Ever since the humans installed that
window screen in the bathroom and the livingroom we've been sitting in the window frame, longing to get out of the window again. Alas, no success. At least the way we whine we'll make any vistor to the garden think that mom is treating us bad.
Just look at this poor, poor cat. It must be sooo hungry and lonely. Tee hee..
Grinning, little Ladycat Chilli
Oh my sweet friend, I think it is just to keep you safe!Mommy loves you and only think to care about you!
Take care okay, at least you do not need to use leash! LOL
purrs and love
She is so sweet ... love her mew ..
Sweet Chilli! you are really playing it up!
Oh, Chilli, we really thought by now you would have figured out a way to escape!
Yes, Chilli, you look so VERY hungry in that video....!
Being an escapista is hard work and there are many failures for each success. keep at it, dear friends!
Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
MOL...Chilli, the misrepresentation of your actions is so clever!!! Damn those screens!!!
I think it is quite nice that you are safe at home! Still you can smell the fresh air can't you? Perhaps they could put some plants up there for you to smell too?
That pitiful little mew melted moms heart...but still didn't tempt her to reach for the wire clippers...
Poor poor Chilli! MOL!
Poor Chilli! Yes, I think your mews should net you at least a few treats. I'm glad you're safe inside tho.
So sweet. I think she is very lucky to have her screened in. Pretty mewoing.
You two are so smart, we know it's just a matter of time before you figure a way out through that screen!
Oh, you poor things :)! Chilli, you just sound pitiful! It's hard to be a cat sometimes.
P.S. your mom's garden is so beautiful!
Nice work Chilli! Remember to hold your tummy in tight, this will make passing humans think you are starving and in great distress. Also, make sure you make liberal use of the Silent Miaow, this is a most powerful weapon, use it and the window will be opened immediately.
Whicky Wuudler.
PS: We keep trying to blog again, our hormonal computer keeps sabotaging our efforts!
Poor Chilli, you broked my heart a little bit with your sad little voice! I like Whicky's idea to suck your tummy in so you look so very hungry!
Mommy had never seen windows without screens until she went to San Diego with Daddy. In MS if you didn't have a screen the bugs would come in and carry you off. We guesses they work to keep kitties in too, although Whiskers & Socks busted the screen out of the garage window once. Mommy said they could be in "CATS in Black" ~S,S,C & F
This is for your safety!
I loved the video is so cute =)
At least you get to have a little taste of that sunshine through the screen! Enjoy:)
Lemmmmmeeeeeee ouuuuuuuuutttt!
Hi girls,
We had to hide this post from Momma just in case she got any ideas.....if we were there, we'd figure out some way to spring you loose.....
jane & Alice
Oh dear! I know how you feel! Sometimes I sit at the back door screen and wait and wait to get out!
Of all the nerve!
Alas, FOILED! But it is for your safety.
Poor Chili, you sound so sad.
I truly empathize with you, LSIF!
They totally ruined your fun! At least you can still try, though!
Chilli, you sound so sweet but it's still a good idea that you don't escape through the windows anymore.
::Winks:: Poor kitty!
Oh my gosh...that is funny! You have been tricked, Chilli!
You look so cute - who would imprison you like that! ;-)
Well, we have to admit we do the oh-no-our-humans-are-cruel-and-don't-feed-us-and-have-imprisoned-us routine every time we have to go into our PTU's. So far it hasn't worked...
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