Miss Banshee to blame.
Glad to see you got a good dose of floof to ease the pain!
Purrs Shade
Chilli we thinks you will be fine. You will have to learn to leave Siena alone when she doesn't want to play.
Happy 1st Gotcha Day tomorrow and we will be by to help you celebrate. ~S,S,C & F
i hope your boo boo heals quickly. and i always think scars add character.
Oh, Chilli, you look so sad in that first picture! Work it girl!
I'm sorry about your scratch. I was glad to see all is well with you resting in your sister's floof. I'm always being accused of over reacting, but I never do. Just like you aren't.
p.s. I'll be back tomorrow for sure!
Aw, poor Chilli!! We're sure Siena really didn't mean to hurt you...those wrasslin' matches just get out of hand sometimes...
Oh sweet Chillimus, yoor poor little nose! (tee hee). I had a Boo Boo once and it tooked AGES to go. But the good noos is it only left a little scar and I gotted lotsa smoochies while it was healing.
Smoochies for you.
Milo xx
My poor Chilli. I'm sending you noselicks, I hope it makes it feel better! Even a scar won't distract from your beauty!
Oh my gosh! That first photo is priceless!! Poor Chilli. Jane and Alice send you headbutts and purrs but they're sure you'r nosie will be OK soon. Now you're offically a seasoned veteran of scuffling.
OH sweet Chilli! You have to learn that when the nails are long, don't mess with your sisfur! We don;t think you'll be scarred for life. And sorry, but your first picture made us MOL!
In a few days you will forget all about your poor nosie. Tummy floof is very good for healing fings.
You will not be afraid of her. you will be right back to teasing her in a few days.
Awww, Chilli, we feel your pain. Our mom says that you'll be just fine and that she loves YOUR owl eyes in the first picture. Giving her ideas.
Oh, and Mom wants us to tell you that she's working on the Siena sketch. It's all inked out and just needs some color. Hmmm... She's grumbling about something... her day job interfering with her art life??? We're not sure what that means.
9 and Chani
Oh Chilli, you are going to need many, many, many extra treats and kisses to recover from that injury!
Oh no...! but it happens when one scraps that little bit too hard... lap up the attention though (silver cloud to a lining and all that). Helen, D&B
Poor Chilli! That looks serious. Siena better be very nice to you fer awhile...
Oh poor little Chilli! We hope your nose gets better real soon!
Poor Chilli. Looks like you pushed your luck to far. A sore nose must be worth a few extra treats though.
Oh I think you are friends realy.. The snuggles look so good.. I hope the nose gets better soon.. Hugs GJ x
Chilli it is terrible that you got that scratch - but it is good that you made up later. That picture of you sleeping in her floof is adorable!!
I lived with someone else for the first 8 years of my life and got commercial (processed) cat food only. And not necessarily the best one. You are what you eat! Read Dr. Pitcairn's "Complete secrets to the natural health of dogs and cats". That'll take care of your tartar! The staff hopes it'll keep my early stages of kidney disease at bay too....
Mrs. OZ
I'm so sorry your got scratched and on your almost got ya day.
Hope you can feel well enough to celebrate tomorrow ...
Oh, poor Chilli...he was probably asking for it. Haha! He will survive since all is good now that they are cuddling..such adorable pictures!!
Michelle and her kitties :)
Oh dear. Chilli, we think it will heal up nicely and no one will even notice. It looks like you two made up quite nicely.
Charlemagne and Tamar
I do see your poor little nose. Bless your heart. I can see Siena is sorry she hurt your.
Belly floof is very soothing! I think you'll be fine.
I bet Siena's soft floof makes everything feel better!
poor girl!! those are some serious puss in boots sad eyes!
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