Two imposters are out and about, trying to pass themselves as us. They call themselves "Sienna" and "Chili".
Beware! These cats are not us! If you know their hidey-hole please tell us. And yes, we want to put the bitey on them. Only the original Siena and Chilli can bring floof and craziness to you - stay clear off any fakes. If in doubt, please contact us with total confidence.

P.S.: In other news: Did you know hermit crabs feed on ducks?
We thought for a moment that maybe, they were your evil twins, like Earl Grey and Hurl Grey over at Furry Kids...
GREAT video!
Your Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan
We did not know hermit crabs feed on ducks. We didn't know they were so cute either. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
Chili, you are a silly willy!!!!
We will be on the lookout for imposters!
Cory, be careful! There they are again!
Laila and Minchie to the rescue! We will be on the prowl for these fakes and when we catch them, we will blow them up to smithereens with our lethal laser eyes!
We are watching out the windows for these imposters! We did not know abput hermit crabs, either. I wish Mom would get us a paper bag. She keeps telling us no one in town offers them!
That's awful - imposters???
We know that the originals are the very best!
Hmm... I wonder who those imposters could be?
We'll be careful about spelling :), especially because mom has a really bad habit of not putting the right number of consonants in words! Tasha will give her a smack if she does it...
Haha that video made us laugh. We will make sure we have the right Siena and Chilli!
Rosie says: I'm REAL excited about our flirty collars. I just hope I'm able to wear it long enough to take a picture. Fashions make me a little bit scairt. But I will try it because it is so cute!
What sort of cats have so much time on their paws that they go around impersonating other cats? They must be under the influence of some bad beans.
Thanks for the warning! I will be on the lookout for those imposters, "Sienna" and "Chili"! It is very sinister how similar their names are to yours!
Hey Siena, have you seen that Cosmo, over at "The World According to Misha" is running a "toehawk" contest? We think you would win!!!
Ouch. The humans in this house feels very guilty. And they'll put away all their toy ducks!
no, no, no. No impostors allowed. Only the originals belong. We will be on the look out for them.
Imposters?????????? Grrrrrrrr!!!!!
On the other paw,that hermit crab is so cool!!!!! heeheehee That was good :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Oh Noes!! It was not our crappy typing was it??? :(((
I is sooo soo sorreh if it was..momma has never been a secretary type of person.. she is better with numbers... :(
Imposters??? There can only be one Siena and one Chilli!!!
(thanks for the Gotcha Day wishes for Zoey!)
¡Pero qué indignante es cuando copian nuestras ideas!
Seguro que tus impostores no saben escribir en español... ¡Muahahahá!
Hermit Crab, that was funny. Of course you're my sister too Chilli, glad you love your new handle.
CatPosters Noooooooooo! And the ducks ... It's a world gone mad.
The Whippy Curly Tails
Imposters !!??!!! Where?!!
We don´t know much about Hermit crabs but we try to find it out!
Funny, that Video!!!
Luna, Luzie and Olli
Ha Ha Ha!!!!
Good one kitties!
I mean, good one Siena and Chilli!
The PM has hopefully learned her lesson as she has met up with those two imposters many times before.
Goldie, Shade and Banshee
We'll have to keep an eye out for those impawsters...sometimes they sneak into Meowmy's typing! She snorted with laughter watching the hermit crab video...that was a great one!
Those imposturrs are bad!
i'll surely bite them!
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