Dear furriends, here's how the meeting with Dado went. We hate giving away the ending, but it doesn't exactly look like we will become great furriends.

Dado is a handsome fella, but he really should find himself another territory.

Siena is really good at the stare-down, she doesn't seem to blink once!

Dado gave up first and planned for his retreat. Notice the puffed tail!

Siena followed him. She's so close to the ground he can't see her (yeah, right).
Just look at her technique!

Chilli prudently followed them within some distance.

Other cats were watching

... it was that thrilling!

They settled for an ultimate round of stare-down.

Chilli's no good at it, it makes her
feel owlish.

Dado did better this second round.

Siena had enough, she approached him, settled to fight if that was what it takes.
But Dado retreated in to the safety of the wall over which he enters into the other world. What a slow-mo retreat!

Chilli still only watched from a distance.
Hear them holler! Chilli thinks that's bad language.

After all this Siena relaxed on the neighbour's deck. She defended our territory. For today.
Oh, the exciting life of cats!
Stay tuned, Siena & Chilli
That sure was a lot of staring and stalking and intimidating. All of you should be pretty tired!
Wow... Siena, you have nerves of steel! You are truly a super hero kitty. Brava!
Chilli, We know you helped as much as you can. Stay safe!
9 and Chani
We've heard that kind of very bad language between cats before. Lots of times it ends up with hissing and screaming. One of the cats who came before us, Babka, got into yelling matches with the young male cat next door, but they ended up best of friends! So maybe there's hope for Dado long as no real fighting erupts.
Gotta show him who's boss ;)
Siena, we are very impressed! You are one tough cookie!
You are so brave, Siena! Please be careful 'cos I'd hate to see you get in a fight.
Of course, the post isn't too long! We always love reading abou your adventures. You are a very brave girl, Siena!
It was funny o see the photos of the other kitties watching!
#1, writing on behalf of Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Siena, I'm proud of you! You're so brave! What a good example to your little sis Chilli!
purrs and love
Hi, This is the first time that I am seeing your blog! Siena and Chilli are simply gorgeous! I'll bet Siena is an alpha kitty. She certainly knows how to defend her property!
I don't know if you know about "Wendy's LOLSpot". That is where I LOL kitties from the CB and elsewhere, and feature certain kitties from time to time. I wondered if you would be interested in having Siena and Chilli being featured there. All I need is your permission to copy pictures from your blog to make the LOL-Cats.
You can check out my site at:
If you are interested, just leave me a comment there. I'd love to feature your kitties -- your pictures are amazing. There's some good LOL-fodder there!
Siena, you are so brave!
Ooooh, that made Gandalf get airplane ears! He wants to help run off the introoder now!
We're both lovers, not fighters, bit Fiona does owly ears, too. Siena, you didn't use your best weapon: poofing up! ~James and Fiona
P.S. Fiona has never gotten this kind of poofy back fur in the 7 autumns I've known her! ~Hoomin
What a defender, that kitty sure was running scared. Siena you rock...
Hugs GJ xx
ps That Wendy's lol is a cool place to be.. such fun..
Whew! We were really worried there for a while...we thought you might have to have a smackdown Miss Siena! Glad it ended with only a little yelling and staring.
Wow! Siena, you sure showed Dado! We don't think he will be coming back anytime soon! And the language you girls use! We gotta cover our ears!
Jonesie was closely watching your techniques Siena. She also bravely defends her garden against introoders. She was very impressed at the things you were saying/expressing. She also says your stealth crawl close to the ground was near purrfection! Dado won't be messing with you. Maybe someday he'll figure out how beautiful you are and start being nice.
Good job gotta protect your is your home!
your pal,
Wow, that was a lot of excitement. We enjoyed your singing, such beautiful voices. But aren't you afraid that will attract an even bigger cat audience?
Wowie! Siena, you are fierce! We are so impressed with the way your calmly took control of the situation. Way to defend your territory!
Meowee, Siena! I really liked how you took a low profile to handle this situation. Chilli, I think you were very smart to hang back.
Even defending turf you are every inch a lady LSIF! Those slo-mo chases are so cool. Mom can't believe how slow and steely you are!
WoW! That was pawsome stalking and defending of your territory.
Milo and Alfie xx
Wow! Siena are good at keeping your territory safe!
Siena, you're so brave! Chili, you're a little sweetie to not want to fight.
I love the pictures of the other kitties. I bet they were all cheering Siena!
I hope Dado's mom gets him neutered.
While we are a little sad to see cats not getting along -- we are all brothers and sisters! -- we understand when a cat arrives uninvited on your territory, you must stand your ground. There is always hope for the future that Dado will know his place.
Siena, you are very brave and I'm sure no kitty in the neighborhood is going to mess with you!
Siena, you are a very brave protector of your property. You soon told Dado that he wasn't welcome.
Good one, Siena! You make me proud. You make all us NFC proud to have such a brave SIF. What a good territorial defender and sisfur you are!
We haven't been on the net much lately because of internet problems at home and also because I have not been well. Thanks for coming by and leaving your well wishes. I am better now and am looking forward to the party at Socks's. Make sure you come by on the 9th.
Siena, you are one brave kitty! You showed that kitty what was what!
YAY Siena! I'm sooo proud of you, you really saw him off! You're my hero! Well done, you're so brave!
What a good guard cat you are, Siena!!! We were very impurressed!
How exciting! Siena, we think you're The Queen of Cool. You just calmly told him in no uncertain terms that he had to be on his way. RESPECT!
Looking forward to a sequel :-)
Wow, that was a big adventure! We chased a introoder kitty outta our yard taday, but it wasnt documented.
That was so exciting!!!!!!!!!
I almost peed my bloomers!
Purrs Goldie
Wow, that sure was exiciting! Mom LOL'd at how Dado was walking so slow, thinking, "If I walk really slow, Siena won't see me!" MOL!!!
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