Monday, January 4, 2010

We're back home!

Dear furriends,
finally we can wish you a happy New Decade! Doesn't time fly by?
While we were away I went into lovebug mode and took every chance to sit on mom. She's very warm and comfy - just as moms should be.
I just love to make biscuits on her!
Here I'm giving the felted foxtail we got from our furriends at Sumac Stories a good chomping and bunny kicking.
A little disagreement with Chillimus over who's turn it it to play with the toy.
Nice Curly Q on Chilli.Chilli the cowboy catgirl. She still had the sniffles in this pic.
Mom had a good vacation up at the North Sea with the other type of human and their friends. She's never been so much north in Germany and enjoyed the landscape.
That's the North Sea behind that frosted field.Mom loved the light.
The coastal line.
When they came back to the other type of human's parents they were suprised to find it had snowed considerably.
De-icing the front window of the rented car.
We had to postpone our trip back home for all the snow and it was a wise decision as there was a 25km traffic jam that night.
Chilli is miffed that mom didn't bring a feather for her.
Chilli didn't get the calming pill on our trip home because it didn't really help the first time. We got a nice comment on anxiety medication and will look into that for next year. It's very good news that Chilli got over the sniffles though. Mom gave her a homoepathic medicine which helped me once too.
No place like home.
Many purrs,
Siena & Chilli


Brian's Home Blog said...

You got that right, there is no place like home and we're glad you are back to yours! The pictures are wonderful!!!

Catherine said...

So glad that everyone got home safe and sound and that Chilli is feeling better. Getting home after a long trip always feels so good!

Those are some beautiful pictures your mom took.

I hope you have a wonderful 2010!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hi Girls! We're so glad you're home safely and had a great time, and that Chilli is all better. Those scenery shots are fantastic!

Ahem, "new century"? Did we miss something?

Your Friends at
The Poupounette

Kea said...

Glad you are back home safe and sound. The scenery looks lovely...but cold. There's enough snow and cold in Ontario (Canada) right now!

As for sniffles, I give my fur crew L-Lysine every day, mixed with their wet food. I just get the capsules and break them apart, use about half the powder per serving (i.e. about 250mg). It's great stuff, it's cleared up Nicki's and Derry's runny eyes from their cold virus.

The Island Cats said...

Welcome back! We're so glad you had a nice vacation! Those pictures your mom took are beautiful! And Happy New Year to you all!

The Creek Cats said...

So glad you are back home safe and sound!
Happy New Year, Furiends!

The Monkeys said...

Glad you two are back and your Mom had such a great trip! Happy 2010!

Cory said...

We've all be battling the sniffles for over a week now. Only a few of us didn't get it. My momma Ellie seemed to be the one transferring it to everyone because she washes everyone! What homeopathic remedy did you use?

Glad you're home safe and sound.

Angel Simba said...

Welcome back, and Happy New Year! Lovely pictures!

quiltcat said...

Hi furriends, it's so nice to see you back home! It sounds like you all had a good vacation! Those are all wonderful pictures and the photo of Siena and Chilli wrestling for possession of the foxtail, which Siena has clamped in her mouth, is really funny!

lovcats said...

Oh very nice pics, i love your cats, so cute!

Annie Bear said...

It’s great to see you two again! It looks like you had a really fun time on your trip. Sienna, you look so cute makin’ biscuits on your mom. Chili, I’m so glad your sniffles are over. I loved your curly Q.

Mama loves your mom’s pictures. It looks beautiful there.

Yes, there’s no place like home!


Anonymous said...

You are right, there's no place like home. We wish that all of the homeless kitties in the whole, wide world would find a warm place of their own filled with love.

Monica the Garden Faerie said...

Moms are warm and soft, and mine even has a lot of built-in cushioning! I love sitting on her. Fiona and I stayed home for Xmas. ~James

The human's great aunt lives in Hamburg and we heard they even got snow there! A friend in Niedersachsen (do you know Birgit?) says they got 30cm snow!!!! I know that's very unusual for northern Germany! The human put up photos of our toesies in her latest post, inspired by the photos of toesies of you, Siena and Chilli! ~Fiona (P.S. I have a very cute brown spot on mine. James' are boring.)

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE are glad you made it home safe and sound! Mom loves the pictures of the North Sea. We think it looks too cold! Stay warm, sweet girls .

Anonymous said...

Looks like the trip was really nice! And you are SOOOO right...there is NO place like home!!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am glad you are all back safely and ready for another new Year! I hope that those sniffles go away!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We totally agree....there's no place like home!!!! We so enjoyed the pics.....and we are so happy that you are back, cuz we missed you. xxxxxxxxxx

Dma said...

looks like a splendid vacation.

JC said...

Glad you got home ok from your holiday adventures ...

Cliff and Olivia said...

Hi you two,
We're glad you got home safely and that you're feeling better, Chilli. We love the pictures - you two are the cutest kitties.

What an adventure you've had. And you even got a taste of what the weather is like up north... freezing! Must be good to be home.

Your friends,
Cliff and Olivia

Marlene said...

