Sunday, December 27, 2009

Seeing off the Old Year

Dear furriends,
a longer note from us to see off the Old Year - and wish you all a wonderful new one of course.
Like last year we're at the other type of human's parents place. And like last year the drive up here was terrible because little Chillimus screamed her lungs out. Mom had given her a calming pill from the vet and was very disappointed in the effect. She had hoped so much to spare Chilli a lot of stress, but listen for yourself:

Does that sound like a calmed Prettypuss? Not really.
Initially mom tried to have Chilli in her harness on her lap with her but that didn't calm her at all so she went in her PTU. Things are more or less well now. "More" because we've got pawsome presents for Christmas, "less" because Chilli has got the sniffles. Mom, aka worry-wart, was driving everyone mad with saying she couldn't leave us tomorrow as arranged for four nights to go up to the north of Germany with some friends. But we convinced her that Chilli is feeling much better already and that we are in good hands here. So from tomorrow on we will probably have some cool chances of escape from the room we are staying in. Paws crossed for us please, we haven't yet seen that Christmas tree with the ornaments and everything. And that is so not fair.
Now to our presents. Mom gave us our first real litter box. We had a box before too, but it was just a white everyday box someone had thrown away and mom picked up to put it to this use. Miss Snowfox likes to dig and turn around in the box and one day mom realised that the box was a bit too small by now. The new one is purrfect. It has a spiffy pink rim. Mom wasn't allowed to take pictures.
The greatest present came from our furriends Goldie, Shade and Banshee.
Hand it over, mom. Now!
They sent us a foxtail, stuffed to the brim with their primo catnip. We have never reacted so strong to nip before, we just love this toy! Especially Siena lost it completely and went off into a nip craze.
The second present mom won as a give-away from a very creative human.
A great colour for Gardening Cats on Winter vacation.
It's a crochet mousie filled with valerian!!! Mom says it's too cute for words. We think it's very whapable too.

Here you can see us enjoying our presents. Siena has the mousie and Chilli the foxtail. Great times.
We wish each and efurryone a pawsome New Year! We hope to see you around in 2010.
Loving noselicks,
Siena & Chilli


Miss Lizzy said...

Oh look, I am the first commenter! It looks like you had an excellent Christmas & we wish you the happiest of New Years. I'm a total worry-wart too, don't be too hard on your Mom, Chilli! That's what Moms do! Glad to hear about your new spiffy litter box!

Catherine said...

Lucky kitties to get all those fun toys for Christmas! You all have a wonderful New Years as well!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Chilli, We are sorry traveling stresses you out so. Angel is that way too. Just a trip to the vet that takes 5 minutes terrifies her. Siena, we love watching you and Chilli playing and cuddling! See you next year!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

See khats all 'nipped out ALWAYS makes me smile!

I hope woo had purry merry one AND will have a purry great 2010!


BeadedTail said...

Chilli, we're so sorry the trip stresses you out so much. Hearing kitties cry like that breaks our mommy's heart (which is how we've figured out to get more treats!). Anyway, it looks like your toys made the trip all worth while and it was fun seeing you play with them. Hope you feel better Chilli and we hope you both have a happy new year!

Annie Bear said...

Oh, wow! You got some great presents! I would love to get some of that strong nip!

I hope Chilli is ok. The sniffles could mean an upper respitory infection. That's what Bucky had when he first came here.

Happy new year, friends! I love that last picture of the two of you!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hope you have an excellent New Year! I am glad you got such good toys. Good health to all!

The Island Cats said...

We're so glad you're having a nice Christmas! Chilli, you sound like Ernie when he's in the PTU...he always hollers when he's in there! We hope your sniffles go away soon!

Those toys you got are awesome!

We wish you all a very Happy New Year and!!


Quill and Greyson said...

Happy New Year to all of you. Enjoy yourselves and stay well.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

We both send you early kitty kisses for the new year, you look SO lovely in the last photo!! I hope that Chilli is feeling better (we don't like going places either, unless we can see each other)

Happy holidays to you all!

Misha said...

I shout in the car, too!

You girls look like you had a pawsome Christmas. I hope Chilli's sniffles are getting better.

Forever Foster said...

What wonderful gifts! I have never gone crazy in the same way I went crazy over the primo nip stuffed Shrews that the Sumac kitties sent us. They grow some good stuff!

We hope you enjoy your trip, and we look forward to seeing you next year:)

Marlene said...

Happy Holidays to you! You both look very happy. I'm so glad that Chilli is feeling well enough that your Mom can go away for a bit.

I love the last picture of you and Siena, Chilli. So wonderful. You two are great sisfurs.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Wait, are you guys moving to a new place? We're not sure.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Glad to hear you all had a good Christmas, once you got there of course. :(

WE are so very happy that you enjoyed the foxtail!! Our nip plants grew very large this year so maybe they became SUPER NIP!!! Love the video!!

Hope you have a great remainder of your trip, maybe you'll get a peek at the tree!!

