starting today I will be available for professional tutorials on escapism for interested kitties. You ask why? Well, today I managed to escape and stay unsnoopervised outside for hours while the humans were away.
The other type of human was bringing back the rented car when mom came home and wondered why I didn't come to greet her immediately. She looked for me everywhere and as our appartement is really small it became obvious that I wasn't inside. With a feeling of disbelief and horror she opened the terrace door and began calling me - and I came rushing to her within seconds. As moms are sometimes she called the other type of human and started telling him off that he must have let me out before they left but he said he didn't do it. Then she realised that a small upper window in one of the rooms was tilted.
Mom normally closes the window when she leaves as I once managed to get myself trapped between the window and the mosquito net as a kitten. Since then I've never tried to escape through the tilted window again and frankly, mom thought I wouldn't fit through there anyway.
Look how small the opening of the tilted window is! I could have easily strangulated myself in there! Mom still suspected the other type of human when she decided to investigate the other side of the window.
The other time I gloriously escaped through the, that time open, window I flattened some of the plants on the windowsill, but this time it looked as if no floofy cat had landed on them. Everything in place!
But there was floof clinging to the mosquito net which wasn't inside the window frame anymore but had an opening further on the right side at the completely closed part of the upper window.
On closer inspection the dahlia on the windowsill showed some signs of an encounter of the cat type. Overall I left only the slightest traces!
Of course mom doesn't know when I escaped and I'm not telling but they were away from 10:00 a.m. to 07:00 p.m.... And little Chilli was alone inside all the time! Hahahahahaha! Btw, the other type of human isn't off the hook and will be interviewed on his return. Mom still can't belive it. The window will be closed always now she says though.
You may call me Miss Escapista. Ha!
Purrs, Siena

Of course mom doesn't know when I escaped and I'm not telling but they were away from 10:00 a.m. to 07:00 p.m.... And little Chilli was alone inside all the time! Hahahahahaha! Btw, the other type of human isn't off the hook and will be interviewed on his return. Mom still can't belive it. The window will be closed always now she says though.
You may call me Miss Escapista. Ha!
Purrs, Siena
You and Jasmine ... this week's escape artists !!!
Siena, you need to be careful escaping! You could get hurted and them we would all be very sad!
Good for you Siena. We hopes you had a grand time outdoors, but we are glad you are safe with your Mom now. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
Oh you are excellent at escaping. I am glad you came when called though so no one worried for too long.
You go Siena!
Although as Angel says be careful out there - I don't want one of my favourite floofy kittys getting hurt at all...
Siena, I'm so glad you weren't hurt and didn't run away or get stolen once you escaped. I bet your mom was so scared and I hope you never do that again!
Well, we're sure glad this story has a happy ending. Except for the poor other type of human, who has been blamed for this. (Aside from Buddy: I know how the other human feels. We guys don't have to do anything wrong to get in trouble!)
We are in total AWE at your escape skills, Siena. We will certainly be attending your tutorials!
Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Miss Escapista, that's amazing! I do not know how you squished through that tiny opening. I hope you had a fun adventure while you were free!
~ Daisy
Um, Siena? Please make sure to stay safe. Okay? I am a little bit worried.
~ Harley
Oh dont know how you got through there but am so glad you didn't come to any harm. Anything could have happened to you. Please dont be an escape artist again.
Hugs GJ xx
Siena, I need lessons!! I have been trying to escape, but haven't had much luck!!! I'm glad that you were very careful though -- you could have been hurt! I hope Chilli wasn't lonely while you were out...
wow what an adventure!
You are a great escapista, an artist indeed!
Mommy can't believe here too!
Fabulous post!
Luna and mommy Léia
Siena, you are too daring for your own is letting me comment but she's not letting me see the pictures because she doesn't want me to get ideas. We are relieved that you are ok and came right away when called. Once my momma Ellie tried to escape. She thought she was being so smart, but she ended up getting trapped between the screen door and the regular door. Mom and dad were closing up before they left for several hours. When they got home they could hear her meow, but it took a bit of looking to figure out where she was. She still tries to do the same thing, but they are wise to her now.
