Maggie May, possibly the purrtiest calico around and most certainly the one with the longest legs, has joined the crew. It can't get any slender! Maggie has a taste for wrestling with her floofy brofur Maya and shares the birthday date with my own resident floofy. She's cool! And crazy! A big yay to Maggie May!

Alfie is incredible silky and slender too. He auments the greyness factor of the group again! I like Alfie's catitude and we share a biographical event: We both came to live at our forever home with an older sibling already awaiting us and had to endure their
initial hissy fits. I think we both did very well and now our siblings adore us. Welcome on board, Alfie!
And now to something completely different: a first assingment. Crew member
Fiona told me recently that she was ready for an assignment. Why not?!
Let us show the world that although we might be slender we have a mighty purr.
My purr goes out to all my furriends who are sick, recovering, who have lost a loved one or find themselves in any kind of other sad and stressful situation.
Graphic by Zoolatry.And in particular to the
Sherwood Bunch who are going through a very hard time right now.
I dare the Silky & Slender members to show something purr-related and post a comment linking back to their post. Purr away, furriends! It's for the good of all!
Yours truly, Chilli
Nice video of the kitty getting skritches... and Maggie May is a lovely calico! Alfie is so handsome! We is in love with the silky and slender crew!
Two more worthy members!
I shall start practicing my purring immediately!
Such a great club. Now unto the making of the not-so-slender-club ;-)
Luv the purr video. It's the best sound in the world. Jeannie is slender, but you can't tell because of her floofyness.
Hello to the new members of the Silky and Slender Crew!:)
I will get my mum onto figuring out how to record my purr:)
What a LOUD purr. I will definitely take up the challenge!
Thank you for letting me be a member of the Silky and Slender crew - I luff having my own club that Milo can't join ('cos he's chunky!)
I love the pics of all the other members too. How many members are there now?
Love Alfie Marshall xx (proud member!)
I am definitely not silky or slender, but I do appreciate the beauty of those who are! You have a fantastic blog & I will be coming back to visit often. Thanks for visiting me so that I could find you:)
What great new members!!! The group is getting very big! Wow!!! I will have to try and get the PM to make a video of me!
We missed you both!!!
Purrs Banshee
ps~ love the header shot!
We will have to try and catch Tama-Chan with Tommy as he is the only one she purrs for!
Sei-Chan was quite fascinated by the video, though! How old does she have to be to qualify for Silky & Slender?
Love the purring video!!!
Thanks for admitting Maggie May into your crew, Chilli! She will proudly display her badge on her very own blog!
Welcome to the new members! I will ask Jen to try to get video. I don't purr very loud though...I'm a little shy...
Welcome to the beautiful Maggie May and the very handsome mancat Alfie! Franklin sends greetings and many (unrecorded) purrs.
Wow, Bennette has a challenge on her paws...we don't have a video camera. Maybe a picture of her not causing trouble, but looks like she's purring? We love that Maggie May has joined the club. Our Cecilia is silky and slender and calico as well, but as she gets older she's starting to get, you know, a bit of a bottom on her.
Welcome new members.
We will get to work on our assignment right away. ~Scylla & Charybdis
Hi Chilli, we are not slender at all, so we can'ts join yur clubs. But we likes being fwiends with you.
Maggie May and Alfie are certainly two beautiful additions to your crew, Chilli! It is funny that you should post this today; just last night, Tiger told me of his secret ambition to join Chilli's crew. We took some "try out" shots & I will post them today for your perusal! Tiger has a pretty good purr, too, though it is nothing to GK's; his purr is so enthusiastic that he has to open his mouth to let all the sound out! Happy Friday!
ah what a lovely purr, Chilli! and what nice new members of your Silky and Slender crew!
Awesome! The more the merrier!
If we all purr as loud ans good as Fiona, the Sherwood bunch will hear us!.
I think Alfie and Maggie May are great additions to the crew!
And as for that purring challenge...I'm gonna hafta work on my purr...I don't purr loud for some reason...now, Wally...that's another story! He's a regular purr machine! But he's not a crew member (he's silky but he has to work on the slender part..hehehe!)
Maggie May is a beautiful addition to your crew! And Alfie is a real cutie, too.
Your new members are sure to have lots of fun in your club!
You are lovely slender and slinky.
Fell in love with them all, especially those long legs.
Hugs GJ x
James is the big purrer in the household, but he's not silky and slender. Fiona's non-loud purring is mentioned here: http://gardenfaerie.blogspot.com/2009/04/mish-mash-monday.html.
Ohmigosh, I had a cat named Maggie May! Love this post. My Emma is slender so she would fit right in. :)
You have some wonderful members to the crew!
Head-bonks from Gandalf and Grayson
Love to here you purring.
Those are great new members.
Ich habe heute versucht ein Video von meinen Katzen im Garten zu machen.
Sie wollten das aber nicht ;o)und sind immer auf die Kamera zu gelaufen.
Ein schöne Wochenende!
Luna, Luzie and Olli
OK-- got some pictures posted! GK is such a sweet and laid-back guy, his feelings won't be hurt! We are definitely decided on a luau party & wish you could come! I have found some great decorations & hopefully the weather will cooperate. I still can't get anything planted, it has been so wet! It is positively MOLDY here!!
How cool. I almost which I was Silky or Slender.
The gang is growing fast!! purrs to the Sherwood bunch!
I'm not silky and slender, but I have a purr on my post on Saturday.
Chilli - Nice purr there!
maybe you can get Siena to purr into the camera too - I bet she has a nice purr too.#
My challenge post will be on Milo's bloggie on Sunday 3rd May. Make sure you've got ear plugs before you play my YouTube - 'cos I don't want to damage your heaing wiv my LOUD PURRS! Tee hee.
Love Alfie Marshall (proud member of Silky and Slender Crew)
We are not sure this is what you had in mind, but we meet some doggies that are trying to help another doggie named Baxter. We are purring for them. We posted about it here.
Scylla & Charybdis
I love your Silky and Slender crew! Such great and loverly kitties!
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