What I purrsonally knew all along is now- as of yesterday evening - offcial: I am a very fierce huntress.
I have caught a real mousie!
Can you believe that mom said not all of you might want to see this?! What is she talking about? Of course you want to see my first prey - that's a milestone!
All of a sudden my mousie disappeared though. One moment it was laying in front of my paws and then it was gone. I sniffed all over the place but it left without a trace... I shall search for it tomorrow. Oh, and Siena only watched from a distance - I think she was afraid of the mousie. Hahahahaha! My floofy sisfur only plays with mousies with floofy tails. She's such a gentle giant!
I wish each and efurryone of you a pawsome weekend!
Your fierce 9 months old huntress Chilli.
Chilli, you sure look f-f-fierce to me - Guess you like your meat 'au natural' *cringe*
Personally, I like my meat lightly steamed and chopped into bite-size pieces. I let my mommy do the hunting (in the supermarket). Haha.
You go Chilli!!!
You'll have to teach Siena how you do it!!
Chilli, you haff every reason to be proud - catching your first real liv mousie is impawtant. Where did it go to - did it run away - or did someone steal it? Or Did your Mom .... ?
Oh Chilli you are clever. I would love to do that but dont get out for long enough. For some reason mum said ohhh no lol. Did your mum spirit it away when you were not looking.
Well done man cat !!!
Hugs GJ x
That is SO COOL, Chilli!!!!! I am hoping to follow in your footsteps one of these days, assisted by my very fierce younger sister.
That's a great accomplishment, Chilli! We've been trying to get a live mousie here for a long time but no luck. Your Mom is cooler than our mom!
Samson and Delilah
Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, a real mousie!! Wow, you are such a good huntress indeed!!
We likes our mousies real too!
Wow, I'm very impressed Chilli! And that looks like a big mouse! I bet he never ever saw your coming!
Wow Chilli and you accomplished this while you are still a garden cat in training! Jonesie and Cecilia are totally impressed, as am I! :::clapping paws:::
So now the mystery...where did it go?
Nice work! That one is bigger than any that have been caught here.We wonder where it went though.
We don't think we've ever seen a real mouse, so we were very interested in the video. Very impressive, Chilli!
Yay Chilli! Your very first mousie!! We so impressed by your huntress skills!!
Congratulations Chilli!!!!! Can you believe our Mom is afraid of mice. She will not let Scylla bring them in the house and sends Daddy to dispose of them. We are so tired of our prey being disposed of.
Charybdis got a bird the other day. The bad Mommy let Fenris rescue it from her. We thinks it was OK, once Charybdis let it out of her mouth. ~S,S,C & F
You GO GIRL!! AWESOME CHILLI! I thought lizards were fun...if I ONLY had a MOUSE!!
Ohmigod! Dear Chilli, you did it in fact! Congratulations you are a good hunter!
My mommy is a little bit "green"here I don't know the reason!!!!
I'm your fan!
Have a beautiful weekend in your fabulous and magic "GARDEN"!
purrs from Brazil
( and mommy Léia )
Riley is jealous !!!
Wow! You are a wonder, even with a tinker bell collar.
I must be a pacifist with LSIF as I have never killed anything (bugs notwithstanding).
Congratulations, Chilli! I have never even SEEN a real, live mouse, let alone caught one! Very impressive.
You are a great hunter! Mouses are fast! it looks like you made it ded! We have never seen a mouse! That is good since we don't go outside!
Oh you were a very good hunter cat... except for when the mouse disappeared...
Oh my Cod! You caught a real mousie! Don't eat it if you catch it again, our Mama says that they can give you worms in your poops!
Oh my gosh, Chilli, you are truly fierce. What an eventful week in your garden! Fights, escapes and now this. Goodness, your Mom must be looking forward to relaxing this weekend!
Purrs and hugs,
9 and Chani
Awesome job!!
Congratulation Chilli you look great. My cat use to catch the mouse just to play with if, I usually threw it outside after a bit. Hope your bean has a Happy Mothers Day.
Congratulations on your first mouse Chilli! You're obviously a great huntress - your mom must be very proud. Thank you for posting the video, we enjoyed it!
We wish you and Siena and mom a wonderful weekend.
Cliff and Olivia
Great job on catching a mousie Chilli! Our mousie's are all fake and pretty easy to catch since they don't run so we are very impressed with you!
Angel & Isabella
Hi Chilli. You are a great huntress! Your have that mousie held just the right way and you played with it very professionally! We must be getting soft in our old age...we were sort of glad that we didn't see you crunching on it, that it disappeared before that could happen.
Oh, U iz fierce! Me never ketch mousies. xxoo Bhu
The cats:
Oh, Chilli, congratulations to your first mousie. We are deeply impressed. ?!?! That is great!
Luna, Luzie and Olli
The mom: Didn´t you hate it too when they play them to death ....brrrrr
Oh, sorry, ich habe vergessen, dass du mich nach der Katzenminze gefragt hast. Ich habe die Katzenminze von einem Gärtner, der auch ganz viele Stauden verkauft. Kein Blumengeschäft, es muss eine Gärtnerei sein.
Viel Erfolg bei der Suche!!!
You go girl!!!
Our whimpy Mom is going "eee-uuu!"
Wow Chilli! We are so impressed with your fierceness! But we think that mousie was playing dead until he saw you not looking and then he made his escape...you gotta watch them mousies all the time! They're sneaky!
Cool! You are a good hunter! I have never caught a live mouse before! I have only caught spiders and small flying insects!! I could have caught a real salamander (in the house) if my mom hadn't come and saved it from me! Shoot!
Was your mousie playing possum?
What a might hunter you are, Chilli! I caught a mouse once. I brought it into the house but then I lost it. Mummy found it 3 days later (still alive)!
Woohooo, Chilli!!! You are to be congratulated. A mousie at 9 months, wooweee!!!!
Congratulations, Chilli, we are all HUGELY impressed with your mighty huntress skills; marvelous stuff! It just instills a new sort of pride, doesn't it? Believe it or not, GK used to hunt and he caught mice and small rats from the alley! Monger never did hunt, bit it didn't detract from his "cool" factor a bit. One of my most beloved cats, Norman, was kind of a ditz; he would capture the mice, but didn't know what to do with them, so they would be squealing whilst he carried them around -- then he would let them go -- just a big game! Tiger is a mighty lizard hunter, and he is more than a little impressed with Chilli!
That's very impressive - a real live mousie is hard to catch!
Ah. Your mouse is bigger (and fatter), but Dushi is only 5 months old. He must work his way up to the bigger mousies.
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