We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Germany, but we love the idea of it. We have reason to be even more thankful today. Miss Snowfox, aka Señorita Escapista, gave us a mighty scare today.
Mom looked but couldn't see anything special. She assumed the neighbour cats Frida and Lilly where in the shed. We stay clear of their shed as they defend it very firmly.

Mom soon got cold and went inside. But after a little while she wondered if everything was alright because Siena didn't show up. You have to know that Siena regularly checks on mom, if mom stays inside for too long. And mom had an appointment with the dentists later on. So she searched for us and only found me.

I did zoomies towards her when I saw her. But no Siena. Mom called and called, searched the whole other world behind our wall. Then she got treats and called and called again. Nothing. No Siena. This is very unusual as Siena always comes when called. Or you can at least hear the bell on her collar somewhere and tell she's around. And remember she was rustling a treat package!
To make a long story short, mom rang the doorbell to several adjacent patios and searched everywhere for Siena. But she didn't find her. This has never happened before and mom got increasingly worried. She called the other type of human who works very close-by and he offered to come round during his break and help her search. Dentist appointment cancelled.
And guess what? The very minute the other type of human walked through our door Siena showed up!
And guess what? The very minute the other type of human walked through our door Siena showed up!
All of us were so happy. Of course she's not telling where she was. Siena disappeared for about 2,5 hours, so we thankfully only got a taste of what it feels like when a loved one is missing. We can say that it's horrible and we feel for efurryone in this situation. Hug your loved ones extra tight today.
Many purrs, Chilli & Siena
whew, what a relief! we are so thankful that Siena came back after not too long. When we read your comment over at the Pouponnette, we were sure we'd read that she was missing for 25 hours, which would have been terribly distressing...2.5 hours is bad enough! Maybe she saw something in the shed that made her freeze, so she was afraid to move or respond to Mom? (The other kind of human is a very good person to come home like that to help look for Siena.)
That is certainly something to be thankful for. Siena should know better than to disappear for so long.
Oh Sienna how awful that you scared your mum like that. I am so glad that you came home safely.. Please dont scare your poor mum again.. What a fabulous picture of you that first one is.. Just gorgeous.. Hugs GJ xx
Siena, don't you do that again. You scared your mom and dad.
There have been too many kitties and doggies disappearing in the blogosphere!
Happy Day to you. :-)
Yeah Sienna! I am glad you got back quickly. Scaring your Mom is not okay...
Siena, Don't scare Mom and Chilli like that!
Are woo trying to be a Siberian?
I'm glad woo and your floofy tail are bakhk!
Ohhhh, this is NOT a good way to have an adventure my little friend!! Adventures are only fun if mummy and daddy are not panicking! Be safe!
Wow, what a scare indeed! We are so relieved Siena went missing only for 2.5 hours... which is already more than enough to worry any human sick!
If only the Escapista could learn to at least show her cute little nose every now and then so you know she is okay!
Siena, you must not scare everyone like that. We are glad you came back safely.
Oh Siena! You shouldn't scare your mom like that!! We're glad you are home safe and sound, though!
Ayla does that a lot the past few months. We tell her ta stop, but she just says she was looking for mousies and dint hear bein called.
So we know whatcha mean about Siena bein gone efen a few hours. We get all worried...
Oh Siena, we are so glad you came home safely! Q did that a couple of times to our mom and she never liked it (especially since he was so gentle and a totally indoor kitty but with serious escape skills). We don't know if she will ever let us out because she gets itchy with outdoor kitty dust.
Please don't worry your mom & Chilli like that!
We are very impressed with your tail though!
9 & Chani
Oh Siena, we are thankful you returned home safely. Your mom must have been in a panic.
Pee Ess, mom dug up her photos of when Jonesie arrived and she scanned them so Jonesie could talk more about how far she has come.
Those 2.5 hours must have been terrible! We're so glad Siena is back home and all is well.
Oh Siena! We know how much you love your Escapista tricks but have you properly considered how scared your Mom and Chili are when you disappear like that?
We're so glad you're safe.
We are very relieved she is safe. When Milo went missing for 11 hours recently it was just too awful ~ and we agree it makes yoo realise how terrible it is for others when their loved ones go missing. That's why we are still purring for Mr Tigger (and all other pets and people who are missing) ~ 'cos we know just how his mom feels.
Were glad yoo had a happy ending.
Miss Siena! It is not nice to freak out your mum and your sister like that! We are very relieved to hear you are safe and sound back home.
I'm so glad you came back Siena! Must not do that to your Mom again!
your pal,
James went missing for three days in December. He always comes when called and I had no idea where he was. He ended up being waaaay up high in the two-doors-down neighbors' tree. But he didn't start meowing until day three. That was a scary time, but somehow I knew he was alright and I'd find him.
Oh LSIF this was scary! Glad everything is safe and no one was hurt.
Glad Siena is home safely. It is very worrisome when they disappear. ~Alasandra
Siena! How scary for your humans!!!! You better stay close to home!
We thought that was a bit too exciting. So pleased everything is alright.
We love the last photo. Great action shot!
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