Today I decided to take a big step. I will share my best hidden beauty flaw with you. It concerns a bit of a sensible matter and if you're not sure you want to know it, you should close your eyes for the length of this post. To give the others some preparation time I will interject my Thankful Thursday post and will thank...
... Peggy and her sweet cats for thinking of us and honouring us with the pretty, pretty, pretty Butterfly Award:
A big thank-you aswell to Angel for nominating me for the Lemonade Award. Sadly she has just lost her furriend Wizard a few days ago. He was a fierce fighter and left much too young.

And then a heart-felt thank-you to my dear friends Goldie, Shade & Banshee AND to the Creek Cats for this furry special award.

"This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
Ehem, I will study the rules en detail in the next days. Promised!
Thank you again to all of you - especially from little Chilli who is absolutely thrilled.
Okay, eyes closed?
So, here's my secret: See that black spot of fur on my white 'tocks? Let's just say it's not my spot #13 (which was kindly hidden)... Not very proper for a young Girlcat is it?

Purrs, Siena
You call that a flaw? Is Cindy Crawford's mole a beauty flaw? Of course not! That bit of dark fur is your beauty spot.
Congratulations on the honors received, too...
You were very brave to be so honest. We think you are so beautiful that nobody will mind:)
Even your flaw is gorgeous!!!
I know a few Mancats who will be knocked off their perches over the site of your lovely fluffy tocks!
Isn't that a beauty mark? Congratulations on your awards.
::thud:: Gandalf just fell over. I thought he might still be too young for such floofy beauty! Not everybuddy can stand so much beautiful floof. -Grayson
That's a beauty mark, not a flaw!!!
We thinks your flaw isn't a flaw at all but where an angel kissed you. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Nuestras vergüenzas:
Mi mami dice que mi rabo es pequeño y Zar tiene una pequeña cicatriz en la cara.
No Siena, thats not a beauty's a beauty mark!!!
Concats on all those well deserved awards!
Ah, that's not a flaw! You are very beautiful. My beauty flaw is that I have been ::whispers:: overgrooming in certain spots. So, now I have some bald spots on both sides and on my leg.
Oh Siena, we don't care that you have a black spot on your white furs. You are still absolutely beautiful to us!
As for us, well, Sen-Chan has an opaque eye due to kittenhood illness, Tama-Chan has non-regulation number of toes on her front paws. Only Tom is perfect(ly GOOFY!).
Your greeting card is on its way! We printed out yours and gave it pride of place!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan
What flaw? All we see is a beyooty mark...
Siena, Siena, Siena! Your floofy trousers are magnificent, the little black spot makes them all the lovelier...
*glazes over & passes out*
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