We wish efurryone a pawsome and relaxing weekend! Concats to the winners in the KFC!
Siena & Chilli
Beware: Recently the impostors "Sienna" and "Chili" have made appearances again! Just when we thought we can take our guard down! Don't trust them, they are evil!
Hello beautiful friends!
I want "nosekisses"too!
Fantastic post and we loved the idea about synchronised sleeping!!!
But mommy said that she couldn't understand what about that ïmpostors(?).
Anyway ...We wish you a wonderful weekend!
Purrs from Brazil
Luna and mommy Léia
I hope you beautiful ladies have a great weekend! I will keep my eyes open for the imposters!
Happy Friday, Siena and Chilli! Love the synchronized sleeping.
P.S. Firefox Spellcheck keeps telling mom to spell Chilli's name "Chili" - it must be part of the plot by the imposters!
You look so cuddly together! We are working towards similar poses but we will never have Siena's gorgeous floof!
Have a great Friday!
Tama-Can and Sei-Chan
Hi Siena and Chilli, James and I tend to do more "mirror" sleeping than synchronized sleeping, but respect all forms of snoozing! ~Fiona
Our mum has just planted a nose kissie on that cute nose. You are good synchronised sleepers.
We will accept no substitutions, ony the real Chilli and Siena for us! Siena, I'm a bit worried...I'm going up against Baby Patches in the Semi's of KFC (I wish that meant Kentucky Fried Chicken because I know I could beat her in a chicken eating contest)...
What perfect synchronised sleeping! Have a great weekend, girls:)
synchronized sleeping, you are doing it right! Mom is afraid she has created an impostor! she has problems typing the simple word of 'TEH'!
Siena win or lose you are one lovely floofy ladycat!
I would love to bury my head in your and Chili's fur in the sleeping picture... My Sooty used to love me doing that - He would purr something silly and I'm sure you would too!!
You two look so cute and snuggly! Who are these imposters? We won't get fooled!
How did you know I wanted a nosekiss right this instant?! *nosekiss*
Nose kisses to you! Waiting at the airport for a delayed flight. Thank goodness for free WIFI so I can see you lovely floofiness and silikiness :)
Nosekisses are the best!
Love the synchronised sleeping, girls!
Sorry about the fight club Siena. You are still a winner to us!
We can't believe there are imposters out there! We'd like to help you put the bitey on them!
We love the photos. Hope you'll have a wonderful and relaxing weekend too.
Cliff & Olivia
Now that looks like how I want to spend my weekend!
I nosekiss u!
Well, that sleeping pictures are adorable!!
Nosekisses from me and Harley both!
Oh that cute nose deserves some kisses!
Hi you two! Did you think we'd dissappeareded? We played in the garden so much last weekend that we had to sleep ALL WEEK! But we're not as good at the synchronised sleeping as you are.
Those are "xtra" cute photos today. What a great close-up!!!
Die beiden sehen zum knuddeln süß aus!
Happy sunny weekend !!!
Luna, Luzie and Olli
Yes, let's exchange nosekisses! And you both have mastered the art of sleeping so soundly your human thinks she did a great job!
There are imposters out there? We'll keep our eyes open for them! Have a great weekend, furriends!
Awwww, synchronized sleepin is so much funsies! And what adorabble nose kissies!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Nosekisses delivered to all.
Those imposters are a real problem. Did you know there is a Boy-cat named Fin that I have the same issue with?
Oh, Hai furrends!! Me been away fur a while an' me seez me has missed a LOT! Hopez U haz a good weekend!! xxoo Bhu
awwww what a lovely picture of synchronised snoozing! and Meowmy is getting silly and kissing that smoochable nosie!
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