Hi efurryone, it's me, little Chilli!
I wanted to tell you about an exciting adventure I had: The other weekend I managed to escape!!! When the humans got up in the morning the window screening in the bathroom had been pushed out of it's place and I was gone. The best part was that Siena, aka Miss Escapista, was still there! Mom says that Siena was actually cleverer because my glorious escape coincided with a night of thunder, lightning and heavy rain. Judging from my dry furs and non-muddy paws when I turned up I just went into hiding somewhere - or at least that's what I made the humans believe. Hehehehe...
Mom was very happy when I came home, I didn't even get into trouble.

I had the best of times at Siena's Gotcha Day, bunnykicking and chomping away at our Plague Ratsie. Mom laughed at my owlish ears.
Nothing beats a good bunny kick in my honest opinion.
Chillimus Prettypuss
Troublemaker? You? No way Jose!...U r too darn adorable...
You ARE a bit of naughty girl, aren't you, Siena? But we also love you, even though we think it's bad to scare your mummy like that.
We love all the photos!
The Chans (and Tommy too)
OH my, that could really be trouble...best behave sweet thing!
Love your photos!...Oh, Chilli, we could never think of you as a troublemaker=just a beautiful girl with a silly, fun personality!...We're glad you were safe and came home soon from your wild adventure, sweetie...kitty kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Now that was a naughty thing to do--I bet your people were really upset while you were gone!
heh heh...We ManCats LOVE bad girls...
Hmmm, that didn't sound quite nice...
ANYWAY, Chilli, you are a scamp and we love you!
I am so glad you came home !!!
Chilli, that musta been quite an adventure you had! But we're glad you came home to those that love you!
Chilli, you must have taken at least 6 months off your mom's life, with worry. We're glad you made it home safe and sound. *Whew*
We loved your bunny-kicking action--and it's good you can amuse yourself safely INSIDE! LOL.
Poor mama! I'm glad you are ok and into mischief again.
Oh, Chilli, you are the adventurer. So glad you are home safe and sound.
You had a grate adventure, but stay in where it is safe!
Sounds exciting. I don't know if I'd want to be out in a storm though.
Chilli we are glad you did not have any problems on your adventure. And we are glad your Mom got the screen fixed so all of your new adventures can be done indoors! (We are sure she is happy about that too!)
beautiful pictures.
Wow, Chilli! What an adventure. 9 did the same thing the other day. He popped open the screen window that overlooks the patio from the dining room. He got to sniff around outside before Mom saw him and brought him back in. He got out a second time when he pushed against the screen window and it opened. He didn't expect it and had a hard time scrabbling back into the condo with a bush tail. Mom isn't opening that window any more :(
We're glad you didn't get wet or dirty when you spent the night outside and that you got home safely!
Chilli, we bet it was fun going out exploring but our mommy thinks you probably scared your humans to death! She said for you to not ever do that again! We say, just don't get caught!
Hi bootiful - I'm so happy you came home on your own and didn't get hurted out der. I hope you don't get an idea like dat in your head ever again.
Chilli, I'm sure your mama was mad with worry about you -- especially because of the weather. I know kitties are good at finding hiding places, but it really would just be better to stay at home so everyone knows you're okay.
I hope you didn't make your mommy wait too long before you came home again. You are a very lucky girl to have a home where efurrybody loves you unconditionally!
I am glad you had a good time, Chilli, yet made it back safely. Your poor Mom!
I especially love the first picture of you.
Chilli, you're the cutest little troublemaker we know!! We're glad you're safe but sorry you were scared by the thunder boomers!
Chilli you rascal!! Goodness ... Out all alone! Pfft ... Good thing you are grounded. : )
Chilli, we're so glad you got back home safe. We understand wanting to explore, but there are lots of dangers outside waiting for the unwary cat...
So glad you made it home safe and sound!! There are so many night nasties. It is best for kitties to stay indoors! :)
xo Catherine
Chilli, you are such a funny kitty. Please be careful sneaking outdoors.
I'm glad we're finding out about this after you returned home safely Miss Chillimus Prettypuss! Otherwise we would have freaked out!
Love your motto my furriend!
Oh Chilli do be careful!!
Troublemaker? Nahhhh, you're too cute!
Fank goodness yoo came home safely. Being owt and abowt isn't all it's cracked up to be ~ speshully at dinner time.
Wie gut, dass sie weiß wo sie hingehört!
OMC! Chillimus, what a scare you caused! We are very happy you found you way back home safely.
I wish I could come over and we'd tear the house down!!! What fun!
purrs Banshee
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