Our human loves that
sly look. The only problem is, she says, that I don't only LOOK like a lot of mischief - I am actually
full of it!

My nick name around here is Crazy Cat. I'll admit that I might have some
extra energy - I am a kitty after all! Mom says, that only now she realizes what a good and well-mannered cat Siena was and still is. Boooooooring I say!

Besides, I can do "cute" too. Don't I look like a perfect darling in this picture?

Siena on the other hand can't look any different than cute or pretty. She just hasn't my mimic repertoire! See how cute she looks in this picture where she just woke up because she heard something. Maybe this is a field where SHE can learn something from ME...
What do you think?
Purrs, Chilli
Hmmmm. We think you're a young kitty and full of energy. One day, not in the near future, you'll calm down and cuddle with Siena while watching a younger kitty go berserk. Happens to the best of us, Chilli. So enjoy it while you can. :)
You look so full of energy! And very cute too.
My Mommie loves the sly look, too!
ps: when we take photos, my Mommie tries to work the camera with one hand, and then wrangle me and my treats with the other hand. That's why we always have to use the Automatic setting on the camera!
Hi Chilli. Gee you really do look like a mischief, and very very cute too. And big sisfur Siena does look very lovely and very sweet. I don't think some kitties ever grow out of mischief, they just get into mischief less often...big brother Fuzzy has been running into the living room after breakfast and tearing big chunks off of a cardboard box!
Chilli...you're just doin' what kittens do...and looking very cute while you're doin' it!
Chilli, maybe you appear to be so bad because Siena is so good!!!
Hi Chilli! You look like you have a lot going on in that little head of yours. We love your bright eyes :) It sounds like your mum is having lots of fun getting to know you.
You two are the cutest of cats.
Chilli,I bet you really liven things up :) heeheehee
You are both cute and have unique characters. Siena can't be anything but cute and beautiful. Love you both!!!
You two are both so cute!!
Oh, you DO look very sly in that first photo!
Chilli, you have a devil look in those kitten eyes! And Sienna is so Angelic!
Silly and cute are both good qualities even with a bit of sly mixed in there as well! ;o)
Chilli I think you have a huge repetoire, it's just that you are keeping the full range of expressions secret for a while. Also, Siena is a very good teacher and you will soon be as demure as she is - well not that soon as you still have some kitten crazy stuff to do!
Whicky Wuudler
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