Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wordless Wednesday


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hi Siena! Nice to see you again. You are looking very floofy.

Pattyskypants said...

You have grown fluffier! xxoo Bhu

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is one beautiful picture!

Mariodacat said...

Hi Siena - nice to see you again. I've missed you. You are gorgeous and we never tire of looking at your beautiful pictures.

Michelle said...

That winter coat on you, Siena, looks beautiful!

Quill and Greyson said...

Holy Cod! You're a vision!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Very beautiful~!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You have a BOOTIFUL Winter coat!

The Cat Guy said...

I love the Floof!!!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

THere is our beautiful Friend! Good to see you, Siena

Marlene said...

Such floofalicious beauty, Siena!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You are looking very lovely, Siena!

The Chans

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Hi Siena! My goodness, your winter fur coat is gorgeous! Say hi to Chillimus for us.

meowmeowmans said...

Looking floofalicious, as always, Miss Siena!

Catherine said...

Such a beauty!
xo Catherine

Sweet Purrfections said...

Hi Siena! You're as beautiful as ever. We've heard a lot about you from our sister-before-us, Sweet Praline.

Luna und Luzie said...

Hi Siena you looks cute and fluffy with your winterfur.

Es fällt mir doch schwer die Bilder der flauschigen Siena anzusehen, ohne an meine Luna zu denken..
Nun möchte ich mich sehr für deinen lieben und tröstenden Kommentar bedanken.
Leider kam die Krankheit "scheinbar" plötzlich und unerwartet heftig... und ohne gutes Ende. Tapfere Luna hat ja nie gejammert und als die ersten Anzeichen kamen war es wohl schon zu spät.
♥liche Grüße
Stefanie und die restlichen Fellnasen

Purrfect Haven said...

that coat of yours is gorgeous! .. it is always wonderful visiting you. Love Darcy, Bingley and Helen xxx

Cory said...

You are spectacular my dear floofy furriend!

MizzBassie said...

What a beautiful winter coat you have! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrs.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Oh my, look at that beautiful winter coat!!!! You are gorgeous, Siena.

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

you are truly magnificently floofy!!

Anita said...

Tu abrigo de pieles es impresionante!!

SchneiderHein said...

Wow, das ist aber viel fluffiges Winterfell!
LG Silke

Annie Bear said...

Hi, I wanted to thank for for your comment about Lucy. It really meant a lot. It's what I'm thinking about just recently...trying to know when the right time is. She is everything to me that it's unbearable to think that she won't be with me much longer. Anyway, thanks so much for your note.

Purrfect Haven said...

.. us again... a repeat visit.. just to admire that coat :-) Thanks for taking time to leave us a comment. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

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