Purrs, Goldie,Shade and Banshee

Kea said...

It looks like you had a terrific Christmas. And way too much fun with the new toys. LOL.

All the best in 2010!

Anonymous said...

Happy Noo Year to yoo all. We're glad yoo had pawsome presents!

Milo and Alfie xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

You sure got some fun gifts there and we wish you the best New Years ever too...and hope the ride home is a calm one!!!

Marg said...

Happy New Year to your family also. It looks like you are having a super time with that toy. And Chilli, sorry your ride was so nervous. Some of us scream too when we go somewhere.
Thanks so much for visiting our blog.

Sónia Mendes said...

Happy New Year Chilli and Sienna. I hope you have a great 2010.

Feline kisses from Gotchi

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We both holler the place down too if we have to go in the car. That looked like great nip in your new toys.
Happy New Year to you and your family.

Dma said...

happy 2010 to u too. congrats on the litter box.

Anonymous said...

Chilli sounds exactly like Arthur during a car-ride. He does better when we put him in the same crate as Luna!

Cory said...

Chillimus...even stressed you sound like a prettypuss...just an upset prettypuss. Hopefully your awesome pressies made up for it all once you arrived. We are looking forward to our continued furriendship in 2010!

Mom grew catnip and it was hung to dry...and guess what? It's still hanging there. SO not fair.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

What a great Christmas you had!!!! But poor Chilli. Mom knows from experience that sometimes those "calming pills" will have a reverse effect on us darlings. We hope her trip home will be a lot less stressful.

We totally adore that last picture of the two of you......pawsome!!!!!


JC said...

You two get along so well ...

Daisy said...

Poor Chilli! Traveling is a little bit scairty.

I'm glad you had such a good Christmas. Here's to a wonderful 2010!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow what an eventful Christmas you had! We hope Chilli is feeling all better and that the drive for her back isn't too bad!

Anonymous said...

It does seem like you had a great Christmas...aside from the car ride. Love that foxtail! Hope your New Years Eve is fabulous too!

Anonymous said...

We were all very distressed when we heard your comments on the trip, Chilli.
But at least after the trip there were these great presents that you both enjoyed so much. So maybe it was a little bit worth it? Get well and have a wonderful time.

Terra said...

Merry Christmas and a joyful new year of 2010 to you gorgeous cats and to your human family.

Marlene said...

The special package came today!!! We're so happy and Mom is so impressed with the kitty bed. It's wonderful! Thank you for the treats too. We feel so fortunate. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!

purrs and body bumps galore,
9 and Chani

Becky's Barnyard said...

What great Christmas presents. I see you are already having great fun with them. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Ellen Whyte said...

Terrific gifts you've got there, Siena & Chilli. Love that stuffed fox fur tail. Hope you made it out to see the tree. You're right; it's not fair!

Maya said...

i love the last picture!!
We wish you all a very happy New Year :))

Cliff and Olivia said...

Great videos and pics. We wish you all a very happy new year and will see you in the new one!

Anonymous said...

We is wishin' you's a HAPPY NEW YEAR, too. Every day looks a lot the same to us but momma says it is a time for change. We vote to change our snacks to MORE!

Alcott1126 said...

Just for future reference, you might want to try feeding catnip to Chilli prior to travel. I have a cat with anxiety issues, and our holistic vet told me to just give her catnip on her food so that she actually ingests it. This has helped TREMENDOUSLY for us.
There are also products on the market in the US for anxiety in animals. Do you have that over there? They are herbal products that you can buy at specialty pet stores here. If you can't get some, let me know and I'll see what I can do. :)

Sakura said...

la multi ani!

The Crew said...

Hahahaha! You look like you're both having a great time. There's nothing like fresh 'nip!!

Just Ducky said...

Looks like you had a good Christmouse. And Chili you don't sound happy in the PTU at all.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

You look just so so cute~!!!!!
I hope you have a very happy Nip year 2010!!

lovcats said...

Really I love your pics! :)

Tuck said...

Chilli, I hope you are feeling better! I hope that you all had a great Christmas and have a very happy New Year!

Sakura said...

Happy New Year to you!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Wishing you and your family the best in 2010!

:: said...

Aww...I love Siena! What a beautiful cat. I like cats with bushy tails :) Happy new year!

Quill and Greyson said...

Happiest of New Years to you all! We miss you and hope you're all having fun.

Kimo and Sabi said...

We hope you have a healthy and happy new year 2010!

Noll's Nip said...

Happy New Year. Your toys look like a lot of fun. Enjoy!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Happy New Year to you! I don't travel well at all either! We are sorry it is so hard for you!

Just Ducky said...

Happy New Year.

Purrfect Haven said...

Happy New Year and thanks for sharing with us, we love hearing from you. This last post looked a bit up and down thought, what with the car journey, but we know how you feel. Take care and have a lovely new year... Darcy, Bingley and Helen xxx

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