So glad you're home! Those photos of the North Sea area are beautiful.

Can we just say: THANK YOU a million times over!!! Mom is so impressed with the kitty bed and we love the kitty treats. 9 tried to break into the bag before Mom even opened it. AND then he climbs up onto the counter to get them in the container. He knocked the container off the counter, but couldn't get into them. Sigh... what a brother I have :D

9 and Chani

SchneiderHein 2 said...

So, dann auch von uns die besten Wünsche für das neue Jahr!
Erst Nordsee, dann Hemmingen und zurück - das war bestimmt eine 'nette' Fahrt bei dem Wetter!
Die beiden sind aber bestimmt überglücklich, dass das Leben nun wieder normal verläuft ...
Wir bekommen jedenfalls meist schon am zweiten oder dritten Tag zu hören, dass Maus & Allegra uns am Abend vermissen, wenn wir mal kurz auf Reisen sind. Obwohl ihre vertraute 'Catsitterin' ja mit im Haus wohnt.
Katzen sind eben doch Gewohnheitstiere - zumindest haben sie ganz konkrete Vorstellungen wie ihr Tag verlaufen soll ...
Liebe Grüße

AB clan said...

Happy new year
from ViVi & AB
thank you for your greetings!

Purrfect Haven said...

welcome home... xx Darcy, Bing and Helen

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Welkhome Bakhk!

We love the looks of the scenery and weather!


Misha said...

Welcome back, girls! There's snow place like home, is there?

TAILS of TANKENE said...

I just love Siena and the ornaments.Having any cold is bad but especially when it's cold outside too.Very COLD! It looks like the North Sea needs a warm blanket. Happy New Year 2010. Purrs,Tankene

TAILS of TANKENE said...

I just love Siena and the ornaments.Having any cold is bad but especially when it's cold outside too.Very COLD! It looks like the North Sea needs a warm blanket. Happy New Year 2010. Purrs,Tankene

TAILS of TANKENE said...

I just love Siena and the ornaments.Having any cold is bad but especially when it's cold outside too.Very COLD! It looks like the North Sea needs a warm blanket. Happy New Year 2010. Purrs,Tankene

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Welcome home! We are glad you all got back safe and sound. The photos are beautiful.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Glad you're home safe and sound! Nice to get away but great to get home.

Happy new year!

BeadedTail said...

We're so glad you made it home safe and sound! The photos of your trip were beautiful and of course you two are too! We're glad Chilli is feeling better too!

Happy New Year to you and your beans!

Anonymous said...

Such lovely photos! But it looks quite were wise to go into super snuggle mode. Glad you're back, safe, sound, and sniffle free.

Ellen Whyte said...

Siena I have to say this: You have a beautiful furry butt!

Miss Lizzy said...

So glad to have you back!! Looks like you all had a lovely time. I loved the pictures of the North Sea -- very beautiful in an austere sort of way. No matter how much fun you have while away, it is always good to come home. Happy New Year, friends!

Sweet Purrfections said...

So glad the two of you are home, safe and sound. Happy New Year!

Quill and Greyson said...

So happy to have all our ladies home and safe. We missed you!

I like some kitty pheromone spray in the carrier. It calms me down.

GLOGIRLY said...

Happy New Year friends!!!

So glad you are all safe and sound at home. I'm sure you are busy planning lots of new years naps. Thanks for coming by my blog!

(Glogirly's cat)

Teddy Westlife said...

I'm glad to see everycat made it home safely. Happy new year to you!

Forever Foster said...

Happy New Year, and welcome home! We missed you girls! We are happy to hear that little Chillimus is feeling better, and that you enjoyed your holiday. Your mum's photos are beautiful.

curator said...

A gardening cat blog! Yay, how neat and such lovely photos!

D said...

Hola!!! Gracias, y muy Feliz año para ustedes también!!
Pronto posteare algunas fotos de mis gatitos :)
Love kitteh!!

Anonymous said...

It always nice to be back home. The photos were really interesting ~ tell yoor mom thanks for sharing.

Happy 2010.

Milo and Alfie xx

Luna und Luzie said...

Hahaha, Luna macht das auch immer. Es is sehr angenehm wenn eine 6kg Katze auf einem rumtrampelt.
Es sieht übrigens sehr gemütlich bei euch aus. kein Wunder, dass die katzen so kuschelig sind.

Die Nordsee im Winter ist toll.
Wir waren mal über Silvester auf Spiekerook, da ist die Nordsee zugefroren und die Fähren konnten nicht zurückfahren. Es hat Spaß gemacht auf der gefrorenen See spazieren zu gehen.Was für ein Erlebnis. Das kommt ja nicht so oft vor.
Hier ist es heute etwas wärmer ...wir haben nur -2,5°C

Stay warm friends!

Everycat said...

Thank you so much for th ekind words of comfort you left for us on the loss of our darling Angel. It means so much to us that you cared about us at such a sad time.

We are glad you all safe back home now and wish you all the best for 2010.

That landscape is beautiful.

Whicky Wuudler
and his Mum

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Those are neat pics from your mom's north sea trip.

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