I like to check out what mom is eating. Usually I give it a sniff and then walk past - except for
cereal milk of course. But this time mom had something special on her dish. It had the most appealing colour and a sweet scent - after a few hesitant licks I dived right in.

It tasted delicious! Mom says she ate it for the first time too and loved it. It's a Kaki fruit, which btw is a natural remedy in Japan and China since hundreds of years. No spoonful of sugar needed to help this medicine go down! So, so yummy.
Purrs, Siena
We have not seen those before! We thought maybe it was a persimmon or something
I don't like any fruit or vegetables.
Looks yummy!
It is a common fruit also in Brazil!Delicious!
purrs and love
Yes it is a persimmon. In "french" a kakhi. I love them but I don't know about my furry friends, they never tried yet.
Wow! You really like that fruit! We don't think we would...
How exotic you are!
Oh, persimmon....we weren't familiar with kaki, but saw the post about it being persimmon.......yay, we love learning something new every day......xxxxxxxxxx
Yummy! That looks good...I like fruits and vegetables. Not as much as I like my cheese, but I think I'd like to try a lick of that.
That is so strange! Yes, I agree about the cereal milk (Dante can't wait until I'm finished most of the time).
And I've never heard of Kaki fruit, but obviously Siena loves it. I've heard of other cats liking things like cantaloupe before. And generally cats don't go for sweet things.
It's great you've got it captured on film. Maybe she's the only kitty in the world ever to eat kaki!
Wonderful to discover something new, Siena!
Oh my, that looks good! I wish I could try it!
Siena and Chilli, I won't see you girls for a few weeks. Take care of yourselves and your mom. I'll miss you lots. I hope to be back around mid December.
That kaki looks like our persimmons. We wish we could get rid on the persimmon trees on the farm. They take over the country.
Mom did not like them so we won't be getting a taste!
I've never had one. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Good for a cat.
my mom hates kaki ...
but looks so yummy ^^
Ñammmmmmmmmmmmmm que rico se ve ese frutooooo y con las ganitas que te lo devoras mmmm ñammmmm dame dame dame ?
Mmmm that looks tasty. It looks the same as sharon fruit which mum thinks is persimmon, so it probably is the same. Mum loves them but we haven't tried them.
You must get all sticky from eating them. But maybe washing after that meal is just a great dessert.
That certainly looks interesting! I think out of my two, Deli would be more prone to liking this..she's a big fruit fan and loves cantaloupe, bananas and strawberries
Grandma has a persimmon tree (the soft kind of kaki called Hachiya, not the Fuyu kind) in the backyard. Grandpa picked the first one of the season the other day. It was resting on the counter. The next morning, Mom was washing dishes, turned, took a step or two and slipped! Somehow, the persimmon ended up on the ground and mom stepped right on it. She should really look where she is going. BUT, she wouldn't let 9 try any! Sigh...
9 and Chani
That looks like some delicious fruit for sure. I haven't ever heard of that. It is really nice that your mom shares with you.
We have a persimmon tree too! But ours are really small. That one looks very good.
How interesting, i was just reading about persimmons today! It looks like Siena really really likes it. I'm not sure anybody here would like it, but then again, who would expect that cats would like cauliflower, broccoli, or green beans?!
I've never heard of that fruit before.
We haven't seen anything like that before but you make it look really yummy Siena. We like cereal milk too!
Oh, Tiger loves cereal milk too; the Monger used to try to stick his nose in my cereal he loved it so much! Never have seen or heard of that fruit. It looks like a persimmon to me, but you would need LOTS of sugar for that medicine to go down!
We thought it was a baked tomato! But we dont eat fruits or veggies. The Big Thing sometimes tricks us by droppin bits onna floor. We rush right over, but walk away all disgusted.
We've never heard of one of those before. But it looks yummy.
Milo and Alfie xx
We have never heard of that. It sounds very delicious:)
Very interesting! The PM always likes trying new fruit so we'll have to look for some. I like blueberries so maybe I'll give that a try!
Purrs Goldie
looks good to me. never had a kaki or a persimmon. diego loves the smell of tomatoes but as far as other fruits and veggies... not so much.
I love the hesitant licks cats use to explore--so different from dogs who scarf it all down first, taste and ask questions later. Have never heard of kaki, though it looks good. James and Fiona aren't interested in human food, except tuna juice which they love and yogurt which they might give one lick every six months or so!
That sure does look yummy! We neffur heard of that fruit before. But Skeeter LOVES fruit, so she'd probably chow it down! Also, we totally agree about the cereal milk too!
Hmmmm, I like fruit, but I never heard of that king. Be sure you don't eat too much. You don't want to have "litterbox problems", if you know what I mean.
Persimmon is good for health.
Your gourmet cat is clever to know it.
Your cats all is gorgeous and beautiful.
That looks absolutely yummy. We want one!
Hey - we wanted one of your feathers too. Hmm. Something's going on.
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