I am miffed. Very miffed. Mom returned from her study trip yesterday and both Siena and me were so happy to see her. Even Siena, who isn't a lap cat, hopped onto her, purred & purred and made biscuits. I was well on my way to forgiving her the absence of four whole days, when she TOOK ME TO THE VET TODAY.

The good thing is that this is just another reason for us to get yummy raw meat regularly - it's good for the teeth. I'm a healthy prettypuss otherwise and the vet commented on my very nice figure. I weigh 3,7 kg.
But still, mom has a lot to make up for. The vet!
Purrs, Chilli
So sorry to hear about that! Quite the trauma! I hope she brought you back some special treats to make up for it!
Poor Chilli! how awful for you! I don't like to go to the vet either. Mom has a hard time getting me out of the carrier when she takes me and I hate hate hate! to be without Chani when I go to the vet.
purrs in sympathy!
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! Poor little Chilli!!!! But here is a thought... maybe your mum did not actually enjoy taking you to the vet? Maybe she wished she didn't have to? Maybe she did it only, and only because she wants you to be a healthy Chilli always? Just maybe???
What an outrage! Now you have to be mad at her for two reasons. Minnie would definitely give me the "cold body" all day.
I gotta say, that header pic of Siena lurking in the grass makes me smile every time I see it. :)
OMC!!! After deserting you for a few days, then coming home, just to whisk you away to the dreaded VET??? She has LOTS to make up for! And mom says, she loves Norwegian Forest Cats and it would be so kewl if Cricket is one!!!
Poor baby! She no sooner gets home and takes you to the vet? The nerve!
Oh, noes! not the white coats! Dat wuz not a furry nice returning home prezent!
Glad to hear you iz a healthy, happy, kitteh, anyway, tho.
Happy Monday!
S..Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw and Patches
Oh how rude of your mom taking you to the v-e-t!! We're glad you made so much noise that people stopped and stared!!
Oh no, not the vet!!! Maggie May is already developing tartar, too. Our mom priced premade raw food and it would cost a fortune to feed all seven of us, so she bought a premix and is gonna make it all by herself. This should be interesting!
Hi Chilli - that stinks that you had to go to the vet. One of our kitties has a tarter problem too - some kitties are just prone to it. But it isn't too bad - maybe your mom will get some good tartar control treats just for you - they do seem to help slow the tarter down a bit.
Sorry you had to go to the vet.. I am glad that you sang out loudly all the way.. Hugs GJ xx
Oh no! She comes back and instead of being nice to you she takes you to the vet? That is so unfair!!!
I like drinking from the faucet, too, but James can never figure it out. It's good to let humans know they wrongness of being taken to the vet through loud meowing! ~Fiona
P.S. Our vet comes to us and that's let's stressful.
Sorry you had to go to the vet! But we are glad you are healthy!
Your mom definitely has a lot of making up to do, Chilli! How dare she!
We eat raw meat so maybe you and Siena can come by for some dinner...
Oh Chilli, I felt the same way when I got my shots at the vet. They try to be nice but who wants to be in that place? I much prefer my Sparkelwoods. Glad you are ok.Kiss Sienna for me! Purrs, Tankene
How unfair! I have had a problem with tartar since I was young also. Mum cleans my teeth every day with Logic oral gel to help.
Yikes! What a terrible ordeal, Chilli. Harley has some tarters, too. We are trying PetzLife gel.
Yikes, what a home-coming present! Your mom has a lot to make up for. However, it is best to get those teethies attended to early. I had to have 3 of them out not so long ago. That was no fun.
To gets toona, jus lissen for da sound of da machine dat opens da cans of da beans' food. Den, go runnin to da kitchin.
If it iss toona, you will jus knows it! Nuffing else smells like it...soooooo gooooooood!!!
Signed, ...Tigger
She loves really she does ...
That was pretty rotten timing on your mom's part. At least everything turned out okay and you get yummy raw foods to help your teefs.
Oh!! that is awful! The vets is scary! But we are glad you get to have treats!
Thank you, Chilli, for defining THoE for me!
hugs and skritches,
The Vet? Argh! That is a cute photo of you drinking from the faucet.
Oh, the horror of it all!
At least you're officially still Slinky and Slender!
Oh, Chilli, this is terrible! The VET! It's wonderful that you're healthy and trim though.
I'm really glad to see you! I missed both you girls!
How awful. That horrible vet admired you and said you should eat more raw meat? That butcher!
Poor little Chilli; vet's can really stress you out.
Tiger and GK agree that it is a total outrage! The vet indeed! And after 4 days absence! GK would like to warn you to take good care of your teeth -- GK ended up with severe gum disease and had to have his teeth out -- he has only one left!!
You'd think she'd wait a few days before subjecting you to the indignity of the v-e-t. Nigel wanted you to know he's very proud of you for putting up such a fuss! He did that the last time he went to the v-e-t. He made the whole waiting room take notice and they could hear him in all the exam rooms!
Greenies are also good for keeping the tarter off teeth or so we tell Mommy. Poor Chilli you Mommy was very mean taking you to the vet, maybe you should hiss at her. ~S,S,C & F
That's just dirty pool.
How dare she. The vet!
You had better start collecting all the special treats of forgiveness! Cod knows, you've earned them, Chilli.
Hang in there,
Your mom is sneaky! Does she know that the purr furr mance reports are due this month?
That's too much!
aw, so unfair...your mommy is gone for four days and she's barely home before she rushes you off to the vet! thank goodness it was only for a well-kitty exam, Chilli! we're sorry about the tartar...it's probably genetics, not poor eating habits!
We hate V-E-T visits!
Oh no ~ the vets? How cud she when yoo was so forgiving? :sheesh:
Milo and Alfie xx
Oh no, poor little Chilli. I hope the vet was gentle with you. I have to go in the next few days as well. I'm not happy about it. But I will remember how brave you were and try to make you proud!
Oh so sorry dear Chilli,
You deserve fresh and mineral water now for sure!
purrs and love
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