Didn't you get hungry and thirsty out there, Siena? Did Chilli watch you from the windows?
Excellent escape werk, Siena! We get LET out, so we dont hafta do anny excapin, but if that ever changes, we will be asking fer advice...
We gives you two paws up and a tail foof for escaping! Great job but always be careful when doing dangerous stunts like that.
Oh, your poor mom! We think it's amazing that you fit through that tiny crack in the window, but we're mostly just glad you're OK (and we hope your mom is OK too!)
Siena, we don't know if escaping is such a good idea...although, we are quite impressed!
You did have yourself quite an adventure. We're glad you didn't get hurt.
Oh LSIF what a grand feat! Be careful though, being outside can be scary.
Thankfully you're ok, Siena but our mom sympathizes with your mom! She must have been so worried!
Siena, you are one determined little kitty! My mom would have been scared to death!
You can bet on it: the other type of human is nearly always to blame! What a horrible panic moment; I've unfortunately had several -- one recently with Alice. Tiger is an accomplished escape artist as well and has even escaped from the pet sitter. Glad Siena is safe and sound!!
Siena, you were very naughty to sneak away, but we're glad to hear you came back and came back OK.
Hope that you had fun, and we are very glad that you are safe.
Oh wow, you are quite the Houdini!! We want to know your secrets!!
Sienna...scaring mom is never good. besides, inside is where ALL the foodstuff is!!!
Goodness! You must be very slender under all that floof!
I'd be happier knowing that you were inside though, Siena (and I'm sure your Mummy would be, too).
WOW - that is EXCELLENT escapism! But you've got to be careful because you don't want to get hurt in that window!
Siena, that is a very impressive effort! You are an escaping champion!
What an adventure! And what fantastic detective work from your Mom.
We think you Dad is to blame - Dad's usually are when it comes to leaving doors and windows open. Our Dad once left the barthroom door open when the bath was full of water - Alfie was only a baby kitten and he fell in and had to be rescued. No harm was done but Dad got told off BIG time.
Siena, good job! Cats can fit through very narrow spaces. It took my hoomin a very long time to figure this out, I can tell you. We don't have those kind of windows so Ican't get out that way, but I am excellent at sneaking through doors as people come and go. Also, once in a while, just to keep the hoomin in check, I won't come back in when she needs to go somewhere. Ha ha ha ha! ~Fiona P.S. My hoomin thought that there weren't screens in Germany, just windows.
Escapista, Harry Houdini has nothing on you!
Oh that was a great escape! You are such a beautiful kitty. I'm sure your Mommy couldn't get mad at you.
Oh my, Siena! On one paw, we admire your persistance and derring-do; on the other paw, we are so afraid that you might get hurt or stolen and we know your Mommy would be absolutely heart-broken if anything were to happen to you. We still think that "cherchez l'homme" is the answer...Meowmy says that translates as "blame the other sort of human, they're usually the guilty party!"
Siena, you are good! We definitely need some tips on escapism! We'd like to learn from the pro herself!
P.S. Has your package arrived yet?
I'm so glad that you came when your Mommy called you from the garden. Phew! You're safe and you listen well. Thank goodness!
Take care when you escape. 9 and Chani are in awe of your bravery and escape talents. They're not so sure about going outside yet. I carried 9 out on our deck once and he wasn't too happy about it. Still, he and Chani love the outdoor smells.
Siena, you are my inspiration! Can you give me some private lessons??
I too escaped last week and will post about it next week. We got off kilter in the posts with Shade's nose attack!
Purrs, Banshee
That's very clever, Siena. Amazing that you managed to get out of that window. Olivia is an escape artist too, maybe you two should exchange escape stories :-)
P.s. Our Woman says she thinks your mom must have been sooo worried! We're all glad you are ok.
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