The lovely Sweet Praline tagged me for this fun meme. Instructions first:
- Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.
- Go to the 6th Folder and then pick the 6th Picture.
- Post it on your bloggy and tell the story that goes with the picture.
- Tag 5 other glorious peoples to do the same thing and leave a comment on their bloggy tellin' them 'bout it.

I will tag
Fui and Suey,
Pearl, Bert and Jake (hoping it might be a picture of the gorgeous Pearl),
my BSIF Momo,
Anita and
the "lot of them" at Everycat.
My you have grown so much Sienna! Your furs looks really short and thick there, a taste of the lovely NFC furs to come!
Thanks for tagging us we will do the meme tomorrow (Friday)
Whicky Wuudler
Who would have thought that you would have the long luxurious floof you have now based on your kitty picture? You were so cute!
ok, 3 - 2 - 1 WISH!
Whicky Wuudler who may be an hour out due to daft GMT winter changes
Tee hee!
You were such an adorable bebbeh! It's amazing how much your furs have grown.
You're just too cute!
You sure were a cute kitten. How your fur coat has grown!!!!
Thanks for the tag. I shall do the meme in the weekend.
Siena, you were sleeping like an angel! Your furs are much more luxurious now!
What a little beauty. We can't believe how different your furs are now. Tee hee, did you get extensions?
We will do this meme for sure, it is a fun one:)
Could you look sweeter? Yep!
Yes you were cute...still are! That's a great photo and a fun meme!
Don't you look lovely there!
We love the idea of a "Parallelokitty" ! We're going to try that one as soon as possible. You are so cute.
Abby & Stygia
...ahem, apologies, we have corrected our spelling of your name and added Chilli. We blame our ape, her typing and spelling just get worse!
Ohhhhhh you are sooooo cute! Just adorable!
Now get your adorable self over to our place and join the party we are having for Ruis birthday!
Karl and Ruis at The Cat Realm
Gorjuss pic. So cute.
Oh Siena what a lovely picture! And I'm super excited to do the meme! All I have to do is a little "file management" and I'm sure that I would "randomly" be the 6th picture :-)
Oh my God!!!!
En la sexta carpeta de "mis imágenes" sólo tengo 5 fotografías!!!
¿Qué hago Siena?
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